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1. Do stereoisomers smell the same?

Give reasons to support your

answers. Use isomers of limonene, a terpene commonly found in citrus, as an example.
Due to the different molecular shapes of isomers, stereoisomers do not smell the same;
however, they may smell similar due to the identical chemical properties. Limonene, for
example, is a cyclic monoterpene that has two enantiomers which caused them to smell
differently. (Burnham, 2008) (R)-(+)- Limonene is an isomer contained in oranges which
gives it a fresh, orange smell. (S)-(-)- Limonene, on the other hand, is similar to turpentine
and gives a harsh, turpentine-like smell. It also gives its smell to lemons. (Leffingwell, 1993)

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