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7 - day gentle detox plan - Ekhart Yoga http://www.ekhartyoga.


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7 - day gentle detox plan

02 jan 2013
By Esther Ekhart

Join us in a healthy and gentle seven-day detox.

You may choose to follow this detox plan together with our 10-day get fit and healthy yoga program!

General guidelines

Use organic and fresh produce when possible

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7 - day gentle detox plan - Ekhart Yoga

• Chew everything you eat very well, mixing the food well with your saliva

• Drink plenty of water and herbal teas

• Relax right before, during, and after eating

• Eat grains only with breakfast, lunch and dinner should consist of steamed greens and vegetables


Drink goji berry tea twice a day. To make goji berry tea, add one tablespoon of goji berries (organic, for
sure!) to a cup of hot water and let it sit until the berries are plump. Then drink the tea and eat the berries.
I really recommend goji berry tea for all the nutrients — it’s great for the liver, and it’s delicious!

Day 1-2: Preparation

Prepare by cutting out the foods you’ll be avoiding during the detox, like
alcohol, sugar, caffeine, and fried foods.

On these days, begin taking a tablespoon of chia seeds in half a cup of

water. Stir the seeds into the water and leave it for about 10 minutes, and
then drink the gel that has formed. This will help to clean out your

Also stock up on foods you are going to use:

Grains: amaranth, quinoa, rice, millet, buckwheat

Veggies: kale, broccoli, carrots, beets, cabbages, sweet potatoes, potatoes, green beans, asparagus, chard,

Fruits: pears, apples, bananas, oranges, lemons, mixed berries, melon, papayas, grapefruit, mangoes

Think of a good organic olive oil and sea salt to accompany your detox foods.

Day 3-10: Detoxification

Upon rising
Drink one glass of warm water with half a lemon squeezed into it. Or, if you know you have too much
heat in your body, leave out the lemon and take the chia-seed gel and the glass of warm water. If you
don’t know which one to choose, pick the one you are drawn to.

Begin with a piece of fresh fruit — any kind you like. Fifteen to 30 minutes after that, eat one bowl of
cooked whole grains. For the grains, think about amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, rice, millet. Find out what
you like and what works for you!

You can add a small amount of sea salt or tamari to your grains for flavor. And try this healthy flavoring as
well: Mix a half-cup of cold-pressed canola oil (or olive or flaxseed oil) into a half-pound of soft butter.
Pop the mixture into the refrigerator to store. Use about one teaspoon per meal, and not more than 3
teaspoons daily. For a sweeter taste, you can add 2 tablespoons of fruit juice to the grains.

Eat one to two bowls of steamed vegetables for lunch. Make sure to use a good variety of vegetables and
to use ones that you like as well.

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Think about kale, broccoli, carrots, beets, cabbages, sweet potatoes,

potatoes, green beans, asparagus, chard, squash, and any other veggies that you like and I forgot to

Use the same guidelines as for lunch.

Sometime between 11 AM and 3 PM, drink the juice of the steamed vegetables with a little added sea salt,
kelp, or even a bit of spirulina.

In the evening, drink only herbal teas.

Think peppermint, chamomile, Echinacea, nettle, pau d’arco, etc.

When your body starts to get rid of toxins, it is possible that you’ll feel a little bit tired or weak, or that
you’ll experience some other symptoms. Mind your intake of water when that happens — you need to
drink extra water during a cleanse. Feeling good and clear usually happens around the third or fourth day.

If you feel you need some extra food, eat some protein-rich food around lunch time. This could be
free-range/organic eggs, fish or some beans, such as lentils, mung beans, garbanzo beans, or black beans.

For a more simple detox plan next to your yoga practice, just leave out foods like alcohol, sugar,
caffeine, fried foods, and processed foods.

Add the warm water routine upon rising and just eat as fresh as possible!

Please, for other good ideas, questions, or just to let me know how you are doing, comment below. We can
keep each other motivated that way.

Esther Ekhart

Category: articles


Tfs - 8 months ago

woah id like to do this!!but as i am srilankan my food pattern is completely different!! :/

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7 - day gentle detox plan - Ekhart Yoga

Jane - 8 months ago

I am heading to my local apothecary with my translator to find some chia seeds and goji (Idon't speak the
language of my host country). I'm washing all my fruit and vege's as it's the best I can do in my area. I am
looking forward to feeling amazing in 10 days!

Orlaith - 8 months ago

Hi Esther, thank you so much for this, the kick start I need. Two questions about the chia seeds- i presume
the water is cold? and will I just drink it back or chew the seeds in the gel? Best wishes for the new year.x

Pablo - 8 months ago

My first in goji tea detox plan. The tea is plenty of energy but not energy=stimulate I feel like a presence
in breath, in muscles
Will be very complete program.. at the first of year... well done!

Esther - 8 months ago

Hi Orlaith, Yes water is cold, or can be a little warm if you like (not hot). You can swallow the seeds (what
I do), but you can definitely also chew, whatever you prefer !
Enjoy the cleanse !!

Lisa - 8 months ago

Hello, I am looking forward to this gentle detox and the 10-day Fit and Healthy Plan. Question about the
diet... what parts do you suggest keeping after the 7-days? It sounds like it could be a sustainable, life-long
diet, but perhaps only adding more foods back into the diet. I am a pesco-vegetarian and try to stick to a
similar diet anyway. What are your suggestions for adding beans, nuts, carbs (breads and pasta), and
dairy? Is it healthy to continue the daily practice with the chia-seed gel and gogji berries? Thank you!

Karin - 8 months ago

Hi Lisa, I'm Karin and answering for Esther, while she's in India doing yoga the coming month... Please
feel free to repeat the question after february 2d, because she'll be back then. For now I can reassure you

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7 - day gentle detox plan - Ekhart Yoga

that there is no harm in continuing the chiaseeds and gogjiberries if they fit your taste and healthy feeling!
For the rest I really think its up to you! You seem to know enough about staying healthy! I hope this
answer will be enough for now! Good luck.

Yvonne - 7 months ago

Hi Esther, good to read that your time in India was full of fine experiences. Now regarding the
detoxprogramm: I have a little tip to contribute regarding people for whom Gojiberry 's are a little
expensive. Probably the use of cranberry 's, equally soked in lukewarm water, could be a nice
replacement. I always buy them at the market in my town. Furthermore I will start the detoxprogram now
because I didn 't receive the mail in januari. It comes at the exact right time as far I'm concerned. I really
need to cleanse and already included the Get Fit Yoga program into my dayly routine. As of today
foodpart will be fitted into my days as well.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Namaste, Lievonne.

leslie - 6 months ago

I've recently signed up after following many of your You Tube videos. Your work and your approach are
fantastic. I will follow the detox and the 10 day fitness program. It's so hard to lift my crossed legs up off
the mat while sitting, pushing on my hands! I will practise and also lighten up with the detox. Thank you

Esther - 6 months ago

Good luck Leslie ! Be gentle with yourself, take the time... Let me know how you get on?

Bianca - 5 months ago

I like the idea of doing your cleanse... It sounds great, the only thing I don't agree with is that you propose
to eat eggs or fish if someone feels to have some extra food. There are so many great plant based protein
sources out there like beans, lentils , quinoa etc. Consuming animal product is not
"Ahimsa" for me....

Esther - 5 months ago

Hi Bianca, I underdstand what you are saying, but not everybody is ready and willing to let go of all
animal based protein and I am trying to make it as available to everybody as possible to still cleanse....

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7 - day gentle detox plan - Ekhart Yoga

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