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In this video you’ll be introduced to reflective writing and some techniques to help you make the

most of the reflection process.throughout your degree you’ll be asked to reflect on theories you
learn and experience you have.reflection allows you to look back on something and think deeply
about it. By analyzing,questioning and evaluating the experience, you’ll develop new insights and
perspectives. Often, this will in turn challenge your beliefs and affect your future actions. Reflective
writing is a chance to think critically about how an experience made you fell and how this connect to
your personal beliefs. We all have our own perspectives that we bring to any situation, which in turn
affect how we see it. This process also gives you an opportunity to connect these experiences,
feelings and beliefs to theory and research. You can then use these ideas in combination to inform
how you might act or think differently in the future. But be careful. One of the dangers when asked
to write a reflective piece is to dedicate too much of your word count to simply describing the
experience rather than dedicating effort towards interpreting and evaluating it. The reflection then
simply becomes a recount of what happened or a repeat of what you’ve studied. To avoid this
remember: your personal perspective is important. Unlike other types of writing, reflective writing is
a chance for you to write about your feelings and exprerinces in the first person. To be sure your

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