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 It's the age of Studies.I just love studying…You learn a lot from your Teachers
and friends...
 You're very young…You can make mistakes without thinking twice..You can
start afresh every time..
 You are free of any responsibility. No burden at all..I'm the master of my
own self..You have the whole life in front of you..
 Everyday is a new adventure..You can have new experiences every day…
 The curiosity to try/do something takes you to places that help to discover
 You have a lot of free time that helps you pursue your passion..I pursue
photography as my passion..
 You have crushes everyday.. :p

 In the pursuit of trying new things ..sometimes you just end up doing
something ethically wrong..
 You're under the peer pressure to have a relationship..As almost everyone
around you has a partner..
 Social Media is a big distraction. .Leading to huge loss in Studies sometimes..
 Teen Rebellion:You consider yourself to be right always and parents
seem wrong..But the truth is just the opposite ..This leads to frequent arguments
with parents. You hurt them a lot..
 Ignoring studies leads to bigger problems afterwards..
I would say.. My age has more pros than cons..

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