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Is family less important now?

It’s difficult to say if the statement that today’s families are not as important as in the past is
true or not. In my humble opinion, family has always been an essential part of every person’s
life and its importance even grows.

Meanwhile, if we are talking about 500.000 years ago, a living as a family was a way to
survive in the dangerous world. People had to work as a team or they would be killed by
predatory animals or other tribes. Nevertheless, families in the past were connected by
natural relations: parents trying to protect their children took care of them. However, the
main reason to live together was surviving.

But in the course of time, a lot has changed. Now we are not afraid to die in a stupid way
because of improvement of technologies and people’s evolution as the intelligent creatures.
In other words, is family useless nowadays? I’m sure that it is not! Let me explain my point
of view.

Above all, our family connections became more spiritual. Everybody knows that we can get
support from our relatives, especially from mother and father, when we have fails and falls.
They help us to cope with the problems, to go through boundaries, which we come across on
our long way to success and happiness, to believe in ourselves. A wise quote says: “The
happy family is the happy country”. And I absolutely agree with this statement.

All in all, to my mind, the importance of families hasn’t reduced. Maybe, now they are even
more significant than were in the past. That’s why we must spend more time with our
families and grab every moment talking with them!

288 words

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