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The Henley College – 62441

Oliver James 986290
Short Film Proposal

My Final Major Project is going to be a short film because in the past I have done a few short
films and this is the discipline I am most experienced in. I have made happy short films, sporty
short film and a thriller and I feel like the thriller worked best with and is my personal
favourite out of all of my short films and at The Henley College one of our first short films was
to build tension so I can look a back and see how much I can improve on that as well as look at
the feedback Adam and Sarah gave me to make my new short film the best it can be and reach
the top grades I can get.

My aims with this short film is to really show off not only my camera work skills as well as my
editing to and i am going to do that by researching more techniques with my camera and
editing software as well as I am going to make sure that my planning is perfect and has lots of
depth and a real strong backbone to my idea which will help the camerawork and editing come
to life I also what to try out using other cameras such as a time-lapse camera, action camera for
chases and possibly even a drone and I think this will create a whole new level to my work. I am
also over the Easter break going to spend a day with someone who knows lots and lots about
Canon Cameras and this will help me know my camera better and use it to the best it can be
used to. I am also going on a professional shoot on the 26th of March and I am going to help
direct and produce a video for Meals For Marlow so this help add to my skills and see how
other camera men work.

The way I'm going to keep track of my progression throughout my Final Major Project is by
writing a weekly blog about how my work is going and reflecting back on each bit of work I do
that week and possibly improve the area’s that aren’t up to scratch. I will also get my peers to
take a look at my work and see if they can see improvement and maybe add those
improvements if I agree with them.

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