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Your Turn:

Think of an environment you have been to, or live in. What different species of plants and animals have you
seen? How do they depend on each other? What are some examples of genetic diversity and species diversity in
that environment? Write a paragraph that answers these questions.
Being born and raised in Mangatarem, I have always been amazed by the biodiversity present in the different parts of our town. I
would like to share the biodiversity that I have witnessed throughout my life living in this town. First, our lowland soil is very rich.
Because of this, we have a diverse number of crops such as rice, corn, tomatoes, and man more crops which is a source of livelihood
and food for most people in our town. When it comes to agriculture, some citizens in our town also raises chicken, pigs, and cows that
are being traded or cooked for their own consumption. Secondly, our highlands, such as the hills across “Daang Kalikasan” and the
protected mountains near Manleluag have also brought blessings to our town. These picturesque hills and mountains are surely a very
relaxing sight to see. They are also home to a diverse number of trees that gives us fresh air, several wild animals, and even rare
species such as the “saksakulap” bird which I have not seen yet. I have also seen different colors of birds and insects, such as blue
birds, maya birds, yellow and red butterflies. They help in the natural pollination for our plants and trees. Lastly, we have our rivers
that irrigates our crops, where some fishes such as dalag and hito can also be caught and are very refreshing to visit in the summer.

Our town’s biodiversity is so varied. I may have a lot more things to share about it. These is the biodiversity of our town that I have
grown and love to see. It is the environment that gave me food and fresh air to breathe. Now, it is my duty to return the favor and help
protect it as much as I can.

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