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The speaker of the source is Dr.

Francois Bernier, who is a French traveler from the Mughal

empire. This passage is from 1656-1668. This is important when considering his argument. He is
of the mindset that peasants and tyrants have about the land they either work or possess. His tone
is strong, but not authoritative. He is talking strongly about the tyrants of the land, which reveals
how he feels about them. It seems as if he is taking both sides of the argument though, as he
ponders how each side feels about the land. The reliability of this source is somewhat credible,
but not entirely on its own. This could be useful as an outside perspective on how the tyrants
ruled over their land and how the peasants felt about this. There is not a tone of bias, but his past
experiences with lords like this might influence his words slightly.

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