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Data analysis

Surveys responses were analysed using simple descriptive statistics to analyse frequencies and group
percentages (spss version 18; IBM Corporation, Somers, New York, USA). Thematic analysis of staff
meeting and workshops minutes, newsletters and project notes was undertaken with an emergent
theoretical perspective where data were continuously collected and reviewed by the Group. The Group
tested previous results and underlying presumptions with a dual focus to resolve issues in our project
and build current research evidence to clinical practice adjustments needed when transitioning to a new
work environment. Results were reported back to staff throughout the project, entered onto the project
spreadsheet and stored for future reference. Forty‐two projects were included on the CAN Group
project excel spreadsheet by MB. On completion of the study, data were systematically reviewed by MB
(literature, group feedback, survey response, newsletter, etc.) using the project spreadsheet as a guide
to identify project findings. The final CAN Group meeting was audio‐taped and then manually
transcribed. Thematic analysis was undertaken following a qualitative descriptive approach.

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