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LITCHFIELD, July 17 – A Rainbow Airlines plane has just crashed on landing.

There were few survivors. They were taken to a nearby hospital.
July 18 – Among the survivors of yesterday’s devastating Rainbow Airlines crash
are Mrs. Bella Lincoln, age fifty-six, and her daughter, Peggy Lincoln, age twenty-two.
Both are in critical condition with severe burns.
July 19 – Bella and her daughter are still unconscious and are not expected to live.
Their survival so far has amazed their doctors and relatives.
July 27 – Bella and her daughter, two victims of the Rainbow Airlines crash, are
now in stable condition, but none has regained consciousness. They have been breathing
on life-support systems since the crash. Doctors have very little hope that they will pull
Dec. 20 – It has been over five months since the two crash victims were put on
life-support machines. Doctors are puzzled by the patients’ conditions.

1. Discuss when doctors should use life-support systems.
2. If you think doctors should use life-support system, should they use them
a. Indefinitely or only for a certain period of time?
b. With older patients or with younger patients?
c. With patients who have terminal diseases or with patients with temporary
3. In your opinion, is a person technically dead
a. When the heart stops?
b. When breathing stops?
c. When the brain stops?
4. The husband and father, Mr. Fred Lincoln, wants the machines disconnected. The
doctors refuse, what are the reasons for each?
5. Suppose that Fred changes his mind and wants both his wife and daughter to
remain on the life-support machines. However, he has to pay for this service and
he has enough money for only one machine. Which person should continue on the
machine-his wife or his daughter?

Yeti English Course

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