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Daniel Richard

Where I’m From

I am from cowboy boots,
From dirt roads and creek crossings.
I am from the mountains and valleys.
I am from the fourwheeler rides,
The wind blowing through my hair
And the mud flying up from the tires.

I’m from Louis L’Amour,

From John Grisham.
I am from the stories that let the imagination run.
I am from the football fields,
From the basketball courts and weight rooms.

I am from chocolate gravy,

From black coffee and hot chocolate.
I am from the hay fields and the log woods.
I am from country music and the tunes of the banjo.

Through my family I see the happiness that I spread,

I think about the people that I impact.
I am from the moments of love,
Where friends and family are cherished
And dropping anything to help someone else is what matters.

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