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Final Part-1 M.B.,B.S (6/2019)

5 Medical Universities’ Test Questions

RBC Disorders

1. Define and classify anaemia. Elaborate on pathogenesis and clinical features of Iron deficiency
anaemia. (UMMG)
2. List the deficiency anaemias. Discuss on aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and laboratory
investigations of iron deficiency anaemia. (UM2)
3. Name the deficiency anaemia common in Myanmar. Describe the clinical features and laboratory
diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia. (UMTGI)
4. Define pancytopenia. List the causes of pancytopenia. Discuss the aetiology, pathogenesis and
describe the laboratory diagnosis of aplastic anaemia. (UM1)
5. Define pancytopenia. List the causes of pancytopenia. Describe peripheral blood pictures and
bone marrow pictures of Aplastic anaemia. (UMMG)
6. Name the differential diagnosis of peripheral blood picture showing pancytopenia. Describe
clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of aplastic anemia. (UMM)
7. List the causes of pancytopenia. Discuss on aetiology, clinical features and blood and bone
marrow changes of aplastic anaemia. (UM2)
8. What are the differential diagnoses of a patient with pancytopenia? How would you investigate
to get a correct diagnosis? (UMTGI)
9. Define thalassaemia. Discuss on clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of beta thalassaemia
major. (UMM)
10. Name the general evidences of hemolysis. How would you investigate a case of beta thalassemia
major? (UMTGI)
11. Add notes: Haemoglobin electrophoresis. (UM1)
12. Classify congenital haemolytic anaemia. Elaborate on haemolytic anaemia due to glucose 6
phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. (UM1)
13. Add notes: Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria. (UM2)

WBC disorders

1. Add notes on Neutrophil leucocytosis. (UMTGI)

2. Add notes: Agranulocytosis (UMMG)
3. Add notes: Eosinophilia. (UM1)

4. Classify acute leukaemia. Discuss on clinical features, peripheral blood and bone marrow
picture of acute myeloid leukaemia. (UMM)
5. Name the myeloproliferative diseases. Describe the clinical features, peripheral blood and bone
marrow picture of chronic myeloid leukaemia. (UM1)
6. List the causes of leuco-erythroblastic blood picture. Discuss the clinical features and laboratory
diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukaemia. (UMTGI)
7. Define leukaemia. Discuss on clinical features, blood and bone marrow changes of chronic
myeloid leukaemia. (UM2)
8. What is leukaemoid blood picture/leukaemoid blood reaction? Discuss diagnostic problems of
leukaemoid blood reaction in compare to leukaemia. (UMMG)
9. Add notes on lymphoid leukemoid blood picture. (UMM)
10. Enumerate the causes of lymphoid leukaemoid blood picture. Describe the clinical features,
peripheral blood and bone marrow picture of multiple myeloma. (UM1)
11. Name the causes of disorders that produce monoclonal gummopathy. Discuss on clinical
features, hematological and biochemical laboratory diagnosis of multiple myeloma. (UMM)
12. Name disorders associated with paraproteinaemia. Describe laboratory diagnosis of multiple
myeloma. (UMMG)
13. Name the disorders associated with paraproteinaemia. Discuss on clinical features,
hematological and biochemical changes of multiple myeloma. (UMTGI)
14. Discuss on clinical features, blood and bone marrow changes of multiple myeloma. Outline the
biochemical and radiological changes in multiple myeloma. (UM2)

Haemorrhagic Disorders

1. Classify coagulation disorders. Describe the clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of
Hemophilia A. (UM1)
2. Classify thrombocytopenia. Discuss on immune thrombocytopenic purpura. (UMM)
3. Describe clinical features, peripheral blood and bone marrow changes of ITP (immune
thrombocytopenic purpura). (UMMG)
4. List the causes of thrombocytopenia. Describe etiology, clinical features and laboratory
diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenic purpura. (UMTGI)
5. List the causes of thrombocytopenia. Discuss briefly on immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
6. Name the acquired coagulation disorders. Write a short account on disseminated intravascular
coagulation. (UMM)

Blood Transfusion

1. Enumerate the complications of blood transfusion reaction. Discuss the immediate life-
threatening blood transfusion reactions. (UM1)
2. Name the blood component therapy. Discuss on immune mediated life threatening
complications of blood transfusion. (UMM)
3. Name the common blood groups. Discuss briefly on immune mediated complications of blood
transfusion. (UMTGI)
4. Outline the common blood groups. Discuss briefly on haemolytic disease of newborn. (UM2)

Diseases of Lymphoreticular System and Spleen

1. What are the differential diagnoses of cervical lymphadenopathy? Classify and describe the
morphology of Hodgkin lymphoma. (UM1)
2. Write WHO classification of Hodgkin Lymphoma. Describe briefly etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma. (UMM)
3. Classify Hodgkin's lymphoma. Discuss on nodular sclerosis of Hodgkin's lymphoma.
4. List the causes of massive splenomegaly. Discuss on Hypersplenism. (UMMG)
5. Describe the postmortem appearance of a person who died of hematological malignancy
(leukemia or lymphoma). (UMMG)

Basic Haematological Technique

1. Add notes: Red cell indices (UMMG)

2. Add notes on PCV (Packed cell volume). (UMTGI)
3. Add notes: ESR. (UM2)
4. Add notes on Reticulocytosis. (UMM)

Diseases of Respiratory system

1. Add note: Classification of emphysema. (UM2)

2. Classify lung tumours. Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of bronchogenic
carcinoma. (UMTGI)
3. Classify lung tumours. Outline clinical diagnosis and laboratory diagnosis of lung cancers.
4. Classify lung tumours. Discuss briefly on aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology and clinical
manifestation of bronchogenic carcinoma. (UM1)
5. Classify primary tumours of the lung. Discuss the morphology and diagnosis of adenocarcinoma
of the lung. (UMMG)
6. A 55 years old man presenting with cough and expectoration of blood stained sputum, what are
the possible differential diagnosis and how will you investigate to get the definite diagnosis?
7. Outline the spectrum of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Write an account on chronic
bronchitis. (UMMG)

Diseases of Heart

1. List the differential diagnosis of chest pain. Describe briefly clinical features, laboratory
diagnosis and consequences of acute myocardial infarct. (UMTGI)
2. List the causes of chest pain. Write a short account on diagnosis and complications of acute
myocardial infarction. (UMM)
3. List the differential diagnoses of chest pain. Discuss the diagnosis and complications of
myocardial infarction. (UMMG)
4. Define ischaemic heart disease. What are the causes of ischaemic heart disease. Discuss the
complications and diagnosis of myocardial infarct. (UM1)
5. Describe postmortem appearance of a person who died of congestive cardiac failure due to
rheumatic heart disease. (UM2)
6. Discuss on postmortem appearance of patient who died with congestive heart failure. (UM1)

Diseases of Vessels

1. What are the risk factors of atherosclerosis? Discuss the pathogenesis and clinical significance
of atherosclerosis. (UMTGI)
2. Define atherosclerosis. Discuss briefly the major mechanisms of atherogenesis and
consequences of atherosclerotic disease. (UMM)
3. Add note Complication and clinical significance of atherosclerosis. (UM2)

4. Classify aneurysms. Write an account on abdominal aortic aneurysm. (UMMG)

5. Add notes on Abdominal aortic aneurysm. (UMM)

Diseases of Gastrointestinal Tract

1. A 45 years old male presented with dysphagia and lump in epigastrium for 5 months duration.
Give the possible differential diagnosis and laboratory investigations you would like to do to
get a correct diagnosis. (UMTGI)
2. List the causes of hematemesis and melaena. Discuss on pathogenesis of gastric ulcer and
duodenal ulcer causing hematemesis and melaena. (UM2)
3. Enumerate the causes of hematemesis and melaena. Describe the pathogenesis and morphology
of peptic ulcer disease. (UMMG)
4. Add notes on: Carcinoid tumours in gastrointestinal tract. (UMTGI/UM1)
5. Write ulceroinflammatory lesions of large intestine. Describe briefly aetiology and pathogenesis
of colorectal carcinoma. (UMM)
6. Name the precancerous conditions in colorectal carcinoma. Discuss the morphology, staging,
clinical features and diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma. (UM1)
7. List the precancerous conditions of colorectal carcinoma. Discuss the morphology and diagnosis
of colorectal carcinoma. (UMMG)

Diseases of Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas

1. Write a short account on alcoholic liver diseases. (UMMG)

2. Define cirrhosis. Describe effects of cirrhosis on host. (UM2)
3. Define and classify cirrhosis. Discuss on effects of cirrhosis on host. (UM1)
4. Classify liver tumours. Describe briefly on aetiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of
hepatocellular carcinoma. (UMM)
5. Classify liver tumours. Describe the pathogenesis, morphology and diagnosis of hepatocellular
carcinoma. (UMTGI)
6. Discuss the aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology and diagnosis of acute haemorrhagic
pancreatitis. (UM1)
7. What is acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis? Describe etiology, pathogenesis, morphology and
clinical presentation of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. (UM2)
8. Write short notes on Laboratory diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. (UMMG)
9. Classify the tumors of pancreas. Describe the morphology, clinical features and diagnosis of
carcinoma of pancreas. (UMTGI)

Diseases of Skin

1. Name pigmented lesions of skin. Write a short account on malignant melanoma of skin. (UM2)
2. Add notes on: Malignant melanoma. (UM1/UMMG)

Diseases of Bone and Joint

1. Classify bone tumours. Describe briefly on osteogenic sarcoma. (UMM)

2. Classify chondrogenic and osteogenic tumours of the bone. Describe the pathogenesis,
morphology, clinical features and laboratory investigations of osteosarcoma. (UMMG)
3. List three most common tumours of bone. Discuss briefly on Giant Cell Tumour
(Osteoclastoma). (UM2)
4. Discuss briefly on giant cell tumour of bone. (UM1)
5. Add notes on Giant cell tumour (GCT) of bone. (UMTGI)

Diseases of Male Genital Tract

1. Discuss the aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology and complications of benign prostatic

hyperplasia. (UM1)
2. Classify testicular tumours. Describe briefly morphology and diagnosis of carcinoma of the
prostate. (UMM)
3. Classify testicular germ cell tumours. Describe briefly on seminoma testis. (UMTGI)
4. Classify testicular tumours. Discuss the morphology and clinical features of three histologic
variants of seminoma of testis. (UMMG)
5. Name germ cell tumours of testis. Describe morphology of classical variant, seminoma. (UM2)

Diseases of Female Genital Tract

1. Discuss aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology and diagnosis of carcinoma of cervix. (UMM)

2. Discuss the postmortem appearance of a middle-aged female patient who died of advanced
carcinoma of the cervix. (UMMG)
3. What is endometriosis? Discuss the pathogenesis and describe the morphology and clinical
features of endometriosis. (UMM)
4. What are the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in postmenopausal women? Elaborate on
different types of endometrial hyperplasia in relation to clinical significance. (UM2)
5. Add notes on Endometrial hyperplasia. (UM1/UMMG)

6. Classify tumours of uterus. Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis, morphology and effects of
leiomyoma. (UMTGI)
7. Add notes: Leiomyoma uterus. (UMM)
8. A 46 years old female presented with white discharge and irregular vaginal bleeding for 3
months duration. What are the possible differential diagnoses and how would you investigate
to get a correct diagnosis? (UMTGI)
9. Name the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding during reproductive age. Write a short account
on choriocarcinoma. (UMM)
10. List the gestational trophoblastic diseases. Discuss briefly on Hydatidiform mole. (UM1)
11. Write a short account on features of complete hydatidiform mole versus partial hydatidiform
mole. (UM2)
12. List the surface epithelial tumours of the ovary. Describe the morphology and clinical features
of serous tumours of the ovary. (UMMG)
13. List the surface epithelial tumours of ovary. Discuss briefly on mucinous tumours of ovary.
14. Add notes on Teratoma of ovary. (UMTGI)

Diseases of Breast

1. List the proliferative breast diseases. Discuss on proliferative breast disease without atypia.
2. Discuss differential diagnosis of breast lump in women, age between 35 to 45 year. (UM2)
3. Discuss briefly differential diagnosis of a breast lump in lady less than 45 year of age. (UMM)
4. Discuss the differential diagnosis of breast lump in a 45-year old woman. (UMMG)
5. Discuss on differential diagnosis of breast lump in 50 years old female. (UMTGI)

Diseases of Endocrine System

1. List the causes of solitary thyroid nodule. Briefly discuss on morphology, clinical course and
laboratory diagnosis of multinodular goiter. (UMMG)
2. Add notes on Multinodular goiter. (UMM)
3. Classify thyroid tumours. Write a short account on carcinoma of thyroid. (UMM)
4. List the malignant tumours of thyroid. Discuss briefly on papillary carcinoma of thyroid. (UM1)
5. Classify tumours of thyroid gland. Describe characteristic histologic hall marks of papillary
carcinoma of thyroid. (UM2)
6. Add notes on Medullary thyroid carcinoma. (UMTGI)

Diseases of CNS

1. Name the causes of increased intracranial pressure. Write a short account on intracerebral
hemorrhage. (UMTGI)
2. Discuss the post-mortem appearance of patient who died of intracerebral haemorrhage. (UM1)
3. Describe postmortem appearance of a person who died of intracranial hemorrhage. (UM2)
4. Add notes: Subarachnoid hemorrhage. (UMM)
5. Add notes on Meningioma. (UM1/UM2)
6. Write short notes on Astrocytoma. (UMMG)

Diseases of Kidneys and Urinary Bladder

1. List the primary glomerular diseases. Describe etiology and pathogenesis, morphology and
clinical course of post streptococcal glomerulonephritis. (UMTGI)
2. Write glomerular syndromes and their manifestations. Describe briefly on acute
poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. (UMM)
3. What are the causes of hematuria? Describe briefly on risk factors, morphology and clinical
course of renal cell carcinoma. (UMTGI)
4. List the causes of haematuria. Discuss the aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology and diagnosis
of renal cell carcinoma. (UM1)
5. List the common causes of hematuria. Describe the morphology, clinical features and laboratory
diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma. (UMMG)
6. Enumerate differential diagnosis of granular contracted kidney. Describe pathogenesis and
morphology of benign and malignant nephrosclerosis. (UM2)
7. Add note on Causes of obstructive uropathy. (UM2)

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