Edm Reflection

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Ybañez, Ron Skibsel B.


EDM 1 MWF 12:30 – 1:30 PM

A Fruitful Life

In life, we want to be the best, have the best of everything, and be surrounded by
only the best people that can help us achieve our aspirations and goals. But as a
Christian, it takes more than just wanting the best, you have to put forward the effort, and
follow the path that God has set forth.

As implied by this passage, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and
approve what God's will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2), it tells
us to submit and love God with all our heart and soul, be compassionate with other
people, and to maintain the harmony existing in the community. God has already given
us his rulebook in the form of the commandments. However, despite this, some tend to
still defy his divine law. I personally think God expects us to follow his commandments,
but the human tendencies are far too complex for them to instantly abide by such holy
writings. Even though Jesus Christ wants us to live in an organized and harmonious world,
human tendencies cannot be avoided. Certain problems still arise, inequality is prevalent,
social stratification is embedded in the society, and a lot more problems are unsolved in
the present community one is living. These are trials that he is imposing for us to realize
our own strength, and that we are capable of surpassing these unwanted shortcomings
before us.

In a nutshell, a perfect life is non-existent, but a fruitful one can be attained through
Christ. That is why there is a need for us to submit ourselves to him, strengthen our faith,
hold still to our beliefs, and recalibrate our mindset in order for us to realize God’s perfect

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