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GNU Health/Health Professionals


1 The Health Professional Concept

2 Creating and Editing Health Professionals

2.1 Party associated to a Health Professional

2.2 The Internal User field

2.3 Health Professional specific fields

The Health Professional Concept

The health professional is one of GNU Health's key components: It's used in
appointments, patient evaluation, surgeries, lab tests, etc. This is why it is important to
have them defined in your system before hand.

The health professional is a general concept: It covers physicians, nurses, biochemists,

psychologists, and any other occupation related to health sciences.

Creating and Editing Health Professionals

To define or edit a new Health Professional, follow this
path: Health → Health Professionals

The Main steps involved in defining a Health

Professional are:

1. Select (or create) the related party

2. Associate an internal user (login user) to the
Adding a new health professional
3. Define the health professional list of specialties
4. Set the default or main specialty

Party associated to a Health Professional

The health professional is a party with specific attributes, but is always a party. This
The health professional is a party with specific attributes, but is always a party. This
abstract concept of party allow us to be different entities at the same time. For example,
a health professional can also be a patient; both entities sharing the property of being a
person. The party concept provides versatility and simplicity to GNU Health.

When you create the associated party from the Health

Professional form, the Person and Health professional
attributes will be automatically set. At this point, you
need to enter the Health Professional demographics,
in the same way as you have done when creating an
individual. You might want to refresh the idea by
glancing over the Individuals section.

The Internal User field

Party associated to a Health
The Individual, when assigned the property of being a Professional
Health Professional, it has an extra - and required -
field. The "Internal User" field. This internal user is the
user that the individual types in then logging into GNU
Health. That user allows to digitally sign documents,
and to audit their actions.

Once you are done with the party, save the party
record ( Ctrl + S ).

Health Professional specific fields Associating the login user to a

health professonal in GNU Health
A health professional might have more than one
specialty. In the Health Professional view, you can add
all the specialties related to this particular
professional. Once you are done, save the record (
Ctrl + S ). This is important so the system links the
party with the health professional record.

Finally, add the information related to the the

Assigning a Main Specialty to the
Institution health professional from the list of
Practitioner ID this professional.
Main Specialty
Extra information

Although these fields are not formally required, they are very important and should be
entered in the system. Each health professional must have these fields filled in
whenever possible. For instance, the Main Specialty field will be used as a default value
whenever the doctor is assigned an appointment, or when creating a new evaluation.

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