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CloudMade Easy tips to quickly answer

General Tips:

1. Read the last line of the question first then, read the entire
question and options
2. If you not sure of any of the options go with the elimination
3. AWS always expect to use their service instead of your own
coding/application/3rd Party application
4. Many time small options are correct
5. During choosing an option point to remember that security and cost-
6. AWS new services are much expected rather than old service

Service-related tips :

1. If you are taking production or long time EC2, Reserve instance

2. If you want to run a small batch process that can be interrupted, Spot
instance/spot flit
3. If you already know when your instances are required, Scheduled
4 . If you see decoupling solutions , SQS
5. For hosting API, API gateway, and lambda
6. If you don't know how long and low frequent the S3 bucket will be
used, S3 Intelligent
7. If you want most const effective in S3 -> S3 One Zone IA
8. EC2 instance type tip to remember, Memory Optimized R(am), Compute
Optimize C , Accelerated computing G(PU)
9. Scale in the rule: If multi az instances are available chose the EC2
with the oldest config
10. EIP is only changed when EC2 is not running
11. HP Computing think EFA
12. Shared windows network drive fsx for Linux Lustre
13. Use ALB(Layer 7) -> for HTTP/HTTPS , For high performance NLB(Layer -
4), Avoid CLB
14. Static website -> S3 + CloudFront
15. Access dynamo DB and S3 privately -> Use VPC ENdpoint
16. AWS always prefer snapshot for backup and transfer
17. S3 is the single point of storage for AWS report,snapshot
18. If read traffic is higher create RDS Read Replica
19. chef puppet -> Aws Ops Work
20. Block IP address AWS Network Firewall or NACL but not SG
21.S3 supports two styles of bucket URL: virtual-hosted-style and path-
style URLs
1. , Virtual-hosted-style
2. , Path-Style
22. Readish cache to get instant access for SQL query and complex object
, Memcached only for multi-threading in caching
23.Store data and small analysis ->S3 + Athena
24. real-time data ingest -> kinesis stream
25. To Improve performance of kinesis stream-> Increase shards
26. Develepoers quickly deploy the code without creating Infra -> AWS
Elastic Beanstalk
27. Secure S3 objects-> MFA+ Versioning

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