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Take an English class on the

passive with Sian

Video class available from 05/11/20

Language quiz

Now let’s practise what you learned in the lesson! Turn each of the active
sentences below into the passive. Decide if it’s important to include the
subject in your passive sentence, if not (or if you don’t know the subject)
you can leave it out.

Here’s an example to help you:

Active: The teacher told us to be quiet during the exam.

Passive: We were told to be quiet during the exam.

1. Somebody burgled our house while we were on holiday.

Our house…

2. My boss has never promoted me.


3. The cleaning staff will clean your room while you are out.
Your room…

4. The mechanics are repairing my car at the moment.

My car…

5. More than 1000 people watch our live lessons every week.
Our live lessons...

Well done! Now you can check your answers at the bottom of the next

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Speaking and writing practice

Now practise writing and speaking with a friend. Make notes on some - or
all - of the following topics.

1) Who wrote your favourite book or directed your favourite film.

2) Work that someone is doing (or did) on your house.
3) Something someone told you to do that you didn’t agree with.
4) An item that someone stole from you.
5) A place where you have to wear masks nowadays in your country.

Now make passive sentences using the notes you have made and share
your sentences with a friend. Ask each other extra questions to find out
more details.

Here are some examples to help you:

My bike was stolen from outside my house a few years ago.

My garden fence is being fixed and painted at the moment.
Masks have to be worn on public transport in my country.

Answers to exercise on page 1

1. Our house was burgled while we were on holiday.

2. I have never been promoted.
3. Your room will be cleaned while you are out.
4. My car is being repaired at the moment.
5. Our live lessons are watched by more than 1000 people every week.

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