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Junior Data Analyst

 The main role is to create, analyze and update specific internal reports with focus on FMCG
retailers. In charge of Romania, Italy, Belgium and Germany;
 Giving support in creating the adequate research design of the reports as well as testing the final
versions of macros (if the commands are working well, if data is read properly by the code, if the
final output is according to the requests etc.);
 Analysing data in order to provide insights for the customer (the main tool used was Excel);
 Analyzing shopper insights for different retailers and product categories (using SimIT – Shopper
Insight Monitor);
 Creating presentation charts in PowerPoint (sometimes using think-cell) – creating/updating
charts on a monthly basis of changes of client products, key measures or trends;
 The reports are created using internal tools like AnalyzeIT, SimIT or Consumer Insight Visualizer;
 Updating definitions and axis monthly for each delivery (e.g: if a new retailer/competitor must
be added in the analysis or a category of products has been changed etc.);
 Interaction with local teams from each country giving support and advise.

Rolul se axeaza pe categoria de FMCG a retailerilor lidl si kaufland. Se realizeaza rapoarte lunare
utilizand tooluri interne


 se foloseste o baza interna a companiei, in care sunt introduse informatii referitoare la produse,
competitori, atribute ale produselor, hh, categorii de varsta, categorii de persoane, magazine etc.
Atributiile includ tarile RO, IT, BE and DE.
 Updatarea definitiilor si a axelor in programul intern AIT pentru fiecare livrare
 verificarea cat si prelucarea rapoartelor pentru a fi indeplinite cerintele acestora privind formatul
raportului, datele trimise si indeplinirea termenelor limita
 Interactiunea cu echipele locale in masura in care apar schimbari in livrarea rapoartelor, a definitiilor
sau axelor (Interacting with local teams in case changes in delivery process (definitions, axis,
retailers or products) comes up
 Rapoartele analizeaza tendintelee de cumparare a principalelor categorii de produse din fmcg
pentru anumiti retaileri / competitori. Sunt analizate magazinele, produsele si atribute specifice ale
acestora care sunt luate dintr-o baza de date pe care eu o actualizez (lista de shop-=uri, categoriile
de produse, diferite filtre, perioadele si masurile analizate)
 Analizarea in simit (shopper insights) a unor masuri pentru rapoarte

kind, gentle, strong, resilient, caring, assertive, hard-working, reliable, honest, practical, responsible,
loyal, mature, creative, consistent, appreciative, capable, quick, sensitive, perceptive, patient,
thoughtful, fit, trustworthy, shows initiative, motivated, versatile, educated, willing, experienced,
efficient, open-minded, logical, serious, supportive, resourceful, realistic, funny, punctual, friendly,
humane – and many others!

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