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Monday 3/29 Tuesday 3/30 Wednesday 3/31 Thursday 4/1 Friday 4/2

Class: Algebra 1 (A) Class: Math 7 (B) Class: No Class Class: Algebra 1 (A) Class: Math 7 (B)
Objective: Students Objective: ANet review Objective: Objective:
will complete the Students will write and Lesson: Lesson:
square to convert solve equations in
quadratic functions to context.
vertex form. Lesson:

Prompt: Different Prompt: Warm up: Prompt: Prompt: ANet Testing Prompt: ANet Testing
forms of quadratics - solve a two-step
what do we learn from equation
each of them?

Learning Activity: Learning Activity: Learning Activity: Learning Activity: Learning Activity:ANet
Solving equations Stations ANet Testing Testing
using completing the 1. Read and
square → converting interpret a
functions to vertex graph
form 2. Write an
equation based
on a scenario
3. Choose a
scenario that
fits the
equation given
and interpret
answer in
Ending: Convert a Ending: What was the Ending: Ending: ANet Testing Ending: ANet Testing
function from hardest part of class
standard form to today?
vertex form and
identify the vertex.

Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources:

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