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What is your favorite dish?

I have never really thought about it, but let me think. As I see, my favorite dish has always been
changed. Two years ago, my favorite dish was pasta carbonare, but now I love eating salmon
and each dishes that are cooked from it. Salmon has a lot of vitamins that is necessary for our
body. One must admit that I’d really interested what will be my favourite dish in the future.

What is your favourite cuisine?

We live in the world where most people prefer cuisine that doesn’t belong to their country. I
also belong to this type of people. My favourite cuisine is Japanese, especially rolls. The first
time when I tried them were approximately 8 years ago. We celebrated my friends b-day. When

Do you have a “Sweet tooth”?

I have to admit that yes, I have a “Sweet tooth”. When I was a child, I ate all candies in
our home. My family was too angry with my, because, when they bought something sweet
For our guests, I ate it.
One day, they decided to hide sweet things from me, however I always founded them,
so my family understood, they don’t have a choice and need to admit that their child always
would eat all candies in their home.
In conclusion. I would like to say that nowadays I live alone and gave my family
opportunity to have all candies they want.

Do you know how to cook?

In my experience I have come to the conclusion that I can cook, but not good enough. My
favourite dish that I can cook better than anyone is fried egg. I know, now you 're thinking come
on “Fried egg”, it’s easy to cook. Maybe yes, but you have never tried mine.

Do you eat healthily?

How often we heard, you need to eat healthy food? Our parents, teachers have always
said the same things. However, what healthy food is mean? How healthy food is important in
our life?
Healthy food is base for our health. Vegetables, fruits, meats and any food. Vegetables
milk meals and fruits have many vitamins which are necessary for our body. That’s why human
needs it.
If we eat just chips, burgers and candies, our body doesn’t get necessary vitamins. He
will lose strength, immune and will be open for some viruses and deceases. Fast food is killing
our health.

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