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Mocoa, 24 february 2021

36-24 13th Avenue

Bogotá D.C.

Dear SirsVilla del sol neighborhood,

Villagarzón, Putumayo.

Villagarzón, 24 February 2021

36-24 13th Avenue

Bogotá D.C.

Dear Sirs


I am writing to you as an oil company in order to raise awareness of the impact that crude
oil has on each of the species or on the ecosystems of our planet. Environmental pollution
causes negative effects on the environment and various diseases that alter and even reduce
the life expectancy of millions of people around the world. The spill of black gold as many
call it, can lead to the death of many organisms, because the pollutants in crude oil
compounds are extremely toxic where a large number of oil contamination comes from
leaks in ships or transport tanks, from equipment underwater drilling and land-based
accidents. Where some of those affected are usually ecosystems that depend on algae and
plants, seagrass beds are often severely affected because many of the algae that live in
symbiosis with corals can die. Other species that feel the effect are those that live in the
superficial part of the sea, such as turtles, dolphins and whales that have to come to the
surface in order to breathe. When they come into contact with this spill they can suffer
obstructions in the respiratory tract, plants, fish of the different species and I can continue
with each one of those affected who clearly are too many in front of this serious situation.
Our invitation is to implement programs that allow the gradual and controlled replacement
of harmful techniques used in the oil industry with new techniques that do not degrade the
environment and thus avoid oil spills that harm the ecosystem and even human life. I thank
you in advance for your attention and we look forward to the innovative techniques to
reduce this serious problem and we can together preserve our precious planet earth.

Johana Arce Calvache

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