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Business Credit Jumpstart

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Welcome Letter....................................................................................... 6

Mark’s Story............................................................................................ 7

SECTION ONE: Understanding the Power of Business Credit . ............................. 13

The Benefits of Business Credit According to Dun and Bradstreet.......................... 14

Most Frequently Asked Questions about Business Credit..................................... 20

SECTION TWO: The Business Jumpstart Process.............................................. 28

Step One: Building your Credit File to Qualify for Cash....................................... 29

Questions to Ask Before you set up your Corporation........................................ 31

Step by Step Guide to Setting up your Corporate Entity..................................... 35

Common Mistakes to Avoid while Incorporating............................................... 41

3 Action Steps to Incorporation.................................................................. 44

Step Two: Getting your Corporate Credit Scores ............................................. 53

Obtaining Your Dun and Bradstreet Number .................................................. 59

Frequently Asked Questions about Dun and Bradstreet . .................................... 59

Monitoring Your Dun and Bradstreet File....................................................... 65

Step By Step Guide to Setting up your Dun and Bradstreet Number ....................... 70

Getting your Experian Report ................................................................... 72

SECTION THREE: The Credit Application Process............................................. 73

Using 30 Day Accounts to Accelerate your score .............................................. 75

Secret Places to find Hidden Sources of Cash.................................................. 77

Leveraging the Power of Your Spouse for more credit ....................................... 78

Working with Credit Partners . .................................................................. 83

Applying For Vendor Lines of Credit ............................................................ 85

Turning Credit Card Accounts into Lines of CASH.............................................. 90

Quick Look Resource Guide....................................................................... 96

Business Credit Jumpstart

Dear Friend,

I want to thank and congratulate you on your investment in Business Credit Jumpstart. Not only
is it an investment in your business, but in yourself as well.

Education is the most important thing you can invest in. EVER!

It’s the only thing that they can’t take away from you.

I’d like you to keep in mind while you are going through the course that getting business credit
isn’t a destination. Rather, it’s a life long journey!

You can keep building forever and the best part is that you can do it with multiple corporations.
There’s no stopping you!

That’s why I am so incredibly passionate about teaching as many business owners and entrepreneurs
about the advantages of business credit.

This is truly powerful tool that can be used to launch, grow or expand your business… ANY

To Gargantuan Lines of Business Credit,

Dustin Mathews

P.S. Please don’t feel intimated by calling us! I encourage you to share with your success stories
and ask any questions that may come up in the process. Remember we’re here to support you!

Business Credit Jumpstart

How Business Credit Jumpstart Began...

Mark’s Story

In 1988, I opened a karate school. It was

longtime dream of mine. I ran the school

successfully for over 10 years. Eventually it

grew from one location to four throughout

California. Over this time we were teaching

the skills of martial arts to over 500 students

per month. While my business boomed, unfortunately,

my personal relationships suffered. One day I returned home

and was served with divorce papers. Not only did I lose my wife

but overtime I would eventually lose my business. Recovering

from divorce was a challenge in so many ways but through it I

have been given the gift of what I am about to teach you in this

course. My hope is that whatever challenges you may face in both

your life and your business you will have more choices than I did

at the time.

It wasn’t until my wife divorced me that I realized all my credit was in her name. When she left

she took all my credit history with her. However she did leave behind my two beautiful kids and

a ton of bills! I realized then that I needed to not only have more time for my family, but I also

needed to run my business better and become more profitable. I figured out that if could just

get a loan for $50,000 I could add another location and turn it into a $100,000 a year business.

However, with no credit history of my own this posed a problem when it came to getting a loan.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Uneducated about what I needed to do to get a credit history, I simply closed my business and

was reduced to teaching in the backyards of some of my past students. Most of these challenges

were based on one consistent variable -- my finances. Even with the amount of business I was

doing it was difficult to make ends meet. I knew I was at a critical tipping point in my life and

needed to take action.

Then I stumbled upon the concept of

business credit! I had a credit score in

the five hundreds and knew it would to

be a challenge to obtain business credit.

However, at this point I was determined to

make it work -- not only for myself but for

my family.

Getting business credit was not an easy task. I was turned down again and again based on my

personal credit history. I was getting discouraged, but I knew that what I really needed to was

to learn more about business credit, and learn how to do this the right way. I knew that if others

had been successful at it, I could be too. That is, if I could only learn the secret formula that

they knew. I found a mentor who walked me through the process and taught me the concept

of adding credit partners. I took on two credit partners and went from zero business credit to

over $200,000 in a week. Needless to say I was addicted and it made me want to know more. I

estimated that I could help hundreds of entrepreneurs do the same thing in order to fulfill their

business dreams. Now, I have hundreds of students all over the world using my system to get

business credit. I feel that if even a few people get past the small business hump because they

implement my system and use it to leverage the growth of their businesses; I have contributed to

their success in some small way. It is my hope that this course will be your guide on the business

Business Credit Jumpstart

credit journey, not just one time -- but over and over again.

What is unique about me now is the fact that I am a loan broker as well as a borrower. Not only

do I get to teach others how to set up their files to obtain credit, I can also lend it to them myself.

This also gives Business Credit Jumpstart a unique advantage. As a lender, I get journals that tell

me how not to give people credit or what to look for in the files that I should lend credit to. I also

see what the banks look for and the questions that they ask. What this means is that I understand

the criteria that they look for and also the common mistakes that businesses make in the process

that cost them in the long run. Because of this I can use my skills as an educated lender to make

sure that you learn all you need to know to bulletproof your business credit file in order to keep

the cash flow coming in on a consistent basis regardless of what business you are in.

When I was in lending school the most amazing thing to me was that the people who were

teaching the class had no idea about some of the things that you will learn in this course. I sat in

class for many hours and many days. By the end of the course they wanted to refer my services

of obtaining business credit out. They were teaching the students how to get money -- with no

knowledge of the keys for qualifying for money! They were not familiar with Dun and Bradstreet

and had no idea how to get a Paydex score of 80 –both critical steps to getting credit. These were

steps I had learned to use at my advantage that you will learn very soon!

With this thought, I want to share a story by Dr. Russell Conwell. It is a parable that I referenced

over and over again even when I thought about giving up. I hope you use it to get past any point

in your business that presents itself as a roadblock. It is called Acres of Diamonds.

The story is about a farmer who lived in Africa and through a friend became tremendously

excited about looking for diamonds. Diamonds were already discovered in abundance on the

Business Credit Jumpstart

African continent and this farmer got so excited about the idea of millions of dollars worth of

diamonds that he sold his farm to head out in search of these diamonds that he believed would

bring him great wealth. He wandered for years all over the continent, constantly searching for

diamonds and the wealth it would bring him once he found them. He never did find the diamonds.

Eventually he went completely broke and threw himself into a river and drowned.

Meanwhile, the new owner of his farm picked up an unusual looking rock about the size of an

egg and put it on his mantle. A visitor stopped by and in viewing the rock practically went into

terminal convulsions. He told the new owner of the farm that the funny looking rock on his

mantle was about the biggest diamond that had ever seen. The new owner of the farm said,

“Heck, the whole farm is covered with them” - and sure enough it was. The farm turned out to

be the Kimberly Diamond Mine... the richest the world has ever known. The original farmer was

literally standing on “Acres of Diamonds” until he sold his farm.

Dr. Conwell learned from the story of the farmer and continued to teach its moral. We are all in

the middle of our own “Acre of Diamonds”, if only we would realize it and develop the ground we

are standing on before charging off in search of greener pastures.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Opportunity does not just come along -

it is there all the time - we just have to see it.

Remember when I started this, I had a failing karate school business and a credit score in the five

hundreds. To be good at anything in life, you have to be determined to overcome obstacles. Many

of the people who sign up for my course have credit challenges. Often they make it all the way

through the process and give up right at the end. This is crazy and I do not want this to happen

to any of my students. If you give up you will never make it. Regardless of where you are starting

from, if you use this system, the only excuse you have for not attaining large amounts of cash for

your business is either lack of organization or motivation! I will teach you step-by-step what you

need to do to succeed in my course. I will walk you through the process on a live webinar.

Don’t ever give up. I was there and I made it through just by using two simple tenets: get started

and don’t give up until you’ve reached your goal. I got credit partners. I got several hundred

thousand dollars of business credit. I built a corporation. I was free to do whatever I wanted to

do. You, too, can do the same. But it will take work and determination on your part. The seminar

is just the beginning. With a strong base, you can change your position in any area of your life!

You just need to get up, get going and keep going until you have reached your goal. I look forward

to working with you and helping you attain your personal goals.


Business Credit Jumpstart


Here are some startling facts according to the Small Business Administration website (

50 % of small businesses will fail in their first year.

95% of small businesses will fail by their fifth year.

Small businesses are the major driving forces in our economy. So why then do these businesses

fail at such an alarming rate? The answer is simple: they run out of MONEY! Business Credit

Jumpstart is not going to teach you this process so you can get new rims on your car. We are

going to teach you how to get money to grow

your business. It is up to you how you spend

that money wisely. Within the scope of your

business, you need to figure out where that

money will pay you back the most and then

make it work for you.

My job is to teach you the process that will get

you the money that you need to reach your

business objectives. By the time you finish this

course you should have your Corporation set up, a Dun and Bradstreet number and an Experian

file. These are the three critical things that you must do first in order to get business credit

working for you. You will then be implementing a massive action plan to get unlimited amounts

of cash to explode your business.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Section One
Understanding How the
Credit System Works

Business Credit Jumpstart

The Basics of Business Credit According

to Dun and Bradstreet

The following information has been taken from the Dun and Bradstreet

organization at In the process of attaining

business credit, Dun and Bradstreet will become part of

your everyday vocabulary. Dun and Bradstreet is the

heavily relied on organization that compiles

your business credit history. This is the

organization that lenders will turn to when

deciding how much credit they are willing

to give you for your business. Dun and

Bradstreet compiled these most frequently

asked questions about business credit and

we thought this was a good place to start.

1. What is business credit?

Your business credit record is the primary

way that companies evaluate whether to do

business with you-and on what terms. Companies

rely on your business creditworthiness to make critical

decisions, including whether:

• to sell to you

• to lend you money

• you are viable as a partner

Business Credit Jumpstart

• to lease the equipment you need to grow your business

• to increase your line of credit

• to help you carry more inventory at competitive prices

• to give you favorable financing rates and terms

• you stack up favorably against other companies competing in your market space

• This type of information is listed in your business credit profile, along with scores and

ratings that are derived from your businesses past behavior to predict its future behavior.

For example, your ability and willingness to pay your bills on time in the past is factored

into your ability and likelihood of paying your bills in the future.

2. Why is business credit important to my business?

Good credit is the lifeline of your business. It enables you to obtain funding for things like

expansion, capital expenditures, research and development and staffing. It is the principal

contributing factor to your business’s future growth, not to mention the cash necessary for

survival. Good business credit also allows you to keep the cash you have to cover your cost of

doing business; such liquidity lets you respond quickly to time-sensitive requirements, without

halting or compromising operations.

It’s not just about getting access to financing; business credit has increasingly become the primary

vehicle for setting terms on business loans, determining insurance premiums, even setting lease

payments. Good business credit can earn you lower rates, strengthening your cash flow.

3. What determines a business’s credit worthiness?

A business’s creditworthiness is ultimately determined by what are known as the “4 Cs of Credit”

-- character, capacity, capital and conditions -- most of which can be found explicitly or implicitly

in a company’s credit report.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Character includes factors such as: size, location, number of years in business, business structure,

number of employees, history of principals, and appetite for sharing information about itself, media

coverage, liens, judgments or pending law suits, stock performance, and comments from references.

Capacity assesses the ability of the business to pay its bills, i.e.,

its cash flow. It also includes the structure of the company’s

debt—whether secured or unsecured—and the existence of any

unused lines of credit. Any defaults must also be identified.

Capital assesses whether a company has the financial resources

(obtained from financial records) to repay their creditors. In

general, this portion of the credit report is the one most closely

reviewed by the credit analyst. Heavy weighting is given to such

balance sheet items as working capital, net worth and cash flow.

Conditions consider the external factors surrounding the

business under consideration - influences such as market

fluctuations, industry growth rate, political/ legislative factors,

and currency rates.

A credit manager or loan officer will answer these questions by locating and reviewing:

• requests for credit information

• customer supplied information

• bank information

• trade information

Business Credit Jumpstart

These factors are also taken into consideration by other service providers, such as insurance

companies to set premiums. More than ever, companies are using automated decisioning, which

means they input scores and ratings that summarize the 4 Cs into a financial model to determine

the risk of doing business with you. (

4. How can I influence your business credit profile? Knowing what information is most

important gives you the inside edge and allows you to pay more attention to the

important factors of business credit.

You can develop a strong business credit profile by:

Paying on time. The payment experiences

other companies have with you are the most

impactful data in your business credit profile.

For this reason, you should ensure that you pay

within the terms set forth by your suppliers.

This is the most direct way to drive a positive

credit rating.

Ensuring all relevant trade experiences are represented. Are you paying large sums on a

timely basis to key suppliers and lenders that aren’t being reflected in your profile? If so, you are

missing out on a key opportunity to get the credit you deserve for paying your bills on time and

for conducting a larger volume of business. You should check your profile often to make sure that

all the vendor payment relationships are captured.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Keep your personal finances in good order. If you are the owner of an emerging business, until

your company develops a robust credit profile of its own, your consumer credit profile also may

be reviewed by prospective creditors. How well you manage your personal finances can impact

your company’s creditworthiness. Keep in mind, though, that your business and personal ratings

are separate and distinct. One is not used to directly impact the other.

Keeping your business credit profile in good order. At D&B, we strive for accuracy, timeliness,

completeness and consistency of data. If you see accounts that aren’t yours, mistakes your bank

made, or false negative activity you’ve already addressed, you should address these inaccuracies

in one of two ways: by signing up with D&B eUpdate, our online tool that allows businesses to

easily update their data, or by calling our Customer Service Center at 877-753-1444.

Keeping your debt financing down. The capital structure of your business—that is, the extent

to which you use equity or debt to finance your operations—is an important determinant of your

creditworthiness. If other companies see a lot of debt on your balance sheet, whether in absolute

terms or relative to your competitors, they are less likely to extend credit as you pose greater

risk of default.

Contributing to your own profile. Some credit managers prefer detailed reports with a lot of

supporting information, enabling them to assess risk based on a broader frame of reference.

Communicating as much information about your business as you can to D&B assures a more

robust report. Likewise, doing business with companies that you know frequently report their

experiences to us builds your profile.

Keep an eye on the key financial indicators in your own report to see how they compare

to other companies in your industry. In doing so, you can benchmark yourself, identify areas

Business Credit Jumpstart

for improvement and ensure a profile with adequate information for a satisfactory credit


5. What is the difference between Personal

Credit and Business Credit?

If you’ve ever used a credit card, opened a bank

account, or financed a car, you have a consumer

credit file. Your consumer credit information is

intended to help you find the money you need to

run your household. However, not every business

has a business credit profile, which is one reason why some creditors seek to check the consumer

credit information of a small business owner. But if you want to limit your personal liability while

running your company, it’s best to establish your business credit and use it to run your business.

Using your consumer credit to get money for your business may cause some problems:

You may seem overextended. Because businesses require more cash to operate than consumers do,

your personal credit will not be portrayed accurately if you are using it to run your business.

To prevent people from becoming overextended, consumer credit keeps track of how many credit

or loan applications you make, most of which count against your consumer credit score. On the

other hand, business credit does not count numerous applications for financing against you, since

businesses usually seek financing on a regular basis as a way to run and grow the business.

Unless you are using the right credit information for the right purpose, you may be putting

yourself into a situation where you will be unable to get financing – for your business or yourself

– when you need it.

Business Credit Jumpstart

What Dun and Bradstreet

Won’t Tell You But We Will about
Building Business Credit

1. What is the real difference between business and personal credit?

The real difference is that business credit will not be showing up on your personal credit report.

If you have business credit and it is showing up on your personal credit report then it really is not

business credit after all, is it? I see this often when people think they are getting a business credit

card. When it arrives, it shows up on their personal credit report. It is really just a personal card

with a business name on it.

The system that you will learn to do by using this manual will teach you how to get real business

credit by using your tax ID number. Notice that I say “system”, meaning that there are a series

of steps that need doing in order to get to this point. There are only two credit applications that

won’t reflect on your personal credit that don’t ask for a Tax I.D. number: Capital and GM. If the

credit card applications do not ask for the tax ID number, you will not be filling out a business

credit application. Remember our goal -- to get business credit! There is a real big difference

here. You are getting invisible credit -- meaning that it will not show up on your personal credit,

but you are using your personal guarantee to get the business credit. In the future it will be

unsecured and guaranteed in other ways. For example, if you were to get a line of credit on your

home, the house is guaranteeing the loan, not you. By developing your business credit file you

will be doing the same thing. Your business will guarantee the loan, not you personally!

Business Credit Jumpstart

2. Do I need to have good personal credit to get business credit?

This is definitely one of the most frequently asked questions that we get and the answer is, Yes!

Well, sort of. If you are someone who said, “Crap, then this is not for me!” don’t be so quick to

rule this out of your repertoire of opportunities to grow your business. This course is designed

to teach you how to get business credit whether you have good credit or not. Getting business

credit is like the old saying about making your first million. Making your first million is always

the hardest. The second one is much easier. Once you do it once, you just repeat the process

over and over again to make more money. The same is true for achieving success with business


Let me elaborate on this a bit more.

When I started this process I had a credit

score in the five hundreds. In spite of this

I was able to build a corporation, but

it did take me eight months to do this.

Now, I have had the privilege of being

able to do it for hundreds of people all

over the world in all different types of

situations. If you apply the information

that is taught to you throughout this course you will be able to be one of these people who are

constantly getting an endless supply of money in order to grow your business.

Obviously, the better your credit score from the start the faster this process will be able to be

done. I have found that if you have a least a 680 credit score, your chances of accelerating this

process increase. However, if this is not the case not only will I teach you ways to increase your

personal credit but also how to take on a credit partner that will help you get lines of credit

Business Credit Jumpstart

much faster.

Whether you are starting out with great credit or not, you should

establish a corporation. Then you can get secured credit cards to

help build your corporation’s credit score. These are cards that are

issued based on an amount of cash you put into a secured bank

account. Once you receive the secured credit card, use that cash to

pay bills that you would normally pay monthly, such as rent or the phone bill. You can use the

card to establish buying activity as well keeping a track record of payments in order to get or

increase your scores. The credit bureaus will then report these types of cards and help you build

credit under the business’ name. Remember, you want your corporation to look good so when you

present yourself to somebody in a future business deal, whether it is a lender or another investor,

you want to show what credit you already have, and what your scores are for your corporation

-- not yourself personally. Many will be impressed by that because not many people can do this.

I built a corporation in spite of this with a little effort and some patience. Then I added two people

as credit partners and in one week I received $200,000 in credit. I did not have great credit, but

I brought people on who did, and I was able to leverage their resources to get what I needed.

In business, understanding and utilizing the power of leverage of other people’s resources can

get you far ahead of the game. If you have bad credit or you’re credit challenged for whatever

reason, you can get a credit partner and build $200,000 just like I did. So long story short -- the

answer is yes, you have to have good credit if you are building credit under your name. If you are

building credit under your businesses’ name and following this process, your credit won’t matter

at all!

Business Credit Jumpstart

3. What can I do to improve My Personal Credit Rating?

First, everyone who is going through this process needs to have an updated copy of their credit

report with their current credit score. Remember, they change all the time due to several factors.

You can get a free credit report on However, you really want to get

your credit scores, not just your credit report. Credit reports show you your file but do not compile

your score for you. I recommend since you can pay a small fee, usually

between $9.95 and $14.95, to get scores from the main credit bureaus: Transunion, Equifax and

Experian. These scores will all average out to determine what your FICO score is at that moment.

The FICO score is the one that lenders use to determine what they will lend to you personally and

at what cost. It is the ultimate score that determines your personal creditworthiness.

Although we are working on developing your business credit rating, in the beginning of this

process you will be using your personal credit to start with. That is why it is important to know

where you are starting from. There are many books that teach you how to build up your personal

credit score in addition to many services that also will maintain your credit score by keeping you

updated with any red flags.

It has been said before that sometimes things need to get worse before they can get better and

the same is true for your personal credit score when going through the business credit application

process. I can teach you strategies to control it, but you can expect your credit score to drop

up to 20 points just based on the inquiries that you will be getting as you apply for credit. I

have had a lot of people tell me that they had a good credit score and don’t want it to drop.

My response is this, “Well, if you want up to $400,000 in credit, your score is going to drop 20

points based on the number of inquiries you will accumulate to be able to get it that $400,000.

Personally, I’d rather lose 20 points on my score and have $400,000 to grow my business than

have a higher credit score and no cash.” That is just good business savvy in my book, but to some,

Business Credit Jumpstart

unfortunately, it is not always this obvious.

The good news is that down the line you can make up those 20 points. I have done research on

every company that handles removal of inquiries. The result is that your chances of getting the

“inquiries” removed from your file before their time is due is 50 percent no matter what you

do or what you pay. When you request a credit inquiry to be removed, the credit bureau sends

a request for confirmation of the inquiry to the creditor that requested it. The creditor is then

given 30 days to investigate the inquiry and report back to the bureau.

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chances remain the same. Let’s say you have ten inquiries and you go after them. Let’s say you

get ten inquiries the next month but have received $200,000 to $300,000, in the meantime. If

you can take those inquiries off you will increase the amount of time that you are still able to

get money.

This is how the credit system works but it does not mean that you can’t challenge the system.

Business Credit Jumpstart

For example, I have a friend who has $2 million in business credit that he accumulated in a little

over ten years. He tracked his report and saw that he had accumulated ten, twelve and thirteen

inquiries. Every four months he would set time aside to just go after them. He did this himself

and he would be successful at taking six or seven of them off. Then he would be able to get

another $200,000 in credit. He just followed this system until he reached the $2 million dollar

mark. He is a great example of that to win in the money game sometimes all you really need is

a bit of patience.

Now I offer a service that can do amazing things for your credit in just 90 days. If you have bad

credit I recommend that you start here while you are building your corporate file. To find out

more about this program please visit our website at

4. What if I have a bankruptcy on my credit report?

When it comes to bankruptcy this is the most accurate data we have in terms of clearing it up

before the standard period of 10 years expires. Your chances are 60 percent that you can get

it removed from your credit report before the time is due. Remember, I did have one from a

previous business on my credit report when

I started this. It took me eight years and it

was frustrating. Most people do not think

this is possible at all but, surprisingly, 60

percent of the time you can remove it. It is

the same statistic with foreclosures.

You will not be able to remove foreclosures,

bankruptcies and tax liens yourself. You

will need the help of an attorney. I had a

Business Credit Jumpstart

client who had claimed bankruptcy thinking that all her loans were in there as well. She asked

me why, even though the bankruptcy was removed. What she did not know was that there are

three things that cannot fall under the category of bankruptcy. Those three things are Student

Loans, Child Support and IRS tax liens.

Keep in mind that her attorney never told this woman that these were her responsibility. You

can’t rely on others to take care of your past mistakes. You must be proactive with these. The

bankruptcy attorney that I recommend is Shawn Yesner. You can contact him via www.Yesnerlaw.

com. Tell him you are a student of mine.

5. What about removing lates that appear on your credit report?

Lates are pretty easy to remove. With my new program they have become super easy to remove.

You have to understand that when you apply for personal credit you need to read the fine print

on the terms of agreement. The banks make a ton of money using what is in that fine print.

Often, you will find that you have signed your rights away. Some of the things that are signed are

basically this: they have the right, if you are one day late or two days, whatever the policy is ,

they have the right to state you were late 30, 60 , 90 days because you gave them that right by

signing your John Hancock. This is why I always tell people if you really want to get technical, go

to your creditors and tell them you want a copy of the original application and see if you did in

fact sign your rights way.

One of the ways that you can use the copy of your agreement against the credit companies is to

remove lates. Let’s say for example that you were actually 40 days late. If the fine print states the

late is reported if you are 30 days late, you may be able to get it off since, technically, you were

late but not within the 30 days that it states. I have seen people leverage these kinds of tasks to

credit companies that clear up your credit. At the end of this manual there is a list of companies

Business Credit Jumpstart

that I recommend. Regardless of the cost, some are as low as $39.00 while others charge as much

as $5,000; the quality will be the same.

6. Do I have to personally guarantee this credit or is there a way around it?

The question becomes “Will I ever be able to get credit without a personal guarantee. The

answer is no. The reason why is when 9/11 happened they passed a law called The Patriot Act.

For security sake you need to now sign your personal signature regardless because of this law.

In addition, if you talk to any banker they will want to know what they can hold as collateral to

limit the risk of you defaulting on the loan. You will either have to have personal credit, assets or

something that will guarantee the credit. I’ve never seen a lending corporation that did not ask

for a guarantee. Even Enron, when they were going down, were still using their pension plan as

a guarantee to continue to get money. You have to have something; obviously if you don’t have

property, then you will rely on your personal credit until you do. This alone can get you several

thousand dollars if you work my system correctly.

Business Credit Jumpstart

The Business Credit Jumpstart Process

Business Credit Jumpstart

Building Your Credit File

Now that you have an understanding of the credit process and what business credit can do for

you, the next step is creating your business credit file. In this section you will be learning an easy

three step process on what you must do to build a business credit rating and

be able to apply for credit at record speed. You will learn this in the

following order:

• Incorporate your business

• Attain a Dun and Bradstreet Number

• Develop Your Experian File

Step One: Setting

Up Your
Corporate Entity

The first step in the process is one that is so simple but

I have found that 90% of people do not know how to do.

It is very easy to complete yourself and I will teach you

how to do it correctly. It is your responsibility however, to

become educated on the laws of the state in which you will be

incorporating. By following the process and using the resources

that I refer you throughout the process you should be able to do

Business Credit Jumpstart

this yourself very quickly. This is the first step. Once you know how to proceed, you will be able

to repeat the process again and again to keep applying for credit that can help you grow your

business FAST!

Why is this so important? Beyond the fact that it is the essential first step, let me give you an

example by which to understand its importance. If you are doing real estate and you build one

corporation and then tap it out at $300,000 or $400,000, what happens if you need more money?

Let’s say in this situation that it can make or break a deal. You don’t want to pay the high price

for hard money, and you will not have to if you have a corporation with money available for you

to use. You see, one of the real benefits of having access to money is that it always provides you

and your business the power of choice. He who has the choices also has much more power. If you

can have access to cash faster than the other guy, you know that that gives you the ability to get

deals that others can’t. It is an old cliché but so true. “Money Talks” and setting up your entity

fast and the right way is the first step toward leveraging money to develop your business.

Added Benefits of the

C- Corporation over the LLC

In the past many people where overwhelmed by the C- corp. The reason being that I have found

most often said, is that setting up a corporation over an LLC can be more tedious to maintain on

your books. Let me say this, in the long run that the C Corporation will outlast the LLC. People

say that the paperwork requires more work since you have to file what is called a resolution for

the corporation as well as minutes of meetings. The truth is, even if you have an LLC you should

be doing this. We have also included a copy of the Resolution you can use for your business with

this course.

Business Credit Jumpstart

I have found a program called This program is really easy and

allows you to fill in information required for documentation. It actually has prompts and walks

you through the process so you can keep your records. Then as soon as you enter the information

required it can print out minutes and resolutions. You print them and add them to your corporate

file and you’re done. For $199.00 having this company do it for you is a no brainer. Most people do

this through an attorney and it costs $500 to $3,000 dollars. It even provides standard contracts

in it that you can use. In addition, you can set it up so it emails you – let’s take for example at the

end of the year that you need to do your statement. It will notify you when it is due.

In addition, many are afraid of C corps because they think they need to be one big company to

be a corporation. In reality, in most states you only need one person to have a C corporation

while others do require at least two. The other benefit as an Entrepreneur is through benefits. A

C corporation can cover up to 100 percent and have a write off. Let’s say for example that, God

forbid, you get cancer. If your business is set up in an LLC, you are going to be responsible for

20% of the bill. There are a lot of things the C Corporation can do that the LLC cannot.

Questions to Ask Before Starting

Incorporation Process

1. Which entity do you recommend that I set up?

One of the most frequently asked questions during this process is, “Should I set up an LLC or a

Corporation?” The answer depends on your business.

Remember, I am not an accountant so I recommend you consult with your own team members

Business Credit Jumpstart

when it comes to the best asset protection based on the nature of your business. What I have

found is that the C Corporation is the best entity with which to build your credit file. If you are

in real estate most likely you will have an LLC set up. You can do the same process of getting

business credit with an LLC, but I have found that the easiest entity to get money with my

process is with a C corporation. It is well worth your time to educate yourself about the pros and

cons of the different entities by reading Incorporate and Grow Rich.

2. What state is the best one to incorporate in?

Many people receive lots of conflicting information about what the best state to incorporate is.

This information is usually based on the different benefits of each state’s individual laws and the

time the process takes to set up. With the power of the internet today most of the paperwork

for any state can be done online or with the Socrates Incorporation software that you can pick

up at Office Depot. In my opinion when

it comes to this, if you want to build

credit, it is very important that you set

up your entity in your home state.

Many people have been talked into

setting up their entities in Nevada.

While there are some benefits to doing

this, getting credit for your corporation

is not one of them. If you want to have

an LLC in Nevada so you can save on the fact that they have no income tax, for example if you are

in real estate, I understand that. But I still think that you should incorporate in your home state

and this is where you build credit, not with your LLC. I’m not saying that you can’t get credit if

you do this. You can probably build some credit on it but you won’t be able to build cash credit.

Business Credit Jumpstart

You may be able to get some supply lines, maybe a little bit of cash credit but they are not going

to give you credit unless it’s in your home state. This is a number one thing; you want to open it

in your own home state for credit purposes.

3. What should I name it?

The next critical step in setting up your corporation is choosing the name. I do not recommend

using your name or initials in your business name for several reasons. The first thing that people

look at when they are suing you is the name of the company, and frankly, lawsuits are popular in

this country. Most often it is not a question of if you will get sued, but when, so protect yourself

to the best of your ability. Don’t make it easy for lawyers to go after you. We recommend using a

neutral name. For example, many companies call themselves “So and So Investments” using their

own personal initials, or KLC Real Estate Properties, Inc. I recommend you use a neutral name

like Allied Management, LLC or Allied Management Inc. I also have noticed that lenders are not

lending as easily to companies that you can see are tied to individuals. They will lend more easily

to companies with a more neutral name.

The easiest way to find out if the name that you want is available is to search it on the Secretary

Of State website in which you are incorporating. Save yourself some time by checking that the

name is available first, that way you don’t fill out all the paperwork and try to file it, only to find

out that the name you chose is unavailable.

4. What other assets can my Corporation own?

This is another added benefit to having a corporation that many know about but never pursue

because they are afraid that it might be too much work. Many of the people who buy this

course also are either real estate investors or if they have businesses, also use some of their

cash generated from their businesses to invest in real estate. Let’s face it, as you learn to make

Business Credit Jumpstart

money, one of the keys to making your money grow is to make your money work as hard for you

as you have worked for it. Real Estate is the vehicle that many people use to do this. Here I will

also tell you how you can use your real estate to build equity within the company as a strategy

to get even more cold hard cash for your business.

Today, in the seminar world, it is often taught that when you are buying real estate you should

hold your properties in a trust. This is true. However, your corporation should own your trust,

NOT YOU! A lot of you who are buying real estate at a rate of 60% on the dollar will show that you

have 40% equity built in. If this is the case, then you should be able to put that property under a

corporation, even a new one since banks want at least 35% equity.

If you have 35% equity, then you can put that

property under a corporation. Most people

don’t do that. They’re too busy buying property

in their own name! Most people I come across

have eight or nine properties in their own names

based on how easy it was to qualify for a personal

loan in the last few years. You just stated what

you made for income and boom, there you go -- you had your money! Unfortunately times are

changing. If you are buying properties under market value because of the equity, they should be

going under your corporation. This is what will stop you from using your social security number

in the future.

In the beginning you will be using your personal credit, but once you get these properties under

an entity, you shouldn’t have to use your personal credit anymore; the properties will guarantee

the credit themselves. Then you can still get lines of credit or equity lines of credit all under your

Business Credit Jumpstart

corporation, not your personal social security number. While this can take some time for you to

be able to do this, it is a huge benefit to having a corporation.

How to set up Your

Corporate Entity, FAST!

Incorporating With Socrates Software

Setting up a corporation is not rocket science and I find that often people make it a lot harder

than it really is. The way we recommend that you do this is

really easy. You go to Office Depot and buy a product

called Incorporated and then there is another one called

Incorporation by Socrates. Don’t look in the software section

in Office Depot, you will not find it there, Socrates has its own

section. The great thing about this product is it sets up the

forms for you. It is very similar to the forms that attorneys use.

I don’t care what state you are in, all you will need to punch in is

your name and your information. You may also be able to find this

on Amazon for even less. It should cost you $29.00. If you

want to get the software that allows you to set up both

a corporation and the LLC, then the cost is $49.00.

You can also get it directly from the company at www. However, then you must download it. I

prefer you have the CD and the book that the physical

product contains on hand for the future.

Business Credit Jumpstart

The other way you can do this is directly online via your state’s Secretary of State website. People

do not use this resource enough. You simply Google your state’s web address. Normally, it is the

name of your state plus .gov that will get you to the Secretary of State’s website. Once you are

there, you can download all the forms you will need. Also, they walk you through the process.

You can print out the directions and they also give you a contact number to reach them directly

with any questions you have. The cost to incorporate per state does vary but should be disclosed

on this website before you start the process.

A few years ago the going rate to have an attorney set up a corporation was $2,000 to $6,000 to

file the same paperwork that you can now access via the Secretary of State’s website. I say this to

drive home that it can be easy! This is the first step, and once you start to get credit you can set

up another corporation and not need an attorney or pay those hefty fees that come with doing

it that way. You will also be amazed to see that it only takes a few days to incorporate online,

while it takes an attorney several weeks. You can own as many corporations as you want. Well,

technically you can’t own any corporation, but you can be the founder of as many as you want.

Then you can repeat the filing of the paperwork step-by-step for another corporation and just

keep the money stacking up.

Filling out the paperwork to set up Your Corporation Correctly

with Socrates

If you are using the Socrates Incorporated program as I recommend, you will have to start by

choosing what entity you want to create -- an LLC or a Corporation. Then you will choose the

state in which you will file. If you choose to use the Secretary of State’s website to file directly

online, each state will walk you through the process. However these directions can still be used

to fill out the paperwork accurately.

Business Credit Jumpstart

1. Naming the Business

Here is where the program will ask you for the name of the business.

Again, I do not recommend using your personal name in the title. You

will also be asked the legal address. This is your chosen business mailing

address. Remember you want it to be one that you will not have to

change for a while so you do not create a red flag on your credit file. I

prefer you choose something other than your home address; however

if you have a home-based business there is no way around this.

There are services that offer a legal mailing address for a fee. Usually

$300-$400 a month is what I have found. With that fee you usually get a

receptionist that will answer the phone for you, but the prices and the

services offered vary from state to state. This is an option. However,

just keep in mind it is adding to your operating expenses monthly.

In the next part of this section it will ask you to state what type

of business activity the corporation will do. I always write Business

Management. You probably are much more specific in what your company will do. However this

title is general and therefore can cover your butt as you may want this to change over time.

2. Number of Shares

This is a real important step since the system does not put in shares or the par value automatically

for you. Every state has a different maximum of shares that you are allowed to own. You will have

to reference your state’s Secretary of State website to find out what yours is before you fill out

this section.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Par Value - The Par Value you should fill in as ZERO. If you want, you can put in a value.

Depending on what state you are incorporating in, you may be charged. I always go with zero

unless the state requires you to put in ten cents or something (Again, found on the Secretary of

State’s website).

3. Choosing your Officers

This is where you list yourself as well as any other people who are involved, if you choose too.

You only need ONE officer and then a registered agent. You can be your own registered agent and

not have to pay any money. Many people hire companies or attorneys

and pay them a fee to be able to use their business address. You

can have yourself as the registered agent. As the registered

agent you can list your home address as your business

address or you may want to use another family

member’s address. All this address will be is

the place that they mail you the paperwork.

If you are filing out of state, like many file a

Nevada Corporation, then you have to have

a registered agent outside of yourself so

you have a presence in that state. But you

are not required to as long as you have a mailing address.

4. Choosing Your Positions

In the next section you will be asked to choose your positions, such as CEO, Director, etc. In most

states one person is going to be all these fields. I think there are only one or two states that

require two people, one being the director and the other can be all fields. You don’t need to have

Business Credit Jumpstart

a lot of people on a corporation.

5. Completing your Articles of Incorporation

Next, the system will take all the data you have entered in the sections and put it together

for you so you can see the Articles of Incorporation. Here is also where you will see the fees

associated with filing in your chosen state if you have not found them prior to the Secretary

of State’s website. Every state has different fees associated with filing. Double check that all

the information that you entered in the previous steps is correct because then your Articles of

Incorporation are all done for you.

As I mentioned at the beginning, the best software, and it is super inexpensive, is the Socrates

Media Company Incorporation program. There is a link to buy it on our website, www. I don’t recommend that you purchase the downloadable system. Buy

the disk and the manual so you can access it again and again. You can also buy it at Office Depot.

Socrates has its own section where you will be able to find it. If you do not want to do this, but

would rather file online directly via the Secretary of State, you can do that too.

Filing Online with Secretary of State

Normally you can type in the name of the state and add .gov at the end and you will get to the

Secretary of State’s website. Click on business entity and search the name that you are hoping to

get to make sure that it is available. This section can also be called on some websites “business

or corporations”. Here you will find all the information that you need.

If the name is available when you search it, then it will say something along the lines of “No

results found” which means you can file with this name. Now, if you do not file at that exact time

Business Credit Jumpstart

there is a chance that someone else might file with the name you want.

Let’s say for example that you file on a Tuesday and somebody else filed on Monday with your

name. The state will kick your request back and tell you the name is taken and to choose a new

one. If you don’t intend to file at the moment that

you are looking up the name, then some states will

allow you to pay a fee to reserve it. I recommend

that you simply just set time aside to do this all at

once and get it done. Having the name taken from

you is why I do not recommend that you set up your

business phone line or set up your corporate books

until you have your Articles of Incorporation, the

official sign that the name is yours and you are all

set to go. The state’s website will walk you through

filling out the paperwork and paying for the file. All

you have to do is fill in the information that I have

referred to above exactly as I have told you to do.

I highly recommend that you play on your Secretary of State’s website since it is a wealth of

information. It can tell you anything you need to know when it comes businesses, what corporations

can do, what types of licenses you need, etc. You just seek and you will find out the answers to

many of the questions that you have about doing business in your chosen state.

Remember, if you are going to set up one corporation this will be an easy and fast way to do it

today. However, if you are planning on building multiple corporations then I recommend using the

Incorporation software that was created by Socrates.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Most states can turn the paperwork around in the matter of a few days when you file online.

Some states are so sophisticated that you can print them out instantly. You can also walk in to

the Federal Building in the state in which you are incorporating and file the paperwork over

the counter yourself. This will also take just a few days to get the paperwork back. If you don’t

know where your state’s federal building is you can also look this up on the Secretary of State’s

website. If you opt to send it in the mail you are looking at between two-six weeks delay, so avoid

that if you can.

Common Mistakes that can affect

your Business Credit File

Home Based Businesses Addresses and P.O. Boxes

Many use the home based office as a write off for their taxes. However, when it comes to privacy

it can be a challenge. When it comes to building credit, it will not affect you at all. I have a

client right around the corner from me who does medical billing. They are doing almost a million

dollars a year from their garage.

Creditors understand that people work out of their homes. You will not get less credit by working

out of your home. That is not the issue. If privacy is your issue, you have to get another location

for an office or you will not be able to build much credit. You cannot use a P.O. Box. I have had

some do this and get some credit but it is never much compared to when you have an established

address on your credit file.

In fact, I have had instances where clients used Mailbox Etc because the address looks good on

Business Credit Jumpstart

the applications. They get some credit with it and then out of the blue the lender figures it out

and cancels the credit. You never know when it may happen and it can. This is why I advise that

if you are going to put effort into building business credit that you avoid this and do it the right

way to get to your end result. It is not worth cutting corners to obtain credit and then get it

taken away eight to ten months down the road

because of cutting corners.

Change of Address
When I started I was a home based business. I

then transferred into an office. I messed up my

file because I changed my address so they red

flagged me. To Dun and Bradstreet it looked

like I was moving around and they don’t like

that. Since many people also start out in the

same situation, here is my recommendation so

you do not get red flagged as you are building

your businesses credit file: Get an office

position so it appears on your credit file as

a second location. Make the second location

your primary location and still keep your tax

write off for your home business office, too.

Don’t make the mistake that I did and change

the address. Add the second address and tell

them it is your primary. Eventually, you can fade that one away if you choose to, but don’t do it

right away because it looks like an address change.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Moving the business address is not considered a big thing if you don’t do it all the time, but it is

a negative. So add the second location to avoid this whenever you move the business. Eventually,

you can work up to building credit at both locations.

Business Name Change

It is not a good idea to do a name change for your business when you are working on building

business credit. If you have not started your Dun and Bradstreet application then you will be

okay and this is the time to change the name of the business. Once you have started to do your

Dun and Bradstreet file, I don’t recommend a name change. You are better off opening a new

corporation with the new name. It will be less of a hassle and most likely cost you less money

this way.

Learn the Fundamentals of Corporate Taxes

This is something I recommend that you stay on top of from the get go. If you are hiring someone

to maintain your books then figure it out from the start. If you are a smaller operation you can

use a software program like Quicken. The nice thing about Quicken is you can set up all your

accounts, access them online from anywhere in the world and they are ideal. You can also upload

your information into Turbo Tax. This will save you so much time at the end of the year so that

you can file without retracing your steps. In addition, whether you maintain your books or pay

someone else to do it, keep meticulous records of your spending. You will be surprised how much

you can save on expenses that offer no return by doing this. Every time you file your resolutions

you do not need to go backwards to do so, saving yourself lots of time and money in the long


Business Credit Jumpstart

Three things you must do to Incorporate

1. Check for Business licenses that you will need to have and apply for them.

This one is real easy but you want to make sure that you explain your business clearly. You will

need to go to your city hall and ask them what types of licenses are required for your city. You

will need to give them a general explanation of your business, no great details here. If you fail

to explain it correctly they are going to want to come to your office and do an inspection. They

want to see how many people are coming to your home for appointments; they want to do the

parking thing so you need to let them know what you are doing. Tell them that you are doing

no business at your home, unless you are, and

then you have to tell them. If you are talking

real estate or internet business, you tell them

that you have no clients coming to your house,

you do no business out of your house. You’re

buying and selling houses -- it has nothing to

do with your home other than that’s where

your office is.

If you tell them this they will give you a license -- no problem. If you tell them differently they

can hold you up because they want to know what you are doing. I went to the city and was

in the process of purchasing a building to operate my business so they wanted diagrams and


There are some states that require you to have a state license but not a city license. We have

had people ask us before, “Well, if I am not doing business in my city why do I need that

Business Credit Jumpstart

license?” If you fail to do this easy step then you are not in compliance with your state’s business

requirements. What happens is the phone company or any of these creditors are all tied to the

same database. They can see if you are required to have a business license or not, and if you are

and you do not have one they will look at you as if you are not in compliance and therefore not

a legitimate business. You can find out everything you need right at your city hall.

How to Obtain a Business License

• Contact Planning and Zoning in your city to find out what they require when obtaining a


• To obtain information on the different permits needed, go to www. or

Google it

• Type in the type of business you will be doing and then click continue

• Next, select one of the following options that are available to you and click continue

• You will then be provided links for your permit listings

2. Get a Business Phone line and 411 listing. Switch your cell phone to a business if

it is not already.

This is real simple. You can just call the phone company and tell them you want a business line

by using the Tax ID that your corporation was assigned on the account. Then you should ask them

to please list your business in the 411 directory. This is important because business creditors hire

companies to check these types of things to see if you are really in business. You do not want an

800 number -- they are much harder to build credit on. You want it to appear that it is a line that

goes directly to an employee since; after all, you are in business.

Remember, all your phone lines need to go under the business tax I.D., not your social security

number. This also applies to your cell phone as well, but that needs to be separate from your

Business Credit Jumpstart

landline and yes, you should have both for your business.

Cell Phones versus land lines

Many people these days are doing all their phone stuff on their cell phone. When these companies

that the lenders hire check on your business they check your phone lines and what they then

send a report of findings back to the lender. This report will state which lines

are connected to a cell phone versus a land line. Now, if you are asking for

$20,000 in credit, it won’t be a big deal. However, down the line when

you want a large amount of credit, it will be. Another challenge

that you may run into if you fail to set up a landline is that

they may give you a line of credit and then pull your file

down and cancel since they do not want to be dealing with

a business that is mobile and moving around all the time. That

leads them to think they are more of a sole proprietor than a business.

Just by being in a corporation, banks look at you in a whole new light and you

are playing in a whole new game.

Most people will never use this land line. Here is a shortcut that I use since I am paying for it

anyway. I use the call forwarding feature. What this does is forward the incoming calls from your

land line to another phone without revealing that to the caller. When you get personal calls you

will most likely answer HI, which you can still do. But set a ringtone so that you know that the

call is being forwarded and you know it is for business. You answer with your business name.

Sometimes I will even say corporate office after the title of the business. I do this because many

creditors will call and not say anything -- they just want to prove that you have a landline into

your business that they can verify.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Switch your Cell Phone into a business account.

If you have a cell phone but it is not under your business this is another step that you will want to

add to your list. Reason being that some phone companies do report Dun and Bradstreet and can

help increase your Paydex which you will learn about more in the next step. The two main ones

that I know do this are Verizon and AT&T. Verizon can be a little more complicated in that unless

you have five or more lines with them they will not report to the bureaus. Verizon is not a great

deal unless you need the five lines because you won’t get any benefit other than the business

expense write off. AT & T will report with just one line. The smaller companies do not offer this

benefit that I know off. Sprint is another one that does report but you have to be careful with

them. They will give you up to ten phones but if you should slip one time on a payment they will

give you a negative report to the credit bureaus. However, as long as you are aware of this and

stay current they are really easy to work with to set up a corporate account as well as to transfer

into a business account. However, this is another great strategy to help build your corporation

credit file.

How to Obtain your Business Phone Number

• Call your local phone provider and tell them that you would like to obtain a business line

(not just a land line).

• Then tell them to “remote call forward” that number to your cell phone or home


• Make sure your new business number has the same area code as the city in which your

incorporation is located.

• When calling, make sure that you have your corporate charter and Tax I.D. on hand. Some

companies may ask for that information over the phone.

• Make sure your representative lists your corporation’s physical address and phone number

with 411 while they are setting up your account

Business Credit Jumpstart

3. Open a checking Account in your businesses name.

You will want to select a bank that offers the services you want for your corporate bank account.

Do some research, speak to several local banks, go on the internet and investigate banks there.

All banks have their own advantages. Your goal should also be to build a relationship with the

bankers because eventually you will be going to them for a line of credit.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Business Credit Jumpstart

Business Credit Jumpstart

Business Credit Jumpstart

Goals & Activity Sheet

Your Goal: ________________________________________________________

Write activities to transform your goal into a reality...

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________

10. ______________________________________________________________

11. ______________________________________________________________

12. ______________________________________________________________

13. ______________________________________________________________

14. ______________________________________________________________

15. ______________________________________________________________

16. ______________________________________________________________

KAG Business Credit | 147 W Route 66 Suite #713 | Glendora, CA 91740 | (866) 310-4949

Business Credit Jumpstart

Step Two: Getting Your Dun and

Bradstreet Number

Frequently Asked Questions about Dun and Bradstreet

1. What is the Dun and Bradstreet Number?

This is the most important part of the business credit process. This is also the place that I see

the most mistakes made. You would be so surprised to see how many people do not even know

that Dun and Bradstreet exist or what they do. Dun and Bradstreet is the organization that

enters your data and compiles your credit worthiness for your business. They are a research firm

that compiles and also sells lists and data of company statistics, preferences. They also compile

data that tracks and identifies business and market trends. They identify these trends by using

information that businesses enter into their database.

Your Dun and Bradstreet number is comparable to your FICO score in the world of personal credit.

Building up your Dun and Bradstreet file for your corporation is the next pivotal step toward

getting business credit. What you will be doing for Dun and Bradstreet by getting your Duns

number is basically telling them the story of your business – how you started your business and if

you pay your creditors on time. This is what you are going to tell them and this little story is also

what is going to help you get your business credit.

Getting your Dun and Bradstreet number is easy, but many people don’t even know why they

should get it or that it is out there to benefit them, simply because it is not a legal or required

step that you need to do to be in business. In my perspective it should be for business owners

if they want to obtain business credit to expand their business. When it comes to the business

Business Credit Jumpstart

credit process it is perhaps the most important step. Getting your Dun and Bradstreet done right

is critical so that you can qualify to get business credit. This is why I spend so much time on it.

Some people have businesses but no desire to have credit for their business because they are

unaware of the power it can give them. If you have made it this far in the course then you are

clearly not one of these people I am referring to. I cannot stress enough how understanding the

power of Dun and Bradstreet can help you build a track record for your business and lead you to

the cold hard cash that you need faster than you thought possible.

I see this quite often where many people start to go after cash credit before they have taken

the time to understand this step. It is so easy and fast to get done as long as you give Dun and

Bradstreet the right information. Learning how to do this the right way will be worth the price of

this course alone. Many times I see people hungry for credit, but without this Dun and Bradstreet

number they end up setting themselves up for failure at obtaining business credit

from the start. The reason is that they keep applying and then

the business credit inquiries add up and you start

getting turned down for credit just based on

that. They don’t know that by having a Dun

and Bradstreet number it can lead more

easily to cash credit. In fact, some lines

of credit will ask for a Duns number

on their application. Lending

companies ask for this since they

trust that Dun and Bradstreet

organization to give them

accurate picture of your

businesses history.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Getting your Duns number can take as little as 24 hours when paperwork is filed correctly by

me. Otherwise it can take you anywhere from a week to 30 days to get it. It is FREE but Dun and

Bradstreet will call you and tell you that they can accelerate the process for a fee. DON’T take

them up on it. To start go to and click on the tab that says get my

DUNs number to get started today. Next, I will walk you through filling out the paperwork exactly

the way you need to be successful in setting up your credit file. Then I will teach you how to

get five trade lines. You will need at least five trade lines to be able to what is called a Paydex.

Paydex is your credit score from Dun and Bradstreet. It will be your goal to get your corporation

Paydex score to a Paydex of 80. This part with take a minimum of three – six months but it will be

well worth the wait when you see the type of cash credit it can bring in. After that I will show

you how to get your Intelliscore through Experian, which you will also want in order to work your

way to achieving a two digit score of 80 or above, as well.

2. How long do I have to be in business in

order to build credit?

The best hidden secret of Dun and Bradstreet

number is the fact that you can show that you

have been in business for more than two years.

This is a critical factor that banks will use when

deciding how much money they intend to lend to

you. Being able to state that you have been in

business for two or more years will make all the

difference in the amount of credit you will qualify for.

You want to state that you have been in business at least two years from the date you are filling

Business Credit Jumpstart

out the application. Now I am not asking you to do any illegal here and here is what I have found

by working with many business owners through this process. The time you started the business

and the time you put it into an entity are two different things. Most of you thought a long time

and did many things to get to opening your doors before you were set up as a business. If you

have been in business in some form or fashion it was not that you weren’t legal, is was that you

were ignorant. You had no idea that you had to do this, so therefore; those years do count so

you will need to fill that out on the DUNS application. Otherwise, trust me; you are preventing

yourself from getting the most amount of credit you are entitled to.

Just recently I had a client that who was setting up her corporation so she could apply for business

credit. She called her attorney to ask if she can be her agent, resident agent. He got mad at her

because she is head of her own corporation and he wanted to charge her$1,200 to do it. She then

explained why she was doing this and it was to apply for business credit. He then replied, “No,

no, no, you can’t get corporate credit on a new corporation, it has to be at least two years old.”

She did what I told her to do on her own.

In fact, he was right. However, there are shortcuts around making your business look older than

it is on paper. Now, I am not saying you are going to lie about the age of your business. Using

a Dun and Bradstreet number is one of the vehicles that you can use to help your corporation

appear at least two years old in age. By the time you have completed your Dun and Bradstreet

number you will be two years old when we finish with it, but as a corporation will you be more

than two years old, the answer to that is no! Let me give you an example to illustrate my point.

Let’s say that you are a real estate investor and you have been going to seminars before you

bought one piece of property. You can actually count that year as “working on the development”

of your business and show that to Dun and Bradstreet when you file. If you are a plumber and you

Business Credit Jumpstart

have been in business for ten years, if you went from a sole proprietor and then switched over to

a corporation, you should not lose your history as a plumber. We are going to get that retained

for you in your business history. If you wanted to be in the restaurant business, I am sure that

you did some research prior to setting up a business and that can be added to your history. To

prove that you have been in business more than two years is a combination of two things. First,

you need to be a bit creative. Second, you will need to fill out the paperwork just as I will show

you how in order to build credit pretty quickly.

3. What about using existing DBAs to build business history?

Another way to develop business history is from old DBAs. Many people have used DBAs in the

past but then stopped doing business with it. The great thing about this is you can go back to that

DBA and then have your corporation re-file it and take that history. It works a high percentage

of the time. In my own scenario this is exactly what I did. I had my last DBA for my karate school

in 1999, I opened my corporation in 2004. I didn’t want to show a new corporation. I went back

to my DBA and re-filed it under my corporation. I actually sent it

to Experian and they filed it as operating since 1999. So I got the

history by reinvigorating an old and what appeared to be useless


4. How do I deal With Dun and Bradstreet once I

get my number?

Part of the process of setting up your Dun and

Bradstreet file is to understand how to deal

with them once you have completed the

initial process. I will be walking you

through the process of monitoring your

Business Credit Jumpstart

credit file so you know when you have achieved a Paydex of 80 once your number is attained. I

spend time on this mainly because dealing with Dun and Bradstreet can make or break your credit

file. Once you get your number you will then create a password so you will be able to monitor

your credit file with them.

Let me give you an example: I had an attorney client. Dun and Bradstreet called him with a

question. He then went into his file and he saw stuff on their conversation that they documented

that was not said. Now, he had to go back and get it removed. Once you are all set up with them,

they will start coming after you because they want to sell you stuff. This is what you need to train

yourself to tell them, because if you do not do this they will find a way to hold what you answer

against you. Document it in your file and then you will have to work just as hard as my attorney

client to get it removed. Here is what you will want to tell them.

“I would love to talk to you, but I have an agreement with the other officers and I cannot

talk to you unless there is an agreement between us. The best thing I can say is email me

your questions; I will review them with my board and get back to you with the answers as

soon as I can.”

They will then email you the questions that you can answer correctly with some strategies,

Questions that they may have tried to ask you over the phone in a much sneakier way. For example:

You might just be setting up your file and they ask you for your password. If you give them an

inaccurate one then you will have to go through a whole process to be able to get it corrected

and they may notate that on your file. The two most important things to always remember is that

you have been in business more than two years and that you are an officer of the entity. Once

you have received your password to access your account from Dun and Bradstreet, you are going

to click where it says “update your DNB file or view it”. The information that you will want to

Business Credit Jumpstart

enter, in the exact order you want it entered will follow in the next section.



First go and click on “Get my Duns Number.” Once you do this it will then send you

a password to be able to access your account.

Business Name/ Contact Info

When it clicks through to your corporation’s DNB profile this is where your business profile is

recognized. The info that is in this section will determine a lot of things. Remember the name

is real important. If you put “real estate” don’t expect to get too much credit versus if you put

something like business services. This is what lenders are looking at when they are debating

about how much credit you deserve.

Then it will say “other businesses”. If you have DBAs this is where they would go. These help you

predict your income. With DBAs you can claim 250,000 for each DBA. If you have multiple DBA

then you could create up to a million dollars in income on your DNB file with this strategy.

Then it will ask for a phone number. Fill in your business phone number, but be aware that DNB

will contact you. My DNB file on this part was not filled out and I have over $1 million in credit,

so trust me on this, skipping this part will not make or break your file.

Next will be the address. Put the business address that has the most history from the time the

corporation began. Don’t switch it or put a P.O. Box. It will create a red flag and remember, you

Business Credit Jumpstart

only have one shot at doing this the right way or it will become a hassle that you will not want to

deal with and complicate the business credit process including how fast it will take you to build

the file to obtain credit.

Next, you will move on to page two which is the most important one. It will ask you the name

of the CEO and you want to put yourself. When you do this a good idea is to put CEO/President.

That way, if the system ever asks you this as a security question, you can’t get it wrong. I say

this because, if by chance you get it wrong when entering the system just once, it will be such a

hassle because Dun and Bradstreet will want to reset your password thinking that someone else

is trying to access your account. The most important thing is that you remain consistent with

that title. CEO gets a lot more emphasis since many picture a larger company where presidents

are referred to smaller size companies. You can’t put vice president and keep changing your

title. Dun and Bradstreet will track this and they will catch it and lock you out of the system if

you are making changes to your titles and officers often. They

then will ask you about other positions but I leave these entirely

blank at the beginning. As long as it says you are the CEO you

should be fine. I recommend you leave CFO blank because what

you can do if you eventually bring on a credit partner is add his

name here as the CFO and avoid making changes that will bring

attention to your account. I leave all my positions blank with the

exception of myself listed as CEO and it has never stopped me

from getting credit.

Years in Business
This is the most important question when it comes to DNB. You

Business Credit Jumpstart

only have one shot to get this right. Let’s say for example you have been in business for two or

three years put it down here as far back as you can justify the business operating. Whether you

were doing research, attending seminars, whatever, if it can relate to your business, then you

can use this information to your advantage. Just fill it in, whatever you do don’t call Dun and

Bradstreet to find out how to determine how old you are because it will show up on your file and

come back to haunt you. This happened with a student who was a lawyer. He wanted to engage

DNB in a conversation. He did and now his date that he began his corporation makes it appear

that he is only a few months old when it fact he has been in business for years. Now, he has to

go fight with them to prove he has been in business longer than that. So that is what can happen

if you talk to them and leak TMI …… Too Much Information. The key is to figure out how you can

surpass the two year benchmark.

Current Owner
Here is where you put you. If you are a woman and you’re a CEO you should always put more

than 50 percent owned and controlled. By doing this you get put on a separate list since you are

still considered a minority in the business world. Hey, I don’t make the rules, I just teach them!

This is one of those times that being a woman in the business world can literally really payoff.

There are many people who look to lend to women specially and they will buy this list of all

women CEO’s and send you some kind of credit offer. In fact, in some states there are benefits

available to companies that loan a certain amount of money to women. The same applies if you

are a minority, a veteran or disabled. Take full advantage of this while you can and claim it while

you can.

This is also the section where you would list other owners in the form of entities. For example,

let’s say you own a corporation that is a parent company to another LLC and it owns more than 50

percent of the business. That LLC would also be listed as another owner. Now, where this really

Business Credit Jumpstart

helps is if your parent company has good credit and good history -- it helps the company that it

owns. This is really a secret way to build cash.

Percentage of Stock Owned

Here you do not need to fill this out to get credit. I recommend you just leave this blank.

Next it will ask you how many employees you have. I would list up to five. I had one guy that said

that he does have five employees, but he was paying them all under the table. You are better off,

for credit purposes, showing the number of employees here rather than showing none other than

yourself since it makes it appear as more of a legitimate business. This can change all the time in

the real world as well as what you pay them and how, but for your credit file five is the number

that I recommend. If you are in real estate you may start off as yourself. However, if you treat it

as a business you will be most likely hiring an administrator, a marketing person, bookkeeper and

sales agents over time. Therefore put five and just leave it here regardless of the actual size of

your team at the present moment. In this instance you can predict the future in order to achieve

the best credit rating and the secret number is FIVE!

How You Bill Your Customers

Right here click on anything. Go ahead and click on as many ways as you want that you choose

to bill your customers. Dun and Bradstreet then compiles this information and sells the list to

suppliers that then send you offers. For example, if you are a net 30 company, I know most likely

you are in manufacturing. I’m going to come see if I can sell you some leasing equipment. So a

guy like me will buy the Net 30 list from Dun and Bradstreet in order to be able to reach your


Business Credit Jumpstart

Number of Active Accounts

Leave this blank because if you put in a number in there they’re going to want to know who those

accounts are so they can go after them so they can get you to report them. However, if you have

supply creditors they will be reporting anyway to the bureaus. Just leave this blank to avoid the

headache and give Dun and Bradstreet another reason they need to speak to you.

Check that you do ten percent of sales on the

internet here regardless if that is accurate or not

at the present moment. Right now the internet is

still considered somewhat risky. But in five years it

will be just as common as people making a million

dollars a year from their home based businesses.

You will have a website. You will most likely do a

transaction via the web in today’s day and age for


Servicing Area
Put International. You never know where you may do a deal. Also, with the internet the market

has become global. Here you should also check the box that part of your 10% of your service

market is on the internet. Because we are now operating in this global economy the chances of

you doing business in many different countries over the internet has become quite high.

Same thing here -- click on as many different people and organizations that you deal with. Dun

and Bradstreet is again colleting information that they can compile to sell as a list. They are also

Business Credit Jumpstart

using it to conduct market research and track business trends with it as well.

Primary Place of Business

Here is another big one. If you do business out of your residence that is completely acceptable,

so you should click that. You do not need to fill out all the information about the layout of the

building. Remember, when you transfer or transition from one residence to a building this can

trick you up if you don’t do this right. I messed this up so I hope you can benefit from my mistake

by learning from it. I transferred and said that I moved instead of opening a second location and I

got a red flag for moving. One is not really bad, but if you move more than that they will red flag

you. So, if you are moving, remember the new address gets added to your file as adding a second

location. In fact, adding a second location means you have two different addresses and it looks

like you are bigger business since you have more than one location.

Here it will give you a dropdown and ask you about the square footage of the offices you occupy.

Be accurate so they don’t call and ask you about it.

Here is where they are going to ask you your financials. To this day I have not done my financials.

I have over $1 million in business credit and it has not stopped me. So by not doing your financials,

unless you have a great CPA, I would click “I do not wish to input my financials at this time.” Then

you are pretty much done.

Total Sales Revenue

I tell all my students to put $250,000. If you give them an obscene number and they see it then

you will lose credibility. If you are making more than that put that, but be reasonable. To get

started with a newer corporation this is what I have found will yield the best results.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Final Changes
At this point you will be done and it will ask you to save your work. Before it does this it will ask

you to if you want to make any changes. The answer is ABSOULUTELY NOT! If you go back to make

even the slightest change Dun and Bradstreet will then call you to make sure that you did want

the requested changes in an effort to hold up your whole file.

Once you are done with setting up your file you will then leave Dun alone for at least three to

four months. You are not going to get a Paydex overnight. Maybe once a month come in here to

check your file until you do have a Paydex score. Other than that do not come here or change


Monitoring Your DUNS Number

Dun and Bradstreet will constantly be trying to sell you a credit monitoring program. You don’t

need to buy ANYTHING from them! However, there is one thing that I do recommend. You will

not need this until you attain a Paydex score of 80. This could take anywhere from 90 days to 5

months. After that, maybe even a few months after that, you will get your file and have some

history. It is an expensive program and will run you $350.00 a year. Experian is 99.00 for the

whole year for the same thing. The advantage of the self- monitoring is that you actually get a

live feed from Dun and Bradstreet about your credit. You can download this and print it out and

actually take it to the bank with you. Some banks will take that live feed if they see the date on

it and won’t pull an inquiry on the company. This way you can eliminate some of the inquiries on

your company credit report and keep your scores high.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Since I help so many people set up Dun and Bradstreet

numbers, I do have a contact there. If you are my student

you are entitled to a $100.00 off on the self monitoring

program. To do this when you set it up you will need to

mention that you are working with Mark Bravo and they

will honor that pricing. If you have any problems with them

just call my offices directly as we will take care of it.

Establishing your private

Dun and Bradstreet
profile to get your Paydex
of 80

If you subscribe to the self monitoring program it is a live feed and you can monitor your business

profile. I highly recommend you do this as you work to build your Paydex of 80. Often you will

find reasons that your score is affected and then be able to correct them. Also, I have used these

live reports with my profile as documentation to do everything from applying for a business line

of credit with a bank to using my Duns number to buy a house based on the fact that I owned a

business to qualify for a loan.

In my program most of the people who are using my system start with a Paydex of 0 and then I

work to get it to a score of 80. This is the score at which you need to be to qualify for the most

credit. Once you start getting trade lines of credit you will be conducting transactions and paying

them off to build credit history with Dun and Bradstreet. You will find that once you have these

Business Credit Jumpstart

trade lines, if you show no activity, your score will drop because the creditors are not reporting

any activity.

Below are a few of the things that having access to the self monitoring program allows you to

see and then improve in order to improve your overall Paydex score. Remember it is going to

take four to five months to build this Paydex score up. Let’s say you want to lease a car for your

business. If you have a Paydex of 80 you can get a new car under a leasing program because of

this. This is also a great way to build your credit file. The lease will show up on your credit file and

will make it appear that you already have corporate credit because you have a lease. Once you

are able to get a lease under your corporation you will be doing something right because other

lenders will start contacting you to give you more credit.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Business Credit Jumpstart

As you build up your accounts you will not be able to see who specifically the creditors are. For

instance, let’s say you have an Office Depot card. It will just show up with the line of credit

under miscellaneous. What you will get from each of these lines is a payment status rating. This

indicates to lenders the rate and accuracy that you pay your bills. It will tell you if you are a fast

paced, slow pay or satisfactory. If you pay 10 days ahead of time you will get a fast pace rating.

If you pay closer to the due date you will get a slow pay. Satisfactory is late but you still paid the

amount due.

Next on your profile you will see public filings. This is where any liens you may have will appear.

It is not uncommon to have liens that you might not be aware of. For example, I have had clients

who had a $200.00 lien from changing their business name and not knowing there was a fee

involved. They never got a bill for it so it appeared on their report. What you need to do is look

into and clear any liens that appear in your file and this will help raise your score instantly.

Then you will be able to review your work history. Remember you want to be general here since

you are in business management services so you don’t limit the amount of money you can qualify

for. If you have service industry experience, for example, you have been in the plumbing business

for twenty years, that gives you credibility and you can list that if you want. If you are in real

estate, don’t list things such as “specializes in investing in properties.” Remember, you want the

option of using this entity to your advantage and working in multiple businesses because of it.

You don’t have to be making money in any of them, but this is where you want to be versatile.

Remember, this is a private subscription based report that is not for public use. However, it can

be really useful in your attempt at not only developing your Paydex score but also monitoring it

in order to use this information to build credibility in other scenarios.

Business Credit Jumpstart



Setting up your Dun and Bradstreet Account

1. Visit

2. Select and click on “get a d-u-n-s number

3. Select and click on d-u-n-s number only

4. Enter your first name in field entitled “first name”

5. Enter your last name in field entitled “last name”

6. Choose a title from drop down menu

7. Enter corporation’s email

8. Enter the corporation’s telephone number

9. Company’s website is optional

10. Print Information sheet as you will need it later

11. Click Submit

Filling out the Application

1. Enter Corporation name on field entitled “ Name of

Business” (full legal name)

2. Enter DBA names ( if applicable) on field entitled “ Name

of Business” (full legal name)

3. Enter business address on field entitled “ business address”

4. Enter city name on field entitled “city”

5. Enter corporation’s zip code on field entitled “zip code”

Business Credit Jumpstart

6. Enter corporate business phone number on field entitled “local phone number”

7. Enter corporation toll free number on field entitled “toll free number”

8. Enter corporation fax number, if applicable, on field entitled “company fax number”

1. Enter corporation C.E.O./ business owner on field entitled “title”

2. Enter any other title if applicable in field entitled “ if other enter here”

3. Enter email address of the CEO/Business owner on field entitled

1. You may enter 1% of stock owned by “president”

2. You may enter 1% of stock owned by “secretary”

3. You may enter 1% of stock owned by “ treasurer”

4. You may enter 97% of stock owned by the C.F.O.

5. Do not check this box entitled “this is a publicly traded company”

6. Enter the year in the business started in field “year business started”

7. Enter the corporation’s mailing address on field entitled “mailing address”

8. Enter the corporation’s mailing address phone number on field entitled “ number”

9. Enter the corporation’s mailing’s city state and zip code on field entitled “city, state, zip


Business Credit Jumpstart

Step Three: Developing

your Experian File

Experian is Easy Because

its Automatically Done for You!

This is the next step but one that you will automatically be doing as you go through the other

steps of developing your businesses credit file. It is automatic just like when you get personal

credit they start tracking you. In fact once you start obtaining some lines of credit, they will start

tracking your buying and payment behaviors.

So if you get a credit card under the business some companies will automatically be tracking it

with Dun and Bradstreet. However, with some banks, although you have a card from them, they

fail to report to the agencies. This is why you want to make sure that you call and make sure that

the bank knows that you want them to report for you. Once in a while when you do this they will

ask for a resolution. Remember, you are a representative for the corporation so you can get them

that. LLC may be a different story since they report a bit differently.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Section Three
The Credit Application Process

Business Credit Jumpstart


Using my system and depending on your own personal situation you will need to make a decision

about which approach will work best for you. A wise old man once said that in order to get to

your final destination you need to know where you are starting from on the map. When it comes

to business credit you have two options of where to begin. First, you must assess, based on where

you are, which option works best for you.

Option One



Option Two


Either way will lead you to the same spot. Either you will end up $50,000 and up depending on

your credit score and at what stage you are in setting up your entity or you will. You can end up

with a few hundred thousand in thirty days or in three to sixth months. This will depend on where

you are personally starting from with your own credit. So, from here you will want to focus on

what your current credit score is and then what you can do to improve it from the start.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Using 30 Day Accounts Once

to Build your Paydex Score

The credit application process needs to be segmented and

broken down into an easy step- by-step process so that you build

a strong foundation on which you can build a house of cash. Once

you have gone through the steps to attain your Duns number and

have begun to build your Paydex, you should start going after

30 day accounts to build history. Here I am not referring to the

big guys like Home Depot. You want to start building credit by

getting 30 day accounts that are available to anyone. Here are

just a few websites that I use on a regular basis to do this.




• (if you are on the west coast)

• (if you are on the east coast)




You want to find companies that you can do business with and get a 30 day account. You want

to choose companies that you can do business with as you will buy from them on your account,

pay them in full and then ask them to report to Duns to build this credit history. Gas accounts

Business Credit Jumpstart

are a great one to do this with. Find a local gas station with a 30 day account. Try to stay away

from Mom and Pops who do not report to Duns. The bigger chains that offer accounts like these

probably already are reporting there so this is what you are looking for to be able to build some

credit. Stay away from the big chains such as Shell and Mobil since they will require a Paydex and

proof of three open trade lines while the mid size companies that are usually regional can help

you attain your Paydex at a much faster rate. Once you have your Paydex you can then apply for

the actual credit cards they offer.

Go to these sites I mentioned above and set up a 30 day account. I use FedEx and Kinko’s a lot so

that one is easy to help you reach your Paydex. They are going to approve you instantly. Uline has

trash cans and bags. Neb’s offers printing. Just buy something you need for your business so you

can have some buying activity. Do this every month until you are getting a Paydex. The gas will

be easy. Don’t spend a ton of money until you get a Paydex which again will take you between

four to six months. How this gets you a Paydex is that these companies have to report. Not all

of them will report to Duns every month but over time they will and this is what leads to your

business showing up on the radar screen and getting a Paydex score.

The cool thing about using these 30 day accounts is that the bigger companies usually require

three or more trade lines to apply for their credit cards. If you open just a few of these 30 day

lines and get them working for you, you can go after some of the bigger guys and really accelerate

this process. The Paydex will put you on a whole other tier of access to credit. It is great to get

these lines and then apply for a Shell Gas card. You can get a card with a line of credit for maybe

between $2,000 -$5,000 and charge and keep track of all your gas. I then pay the minimum each

month unless I have a really good month and then I pay it off completely. Then, you can increase

that line and your Paydex score in the meantime. This is a nice thing to have, especially with the

cost of gas right now.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Another thing that you can use these 30 day accounts for is to accelerate your payment status.

What you need to do is call the accounts that you have 30 day status with and see if they allow

you to pay more than your monthly bill. I know Fed Ex will allow you to do this. Let says that

you place an order online for business cards with and they bill you $32.00 for that

month. Instead of paying the $32.00 you pay $300.00. What they will do, if they allow this is, the

company will then report you as a fastpay since you don’t owe them any money and they will

need to place you with a credit on their books. Many students will start with the 30 day accounts

and then once they have their Paydex do away with the accounts. I did this at the beginning and

it was a big mistake. Even once you have a Paydex you can use the net 30 accounts to get Fastpay

status and bump up your score if you need to by a few points.

Once you have started doing this with your business you can then start going after revolving

cards such as Office Depot and Staples. Then the next level will be leasing a car under your new

Corporation. But you will not be going after these until you show that you have a Paydex and


Secret Places to Find Cash

That You Might Not Think

If you are anxious to get going in this chapter we are too. We are

going to show you some of the secret places you can find credit

available that many people do not think to look for. A lot of people

Business Credit Jumpstart

don’t know that Costco’s and Sam’s Clubs have credit cards and they both have up to a $100,000

line of credit. They are two of our favorite places simply because once you have this history with

them, and once you have a business credit score, you can apply for that $100,000.

What I recommend is going to Costco or Sam’s Club. Sam’s Club has two lines of credit; a private

one and a Discover card. I tell people to stay away from the Discover card initially. If you have an

existing personal account with them you can transfer it over to your business account. Stay with

the private label which means that you have credit to shop there only. This is why if you have

a personal account you can switch to a business account and have a head start because it will

transfer your previous account activity. If you start a new business account, I recommend that

you buy business supplies, groceries whatever you want under your business account and show at

least three months of buying activity. Pay three payments to them. They will then offer a line of

credit that you can go after. You don’t want to just apply and have no affiliation with them.

Using your Spouse to

Qualify For More Credit

This is another use mistake that I see many people make when they are married and in business

together. The understanding of this concept is one that you can use as leverage in getting credit

and will make a huge difference in the amount that you are able to get if you harness the power

of this principle.

In normal circumstances, when a husband and wife are in the same corporation and they apply

for credit, the application will ask you to name the owner. The husband and wife will say we are

both owners. Well, guess what happens then? Both names then go onto the application, they’ll

Business Credit Jumpstart

both get credit inquiries, and they’ll both get $25,000.

Now, this is what they could have done if

they had taken the time just like you to

get educated on this process. Each one

of them could write a resolution that

will be kept in the corporations file. This

resolution would say something to the

effect that each of you has the right to

say you own the stock 100% for credit

building purposes only. Therefore, you

can both go on two different applications

and state that you are owners. You can double everything you do just by this one concept. If you

just did this for a couple of months, instead of building $100,000 or $150,000, you will be able to

double whatever amount you would have had as co-owners. This is a huge concept that will help

you get tons of cash when applied.

I have a married couple who have got up to $700,000 by doing it this way. This can be a huge

advantage, especially if you both have good credit scores.

Another thing that I have seen quite often is another opportunity to have your spouse help you

build some credit. I talk to couples all the time and the wife sometimes has never taken the

time to do that. She is just using a credit card that her husband gave her in his name. She may

have a great credit score based on him; however, she has no leverage of her own. That is why

I recommend that you always build your own credit. I have seen others that have added their

children to their accounts to help them built credit. If the parent has bad credit it also reflects

Business Credit Jumpstart

on the children’s credit as well.

If you have done this, one of the easiest ways to get them off the card is to call and say that

you have lost the card. Then tell the bank when they re-issue the card “Don’t re-issue to the

children”. It will then come off their credit, and vice versa for husband and wife. Just make sure

that you do check that it has come off their account. It may take a full 30 days for them to report

and the credit bureaus to pick that information up.

Business Credit Jumpstart

CFO Resolution

I/we the board of the following Corporation ____________________ dually elect

________________________ as CFO. He has the power to state. He controls
one hundred percent for stock, for credit purposes only. He does not own the
stock for a personal nature. He is not held liable for any reason or purpose.
This resolution will expire 90 days from the date it is notarized. This resolution
has been elected for the only purpose to build corporate credit on behalf of the
corporation named above. _____________________ has the power to use his
references now that he has joined the organization as CFO on a temporary basis.
He can use all references to build corporate credit up to the certain amount of

__________________________ ___________________________
President Secretary

Board Member

1._________________________ ___________________________

3._________________________ ___________________________

KAG Business Credit | 147 W Route 66 Suite #713 | Glendora, CA 91740 | (866) 310-4949

Business Credit Jumpstart

On the Resolution, when you are adding a credit partner, you will want to get that notarized.

Remember, the credit partner is going to be listed as your CFO. If the partner ever comes back and

says, “Hey, I never authorized you to build credit with my name,” you then have it documented.

This document is very important because, let’s say that you build $100,000 under his name and

then he decides to contact your creditors and say I never authorized this guy to build credit on

my name. You fax them this document, notarized, and your butt is covered.

On the Resolution with a husband, wife, and a brother on a company, I would still do this form for

each one of you because if you notice this form, it says on there that you have the right to state

that you own 100 percent of the stock for credit building purposes only. So, if there are three

people on this corporation, they’re all partners, they can’t own it all, not all three people can

own 100 percent, but using this form can help you get three people different people to qualify for

credit. It’s called a financial form. You create that. All three people would go on their financial

forms and they would each have a resolution. So then they can get creative in applying for credit.

This form is not just for credit partners. It’s also for guys if you want to create credit on more

than one corporation. This is an internal document. You just don’t have to show it to the public.

This is just to protect you if you ever got audited or if somebody tries to say you’re trying to

defraud someone. This is just to protect you if you ever got audited or if somebody tries to say

you’re trying to defraud someone.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Finding and Adding a Credit Partner

This may be a friend, business partner or complete stranger. Whoever you choose, they will have

to be someone who has great credit that you can leverage to get business credit while you build

your personal credit score up.

There are two things that you should disclose when approaching a credit partner. However, in

my opinion, there is not much of a downside to either one. The other thing that needs to be

addressed when it come to credit partners is that, yes, the business credit inquiries when applying

for credit will show up on their personal credit report as

well. You need to make sure you disclose that, yes, their

score may drop 20 points based on inquiries but if it gets

you closer to hundreds of thousands in credit, than what

is that worth to them? The fact is that whether they are a

friend, stranger or a business partner they are responsible

for the credit. Over time, as inquiries disappear or are

removed, their score will return to normal.

Let’s take a look at another situation. If a corporation files a federal bankruptcy, it can dump all

its debt, but they still may come after you. However, if you file bankruptcy as a sole proprietor all

that debt immediately falls on you and your chances of getting any type of credit become dead in

the water. If a corporation and you have debt, and it’s under the business but you guaranteed it,

they MAY come after you. However, it does depend on the company. It may also be unlikely since

many companies opt for the tax write off that they get because of personal bankruptcy laws.

Business Credit Jumpstart

As you obtain credit you need to use this money wisely and use it to grow your business. The

other thing that you should be using it for is to clean up your personal credit while positioning

yourself to build your business credit file. I say this so eventually you can remove that credit

partner from the corporation’s file.

Credit Partner Suggestions: We see that the average cost of paying a credit partner is $500 per

month. But this is totally negotiable. If a deal is involved (real estate transaction) people are

typically paid up to 15% of.

Removing a Credit Partner from your File

Yes, you can which is a great caveat to credit partners. When I first tried this, what I did was max

out all his cards and then I called the bank and said he resigned from the corporation. How can

I get this credit in the company’s name? I did not really care at that point since it was all maxed

out. But here is what they told me and how I learned to do this so you learn from my mistake.

They said, “If you have somebody replace him with equal credit, which we did, then we can take

his name off. This is how we took his name off:

Removing the credit partner: They would resign from the corporation by typing up a resignation

as CFO on company letterhead. You would call the bank and replace that credit partner with

another one of if your credit is now high (from cleaning it) then you would replace the CFO. Tell

the banks that the CFO is resigning and that you’d like to replace him with another credit partner

or yourself. Ask them what they’ll require as each bank is different. You could also pay the credit

down and close the accounts.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Applying For Vendor Credit

All the credit cards that I recommend have zero percent interest for the first six to twelve

months, but then they jump up. If you do everything right, you can still negotiate them down,

but credit cards’ main purpose is to you started, to get on the map paying bills, and give you

some money so that you can work towards getting lines of credit. Eventually you may be using

some of the money provided to you from these credit cards as a strategy to get you some lines

of credit in the future. Business lines of credit should be your end goal. Mainly because lines of

credit have different interest terms, which means that the cost to borrow is much less as well

as your monthly payments in comparison to credit cards. If you max out a credit card and it has

matured to its maximum interest rate, the payments can be really high. In the long run you will

be going after getting lines of credit which is where the best and least expensive money is to help

you grow your business.

One of the strategies that I also teach is that once you have a business line of credit you can use

this cash to pay down personal credit cards with high interest rates. In most cases, before you

had business credit some of this money was probably spent on your business expenses so you can

justify this. Then you can pay these cards down and increase your cash flow by not paying that

high interest each month. Your credit score will go up and you can then go after more credit.

Here are the top three credit cards that I suggest you look in to:




Business Credit Jumpstart

You can also visit where we update the the links of the

credit cards we recommend on a consistent basis.

Once I start applying for cards I then use this checklist below. You will also be able to print out a

copy of this on the forms disk included with the manual. The first year that I started this process

I attained 87 different cards. Half of them are supply, half of them are cash. So you this list to

track your progress so you don’t miss any opportunities and know where you are.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Business Credit Jumpstart

What to do when Your Business starts to

get turned down for Credit.

This is the exact reason why I give you an action plan to follow to set yourself so you make the

most of the time you have in the credit application phase of the system. When you own a business

an old cliché says that you have to assume that it is not if you will be sued, but when. The same

goes for business credit. It is not a question if you eventually get shut down for credit; it is a

matter of when. The “when” is the point that you have had too many inquiries and because of

this it has led to a incremental drop in your credit score. Then it is simply a matter of time to

allow the inquiries to come off or work to remove them faster until your score rises to credit

worthy number. At the end of this manual you will be develop a personal plan of attack for the

credit application process so that you can continue to pursue credit and keep growing the amount

of cash your business has over time.

When they start to turn you down it will be because of three possible reasons: lates, your balance

is to high, or too many inquiries. If you are using the method that is taught in this system, then

in most instances it will be because of number of inquires. Keep going after a few more cards

because sometimes you can sneak a few more in there before you go in the “clean up” phase

and start the application process again. Then you should wait a while for these inquiries to clear

-- usually a few months before you start the application process once more. In the meantime

this is where it is a huge benefit to have multiple corporations that you can work with while the

activity on that one rebuilds itself.

You will still be getting inquiries on your personal credit. Let’s say for example that you go for

five lines of credit, whether it be a line of credit at a bank or credit cards, you will have at least

Business Credit Jumpstart

five inquiries. Inquiries drop your credit score

by points over time and by the ninth or tenth

time you will be shutdown for credit. There

are companies that can remove inquiries for

you out there. The good news is that I will be

able to help you also get these removed in

record time with my personal credit clean up

program. All you have to do is call my office

and ask about the personal credit services we

offer. Why I recommend the shotgun approach

when it comes to the credit application

process is this: You need to be strategic with

your plan and treat it as part of your business

plan that intends to generate revenue for your

business. If you want to succeed at anything

you need a plan and the same applies with

business credit. Getting credit is part of your business plan to lead to income generation so you

need to have a strategy to work from once they do start to say NO!

I say this because I think you should get all the credit you can get, and then start working on

clearing up the inquiries that you get because of it. But you must have a plan developed to do this

and then work it! Let’s say for example you have a 680 credit score. The reason why is that you

have three or four credit cards that are maxed out at $10,000 and $20,000. So what you want to

do is get $60,000 to $100,000, pay the credit cards down and then your credit score should raise

20-30 points. At this point you then can go to round two of the application process. Go to Sam’s

Club, go to Home Depot -- do it all in one day while you have leverage on your score.

Business Credit Jumpstart

Just a year ago I could send people to five different places and they would get tons of credit,

but now technology is catching up to it. For example, Bank of America has multiple processing

centers in California. I used to be able to walk into the Orange County center and the Los Angeles

Center in one day and apply for two cards without them being able to cross reference it. Now,

with today’s technology, they are catching it. This is a great opportunity to leverage by having a

spouse or credit partner apply separately.

The Rule of 43
Once you have begun to get turned down reapply again in 43 Days. Why? Every 42 days lending

companies dump everything that was disapproved. They can’t keep it in their records so they

just get rid of it and it is like you were never there. I learned this by applying 42 days after and

they said you just applied. Then I went back on Day 45 and applied and I got it. This is one of

my tricks of the trade simply made by trial and error. It is the same thing when it comes to your

personal credit. If you try to challenge something before a certain cycle they won’t like it or you.

Go beyond the cycle and your chances of them working with you will improve greatly.

Turning Credit Card Accounts

into Lines of Credit

The next part of this process to accelerate working capital is a step that you will build up to

within the credit process. Over time I then teach you to take some of the money that you have

already received in credit cards and put it into your checking account. Then this is when you are

ready to apply for a line of credit with the bank. So many people think that if they just walk into

a bank and they have good credit they will qualify for a line of credit. Most times they can, and

will get $10,000. If you do it this way you will most likely get $50,000 or more!

Business Credit Jumpstart

Some of you might already have an American Express card. American Express has a line of credit.

It usually falls between $10,000 to $50,000. That’s designed for you, a small business. However,

you will not qualify for this unless you have an American Express card. The easiest American

Express card to get is the Gold card. I tell people all the time to go after the gold card since it is a

30 day card. You have got to pay it, and you’re forced to pay it every month. So you’re not going to

spend a lot of money on it and yet the gold

card reports, plus you can get the $50,000

line of credit in the future. So, that’s how

you would get the American Express line

of credit, by getting their credit card first.

Costco and Sam’s Club have $100,000 lines

of credit and it’s the same thing.

Banks are the same way too. Get their

credit card, which is $5,000 to $35,000.

Then, as I told you, when you have money

sitting in your checking account, they will

tend to give you money. It is the same scenario when you are starting your business and have a

little cash and you have to pay for dinner. Then, when you are finally making money, everyone

wants to take you out to dinner, The same applies to your checking account. If you have no money

in the account then it is a lot harder to get more. When you do have money they throw more at

you. That is why I recommend you take cash advances and deposit them into your accounts. If

you have $10,000 to $15,000 in your back account all the time they will invite you to apply for

their line of credit.

One of the ways that I teach people to get to this point is cash advances from the credit cards

Business Credit Jumpstart

you receive. There is a limit to the amount of cash advance that you can get on these cards. Most

cards only allow 50 percent of the credit. So if you have a card with a credit limit of $20,000,

the most you can take out is $10,000 for a cash advance. Then I say pay down your higher cards

with this money to bring up your score for more credit or what you can do here is also deposit

it into your business checking account to make your application stronger for a line of credit with

the bank. With a 700 credit score you can usually get up to $35,000. If you have a 680 I’ve seen

as high as $20,000.

Lines of credit are different in many ways from cards because they are based on 15 year terms,

similar to a home equity loan so your payments are a lot lower. Most often people think they need

to go to banks to get lines of credit but companies like Costco, American Express and Capital all

offer lines of credit.

Putting a Package Together to

Approach the Bank

One of the things that I have done with all this information is put a package together so I can

present it to my local banker and build a relationship with them. This is something you should

be doing eight to nine months down the road. This is so professional and will take a lot of the

work from your banker’s “to do” list and make them more willing to lend you money. Once you

have an Experian score of 80 and a Paydex of 80 you can print out your credit reports live from

both bureaus by using their subscription services. I would also include a personal credit report

on your CFO. I then would then put these in a file along with a current list of active accounts.

In addition, I would print a cover letter that briefly describes my business and how long we have

been in operation. I would put it in a folder with my business logo, address and telephone number

Business Credit Jumpstart

to make me appear professional. You will be amazed at how preparation such as this can pay off

by getting lines of credit! You have helped them do a lot of the work, as well as made yourself

look legitimate.

The other great thing about doing this is that you will save getting an inquiry on your file since

you are showing them everything they need live. You are not hiding anything. This will work 40-50

percent of the time. Some banks are going to pull your credit no matter what. Wells Fargo is one

of them and that is why we don’t deal with them as much. I have seen students go to Bank of

America and get up to a $100,000 line of credit with this strategy. Remember, you want to stay

under a $100,000 so you will not be required to show financials. If you are at that point where you

can show financials you want to move onto some bigger opportunities to see if you can qualify for

some other sources of money such as SBA loans.

What about SBA loans?

SBA loans are set up differently than cash credit lines. Remember, this whole program is geared

towards getting business credit without having to show business financials. The SBA money is

definitely out there but it is a much more intensive process to qualify for. That is why most

people don’t get the SBA because they have to show you three years of financials, a business plan

etc. That is why my plan is so great because you can build those financials, get a few hundred

thousand dollars while you are at it and then go after the bigger SBA loans. Down the road you

should be showing your financials. You should have a business plan. This is all about creating an

enticing package that can qualify for the bigger loans and result in a lot more money for you on

the best terms. If you are not tracking this stuff then you are not developing your business to the

maximum potential that you could be.

Business Credit Jumpstart


1. Incorporate
2. Business License
3. Business Phone Number
4. Business Account
5. Dun and Bradstreet
6. 30 Day Accounts
7. Paydex of 80
8. Experian
9. Vendor Lines of Credit
10. Cash Lines of Credit

Business Credit Jumpstart

Goals & Activity Sheet

Your Goal: ________________________________________________________

Write activities to transform your goal into a reality...

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________

10. ______________________________________________________________

11. ______________________________________________________________

12. ______________________________________________________________

13. ______________________________________________________________

14. ______________________________________________________________

15. ______________________________________________________________

16. ______________________________________________________________

KAG Business Credit | 147 W Route 66 Suite #713 | Glendora, CA 91740 | (866) 310-4949

Business Credit Jumpstart

Quick Resource Guide

Personal Resource Links
FREE Credit Reports

Discover How To Increase Your Credit Personal Credit Score


Identity Theft Protection


Fair Credit Reporting Act


Business Resource Links

Dun & Bradstreet


Business/Corporate Experian

Our Secret Bankers List


Business Credit Jumpstart

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