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Installing the mod: place the World-War-2 file under C:\Program

Files\Dreamcatcher\Superpower 2\MODS and thats it.

you can leave the World-War-2 shortcut where it is or move it to desktop or where
ever you want.


Unzip the content of this .zip into your "superpower2/mods/sp2/data" folder. Make
sure to back up all files replaced. (its your own fault if you mess up your game by
attempting this)


- Nazi Germany added

- Jewish religion added in Germany
- Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina are now SPD with the original fascist
political parties
- Spain is military dictatorship
- Allies and Axis Powers alliances were created
- China is split between nationalist and communist (civil war)
- Tibet is free
- Japan is monarchy
- Japanese occupation (not annexed) in South Korea, North Korea and east part of
- Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia included
- Moldova belongs to Romania
- Kaliningrad renamed to K�nigsberg and now belongs to Germany
- Japanese northern islands belongs to Japan (not Russia anymore)
- Japan, Germany, Italy, USSR, Yugoslavia, Nationalist China and Tibet have the
original flags in WW II

WW II Mod used the SUPER USSR MOD v3 (Created by RyanF68705
as basis. I tried to rebuild the 1936 scenery with some modifications.


:::::VERSION 2.0::::::


- Comintern alliance created

- New countries : Tyva Tallu, Republic Spain
- Fixed the colonization
- Mongolia is SPD
- Poland is monarchy
- Renamed countries : Iran - Persia ; Thailand - Siam
- Reformulated map of Poland, Germany, Romania, Hungary, Soviet Union and Communist

- Lenin

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