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XX. SUBSTANTIVUL Substantivele au diferite functii intr-o propozitie. Ele pot fi Subiectul sau complementul direct sau indirect al unui verb Numele predicatiy al verbelor be, become si seem Complement prepozifional in cazul genitiv (Genitivul saxon sau sintetic) In engleza substantivele au in toate aceste cazuri aceeasi forma — cu exceptia genitivului sintetic. © Nota in engleza toate propozitiile trebuie si aiba subiect. Subiectul poate fi un substantiv sau un pronume. Substantivele in limba engleza se pot impar{i in patru tipuri: Substantive proprii: Ann, China, Paris, Dr Moody 128 Substantive comune: doll, apple, plate, tree Substantive abstracte: happiness, love, honesty, fear Substantive colective: family, group, herd, staff © Noti Substantivele proprii se scriu intotdeauna cu initial majuscula. Substantivele limbii engleze pot varia dupa gen si numir. GENUL 1. Cele mai multe substantive au aceeasi forma pentru toate genurile. Friend child doctor cousin baby teenager artist cook dancer driver teacher genul poate fi indicat de un pronume insotitor. My friend sent her son a present. The doctor opened his bag. Child si baby pot fi considerate neutre. The baby closed its eyes and fell asleep. Numele de fari sunt si ele considerate neutre. Lately, Kenya has greatly improved its economy. 2. Multe substantive care denumese oameni si animale au o forma feminina si una masculina Son, daughter nephew, niece unele, aunt Actor, actress waiter, waitress gentleman, lady Father, mother husband, wife man, woman Bachelor, spinster heir, heirwss hero, heroine Male, female bull, cow rooster, hen Genul poate fi indicat combinand substantive fri gen cu: boy, girl, male, female, man, woman 129 Boyfriend, girlfriend male pilot, female pilot Man dentist, woman dentist policeman, policewoman © Nota Recent, in incercarea de a elimina “discriminarea de gen”, exista o tendinté de a inlocui “terminatiile” man si woman cu person sau de a le elimina complet. In alte cazuri au fost create alte expresii sau alte cuvinte lipsite de gen. Vechea folosire Noua folosire Salesman, saleswoman salesperson Chairman, chairwoman chairperson, chair Steward, stewardess flight attendant NUMARUL in enlgeza substantivele se impart in dow categorii: numdrabile si nenumérabile. Substantivele numirabile se pot numira, adic au numir. Pot avea atat forme de singular cat si de plural. La singular pot fi precedate de a(n) sau one. Plural Forme regulate: 1. La majoritatea substantivelor se adauga -s formei de singular. Book, books day, days house, houses Donkey, donkeys safe, safes. git, girls 130 2. Substantivele terminate in 0, ch, sh, s sau x primesc —es. Potato, potatoes church, churches brush, brushes Bus, buses —_ box, boxes kiss, kisses 3. Substantivele terminate in consoanii + y pierd pe y si primese — ies. Baby, babies factory, factories fly, flies © Nota Exista exceptii: kilo, kilos photo, photos piano, pianos radio, radios soprano, sopranos Forme neregulate Unele substantive elimina -f / fe de la final si primese —ves. Calf, calves wife, wives wolf, wolves Loaf, loaves leaf, leaves life, lives Shelf, shelves thief, thieves knife, knives self, selves 2. Unele substantive isi modifica vocalele. Foot, feet tooth, teeth goose, geese man, men Woman, women mouse, mice _ louse, lice © Nota Atentie! Child, children person, people 3. Unele substantive au aceeagi forma la singular si la plural: Sheep,deer, aircraft, trout, series, species, salmon, means, fish, headquarters 4. Unele substantive exist numai la forma de plural. Clothes, pants, pyjamas, scissors, glasses, scales, stairs, savings, outskirts, grounds, goods, earnings, valuables, surroundings, arms (weapons), archives, belongings, proceeds, wages, premises, the Middle Ages, braces, customs, trousers 31 © Nota Police este considerat a fila plural. The police are inspecting their house. ° Nota Aceste substantive nu sunt Niciodata precedate de numere (one, two, three etc.). pentru a indica numarul, folositi some, a little, etc. sau pair/set, group etc. + of. Ten pairs of pants, three sets of archives, a roomfiul of belongings etc. 5. Unele substantive imprumutate pastreaza pluralul greces, italian sau latin. Crisis, crises cactus, cacti phenomenon, phenomena Datum, data libretto, libretti fungus, fungi Nucleus, nuclei stimulus, stimuli criterion, criteria Basis, bases thesis, theses oasis, oases Axis, axes medium, media bacterium, bacteria ° Not Engleza moderna foloseste adesea data, media si bacteria cu sens plural dar cu un verb la singular The latest data is highly encouraging. 6. Numele de familie se pot folosi la plural pentru a indica intreaga familie. Numelui i se adaugi un -s. Nu au loc schimbari de ortografie. The Kennedys are world-famous. 7. Substantivele colective se refer la un grup de oameni sau lucruri. Sunt in mod normal folosite la singular. in engleza britanica se pot folosi atat verbe la singular cat si la plural. in engleza americana au intotdeauna un verb la singular. Family aristocracy enemy company council Nobility gouvernment group proletariat —_press Opposition gang jury community — army public Audience crew navy staff team committee 132 The jury are about to give their verdict. (engleza britanic’) The public is opposed to the new tax. © Nota Spre deosebire de substantivele numarabile normale, substantivele colective nu pot fi direct precedate de numere sau “some”. Five OF THE group stayed past midnight. Some OF THE opposition switched sides. © Nota Ocazional substantivele colective sunt folosite la plural si sunt numiarabile. Romeo and Juliet came from two feuding families. Only two teams can get to the finals. Substantivele nenumarabile nu pot fi numiarate, adicd nu au numar. De obicei au numai formi de singular. Nu pot fi precedate de a(n) sau de numere. Substantivele nenumarabile se impart in urmatoarele grupuri: 1. substantive concrete water wood metal paper grass glass oil silver gold sand snow rain bread milk coffee butter wine fire food salt 2. substantive abstracte love beauty hope relief experience —_ advice purity joy —_freedominformation courage design duty capacity education evil time patience reality intelligence ° Nota Work este nenumirabil dar job este numirabil: Harriet is looking for work. John has found two jobs Works inseamni: fabric, parte mecanicai, productie literara, fapte sau acte. 133, Mother Theresa of Calcutta is known for her good works. © Nota Tata cateva substantive nenumarabile care in alte limbi se pot deseori numara: Advice baggage luggage furniture Damage hair — shopping homework information Knowledge money weather research progress Business spaghetti news — equipment 3. Substantive verbale (gerunzii sau verbe in ing). Camping dancing shopping jogging singing Smoking is bad for your health. 4. Nume de limbi German English Chinese Italian Spanish 5. Unele nume de boli, stiinfe si jocuri au forma de plural dar in mod normal primesc un verb la singular. Sunt considerate nenumarabile. Measles mumps billiards dominoes Physics __ politics ethics acoustics Statistics mathematics news electronics Mathematics is an important subiect. © Nota Unele substantive sunt atét numarabile cat si nenumarabile. Dar sensul lor e diferit in fiecare caz. numarabile nenumarabile a paper paper alight light a wood wood a glass glass an iron iron a hair hair He buys a paper everyday. The student had written av interesting paper on Keats, Paper is made of wood pulp. 134 ° Nota Substantivele nenumiarabile nu sunt niciodata precedate de numere (a, an, one, two, three etc). lata cateva expresii folosite pentru a indica numarul/cantitatea: A piece of information/furniture/advice/equipment/glass/paper/news A type of atmosphere/behaviour/violence An item of luggage/news/baggage A case of mumps/measles/flu Array of hope/sunshine A lot of strenght/security Adjective folosite ca substantive Folositi the + adjectiv pentru: 1. grupuri de persoane cu aceleasi caracteristici. Urmeaza un verb la plural. The rich are not always as happy as we imagine. 2. calitate impersonala. Urmeaza un verb la singular. The impossible has strong attraction for some people. 3. nationalitate (daca exist un cuvant separat). The French the Chinese the English the Japanese Dar The Poles the Germans the Scots the Finns Substantive compuse Substantivele compuse sunt formate din doua sau mai multe cuvinte care, impreuna, creeaza un nou substantiv cu un nou sens Babysitter chec-kup swimming pool mother-in-law Substantivele compuse pot fi: 135 1. scrise ca un singur cuvant, cuvinte separate sau cu cratima. Daca aveti indoieli cel mai bine e s consultafi intotdeauna dictionarul. Armchair can opener cover-up one-way street numirabile sau nenumirabile alarm clock fast food compact dise human race toothbrush drinking water waiting room welfare state yellow pages pocket money compuse din doua substantive. Primul substantiv este folosit ca adjectiv si este la singular. Chain factory (a factory for chains) Cotton skirt (a skirt made of coton) A ten-year-old girl (a girl who is ten years old) Car accident (accident involving cars) A two-week cruise (a cruise lasting two weeks) substantivele compuse numirabile formeazi pluralul aplicand regulile normale de plural ultimului substantiv. Mail boxes dish washers sleeping bags T-shirts Nota Uneori (dar rar) substantivele la plural pot fi folosite ca adjective: Sports car customs department clothes store Sales divison savings bank news item 5. substantivele compuse formate din verbe complexe sau substantive legate cu of si in au plurale neregulate. Passers-by runners-up sisters-in-law Lilies of the valley Posesia: of si genitivul sinteti. Posesia se poate exprima folosind 1. OF 136 in multe cazuri folosim of pentru a exprima _posesia. Substantivele, folosite ca adjective, pot si ele uneori indica posesia. Door of the car car door Frame of the picture picture frame Headquarters of the company company headquarters The color of the wall the wall color Needles of the pine tree pine tree needles Engine of the car car engine ° Noti Adjectivele nu au numar. Substantivele care devin adjective sunt la singular. The tops of the boxes. The box tops 2. Genitivul sintetic in cazul persoanelor gi animalelor folosim genitivul sintetic pentru a exprima posesia. Forma: formati genitivul saxon adaugand ‘s sau ‘ substantivelor ‘s « toate substantivele singulare substantivele plurale terminate substantivele plurale care in-s NU se termina in —s Naney's the teachers’ James's the Gallaghers’ His mother's the Waleses’ My children’s his sisters’ Utilizare: folositi genitivul sintetic: 1. pentru a exprima posesia cu referire la persoane si animale Helen's mother is ill. The old horse ’s mane is still very beautiful. 2. in expresii temporale one week’spay today’s news a year's leave 137 two hour's wait a month's holiday yesterday's partythe The plane had an hour's delay. Tn two weeks’ time Ill be lying on the beach in Bali. 3. cu pronume nehotirate ca: everybody, someone, anybody, anyone, nobody, no one — mai ales daca sunt insotite de else. It’s nobody's fault. That must be somebody else’s bag. 4. cu anumite institutii, grupuri, expresii geografice The government's decision will be made public tomorrow. The world’s lakes and rivers are in a disastruous condition. 5. singur, cdnd al doilea substantiv inseamna: store, shop, studio, office, restaurant, church sau cathedral. Go and buy a loaf of bread at the baker’s (shop). Their weeding was at St. Patrick's (cathedral). 6. cu OF (posesiv dublu). Mandy is a friend of Ann’s, = Mandy is one of Ann’s friends. © Nota Obiectul posedat pierde articolele si pronumele care il preced cand este folosit cu un genitiv sintetic. His child owns THAT bicycle. It is broken. His child’s bicycle is broken. © Noti NU folosim genitivul sintetic: Cu adjective folosite ca substantive: He intends to improve the condition of the poor. Cfnd posesorul este determinat de propozitii subordonate sau expresii Tungi. Td like you to meet the mother of the boy who won first prize. 138

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