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SCHOOL: Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 12 Tulcea

TEACHER: Niculache Simona
DATE: 5th November 2020
TEXTBOOK: Limba modernă 1- Engleză, Ed. ArtKlett
LESSON: Tomorrow it`ll be cold and windy
TIME: 45 min
TEACHING AIDS: laptop, speakers, textbook, workbook, video projector, board, markers
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: whole class teaching
TEACHING TECHNIQUES: conversation, explanation, brainstorming
SKILLS: writing, listening, speaking
OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to:
- Use the words related to the weather in sentences of their own
- Ask and answer questions about the weather
- To activate previously acquired vocabulary
- To develop Ss` speaking skills
- To make Ss more positive about using English in conversation.
- There will be explanation in Romanian
- Due to the connection to Google Meet, additional videos or the sound of the listening
material may be affected
- Ss will be evaluated based on their participation in classroom activities.

Aim: to warm-up Ss and create an pleasant atmosphere for the class
Time: 7 min
T greets the Ss and checks the attendance.
Ss greet back and prepare for the class. Teacher turns on the video projector and the laptop,
connects to the virtual classroom and checks the attendance.
T checks the homework and Ss correct their mistakes if they have any.
Aim: to activate the previously knowledge about weather
Time: 10 min
T writes the words TIME and WEATHER on the board and gives two simple sentences to
help the Ss to understand the difference. T points the clock/watch and says the word TIME
and looks out the window and says the word WEATHER.
T teacher announces the students that they will watch a short video but before that they have
to draw a table with four columns in their notebooks. T does the same on the board.
T starts the video and stops
it after the first images with winter. T asks Ss what season was presented and after they give
answers the word winter is written at the top of the first column on the board. T asks Ss to say
as many words as they know about this season and writes them in the first column under the
name of the season. They do the same with the rest of the seasons presented in the video. Ss
take notes.
Aim: to introduce new vocabulary about weather
Time: 10 min
T writes in capital letters the question What`s the weather like in….? at the top of the table
and uses a card with IT`S.. written on it to form the answers about weather in spring.
e.g. Question: What`s the weather like in spring/summer, etc?
Answers: In spring IT`S warm.
In summer IT`S sunny.
Ss give answers and take notes. T explains that some adjectives like hot or warm stay the
same but some nouns like cloud or wind take the letter –y at the end to form an adjective that
describes the weather. E.g. wind + -y = windy
Aim: to practice the new vocabulary using different types of exercises
Time: 10 min.
T asks Ss to open their book at page 22. They will solve the exercises there. T plays the audio
for the first exercise and Ss give answers (same with the second one). The audio will be
played twice if necessary.
Aim: to develop Ss` speaking skills
Time: 5 min
T asks Ss to give answers to the questions in ex. 4. Ss read the example given and give
answers about themselves.
Aim: to give feedback and grade the Ss.
Time: 3 min
T asks Ss to check the English course on Google Classroom and solve the worksheet posted
there as homework. They have to solve ex. 1, 2, 3 and 6.

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