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Answer the questions

1. Is English an easy or difficult language to learn?

Some people say that English language is easier to learn than another language. Personally, I
believe that if you want to know something new you just have to have a motivation to do it.
Maybe it seems trite, but it’s true. That’s an interesting point, in my childhood I was learning
English from 6 to 13 years, but I didn’t have a progress, because I didn’t want it to do. When I
grew up, I have a word to myself that I will learn it. So, nowadays I have been learning English
for 1,6 years and I will complete to learn it and then I want to learn another foreign language.

2. How long will it take to master English?

In my opinion to become a master English you need approximately 2 or 2,6 years. If you
decide to move to another foreign country which speaks exactly the same language that you
want to learn it may give you a better result.
Personally, I need to admit that this will be an excellent experience in you live to live in
foreign country.

3. Which English skill is the easiest (reading, writing, speaking or listening)?

I’d like to point out that speaking is the easiest skill in English language. What I mean is, people
can speak und understand each other even they don’t speak well English. The most important
this in speaking is grammar and I’ve really never thought about it before.

4. How is English different from your language?

The English and Russian languages are very different. Some people say that English is the
easiest language in the world to learn and Russian in the hardest language to learn. But these
languages also have something in commonб for instance: words and some grammar rules.

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