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The animals that lived on Melville Island where far too cleaver for Yirrikipayi.

Yirrikipayi decided to take a holiday and swam along the Great Barrier Reef, all the way
down to the Kiewa Valley. Yirrikipayi was still very hungry so he went out hunting.

He saw a spider climbing a tree,

But the Spider said,

“No Way Yirrikipayi! You’re not eating me today!”

“My web is so sticky; it will make you feel icky”

He ran towards the Blue Tongue basking in the sun

But the Blue Tongue said,

“No Way Yirrikipayi! You’re not eating me today!”

“My legs are too quick; I’ll make you very sick”

He discovered the Echidna digging a burrow in the dirt

But the Echidna said,

“No Way Yirrikipayi! You’re not eating me today!”

“I have sharp spikes, that’ll make you yell YIKES!”

He sneaked up on the Koala who climbed the gumtrees

But the Koala said,

“No Way Yirrikipayi! You’re not eating me today!”

“I’m furry and cute, I’ll make you mute”

Yirrikipayi was getting hungrier and hungrier.

He saw the Kangaroo hiding the tall grass

But the Kangaroo said,

“No Way Yirrikipayi! You’re not eating me today!”

“My feet are very long and big; they’ll make you want to do a jig”

He saw a little black bat hanging upside down in a cave

But the Bat said,

“No Way Yirrikipayi! You’re not eating me today!”

“My wings are very flappy; they make you feel unhappy”

He chased the Wombat into his burrow.

But the Wombat said,

“No Way Yirrikipayi! You’re not eating me today!”

“I’m too fat and round, it’ll put you in the ground”

He watched the Sugar Glider through the trees.

But the Sugar Glider said,

“No Way Yirrikipayi! You’re not eating me today!”

“My fluffy tail will send you to jail”

He crept after the snake into the bush.

But the Snake said,

“No Way Yirrikipayi! You’re not eating me today!”

“My body is so curly; it’ll make your head whirly”

He curled behind the platypus coming out of the river

But the Platypus said,

“No Way Yirrikipayi! You’re not eating me today!”

“I am very wriggly; it’ll make you giggly”

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