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01[21:16] <~SS> FADE...

01[21:16] <~SS> .TO....

01[21:16] <~SS> ..BLACK
01[21:16] <~SS> When we left our heroes, they were sitting
around a campfire singing jaunty tunes and sharing stories
of the old days. Well... that was mostly Shuu, the others
just tried to deal with his incorrigible good humor.
01[21:16] <~SS> The journey was an awesome experience for
those who had never flown before despite the momentary
sickness they may have faced at the very onset of the
01[21:16] <~SS> It is now dawn and the hawks are once again
ready to take to wing!
01[21:16] <~SS> PLAYERS!
01[21:17] <~SS> ACTION!
[21:17] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> Politely get on a hawk
[21:17] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> does the same
[21:18] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Before doing anythign else Yasu
begins to stretch to ensure that his leg doesn't stiffen up
during the journey. He whistles a slow tune as he does so,
apparantly somewhat affected by the good humor of their
travelign host./
01[21:18] * Tanshin_Yori buckles in and prepares to give
gravity the finger.
01[21:19] <~SS> Shuu, for his part, is downing eggs which
Kajito looks on with a certain amount of disdain.
[21:19] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> i laugh mentally
[21:20] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> otherwise nothing else
01[21:20] <~SS> Then to flight it is! Setting off into the
morning air, the chill fully wakes you far more than coffee
ever could! The immense desert and rising peaks of the
mountains travel below you at an alarming speed that makes
your head spin just a little if you think about it to hard.
[21:22] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "How longer?"
01[21:23] * ~SS : -> Shuu "A little after noon, Rairaku-
01[21:23] <~SS> As the sun slowly rises into the sky until
it finally looms over your head, there is something silvery
on the distant horizen, a cool turquoise blue that
stretches from north to south.
[21:24] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Starfish? she says as she looks
at shuu
[21:24] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu smiles widely, he is looking
forward to seeing the ocean.
01[21:25] <~SS> Shuu smiles over his shoulder back at the
others, "Maybe just an hour or two longer!"
[21:25] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka looks on in awe at the
endless sea
[21:26] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Can we enjoy ourself there when
we are done?"
[21:27] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu looks excited at the
possibility, but doubtful that it could happen.
01[21:27] <~SS> Sasori grunts a reply, but doesn't commit
to anything of the sort.
[21:29] <Hideki_Jun> Jun sighs amidst the flying "For all
it's majesty, flying serves as a bad social venue"
01[21:30] <~SS> The wheel in the sky keeps turning, and
just as it is entering the edge of your vision, the rushing
waters of the beach pass beneath you. The open ocean looms
before and beneath you, but your journey is not much
longer. There is an island, a blossom of five limbs rising
from the ocean. Across it, there are numerous buildings,
both large and small, of beautiful architecture. Hitodejima!
[21:31] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu takes in a deep breath of the
salty sea air and glorifies in it.
[21:31] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> Beach?
01[21:31] <~SS> Aye.
[21:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka is speechless at the
vastness of the place
[21:32] <Hideki_Jun> Turns excitable "Yeah! Vacation y'all!"
01[21:33] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods to jun
01[21:33] * Tanshin_Yori is taken aback by the idea of such
a vast expanse of water.
[21:33] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Where police?"
[21:35] <Hideki_Jun> Smiles at the thought of beach
vacation, sandy beaches, watersports, Rai in a bikini...
[21:35] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "This place...has "too" much
01[21:35] * Hyuuga_Rairaku places a hand on tanaka's
[21:35] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "fear?"
01[21:35] <~SS> (( you're still in the air ))
01[21:36] <~SS> (( Kinda hard to place hands ))
[21:36] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> ((Scratch that then!))
01[21:37] <~SS> The hawks quickly drop altitude until they
are flying at near sea level. The buildings zoom closer
with each passing second, until the birds finally arc
upward and over. They flit between buildings until they
reach a large plaza at the center of a cluster of
structures. Gently, the set down and in the span of several
seconds, Shuu has you all out of your holsters.
01[21:37] <~SS> A group of men begin walking toward you
through the plaza.
[21:38] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Freindly?" she looks to sasori?
[21:39] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Not Sure"
01[21:39] <~SS> "Greetings!" A large man calls. "I am Chief
of Police, Kishimoto Aimaru! Welcome to Hitodejima!"
01[21:40] * Hyuuga_Rairaku raises her palm in a greeting
motion but does not wave it
[21:41] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Police?"
01[21:42] <~SS> Shuu nods a greeting, but is busy looking
around with Kajito standing nearby... wait... where did
those other birds go?
[21:42] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu bows respectfully to the
police chief, and then to the men accompanying him.
01[21:42] * ~SS : -> Sasori: "We were sent for?"
[21:43] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka bows as well, then to
chief's subordanites
01[21:43] * Hyuuga_Rairaku does not bow
01[21:44] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "Yes, we're in a bit of a
jam. The thief struck again last night!"
[21:44] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Sad, What went missing?"
[21:44] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu nods, "And do you have any
additional information about the thief following this most
recent crime?"
[21:45] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Look, Voice?"
[21:45] <Hideki_Jun> "Lickily
[21:45] <Hideki_Jun> "Luckily for you we are a band of
intrepid young sleuth ninja"
01[21:45] <~SS> The large man crosses his arms and looks
most upset, "A valuable jewelry set donated to the Grand
Hitodejima Museum of Art nearly one hundred years ago."
01[21:46] <~SS> Sasori raises an eyebrow at Jun, but
doesn't say anything to contradict him.
[21:46] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> ""Description?"
01[21:47] <~SS> Kishimoto: "We have a full report on the
past thefts, but you should have all of that aside from
last night's.
[21:47] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "I was just hoping you might have
aquired soem more pertinent information about the thief.
Leads, suspects maybe."
[21:48] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Take to place of stolen?"
01[21:49] * Tanshin_Yori seems a bit absent-minded.
01[21:49] <~SS> Kishimoto: "No, I'm afraid we don't have
any solid leads. We opened an anonymous tipline, but we're
getting everything from kindergarteners to grandmothers to
priests! He's gotten a following of sorts... can you
imagine a thief with fans!?"
[21:49] <Hideki_Jun> Mostly silences a "but I wanna go to
the beach" whine.
01[21:50] * Hyuuga_Rairaku copies jun's whining
01[21:50] * Tanshin_Yori snaps out of it and elbows Jun in
the ribs. "We have a MISSION!" he hisses.
[21:50] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "I can imagine a thief with fans,
especialyl one that "seems" to be out for more than just
money. It is most likely a ruse, but who knows, stranger
things have happened."
01[21:51] <~SS> Kishimoto: "Of course! I can take you there
immediately, which location would you like to visit first?"
[21:51] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Recent"
[21:52] <Hideki_Jun> Looks at Yori worrisome. And then
starts to turn the wheels on a devious plan when Rai makes
mention of beach. "Well the most obvious place for our
culprit to hide is in plain sight. As such I suggest the
most popular beach location"
01[21:53] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods with jun
[21:54] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka seeing the glint in
jun's agrees as well
01[21:54] <~SS> Sasori gives you both an austere look. Shuu
on the other hand... wait... where did he go?
01[21:55] * ~SS : -> Sasori: "We'll go ahead and check out
the latest crime scene."
01[21:55] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at jun
01[21:55] * Tanshin_Yori looks relieved that his sensei
isn't getting buying this "beach" nonsense.
[21:56] <Hideki_Jun> Nods in a miffed manner. Thinks
(Sensei!! You COCKBLOCK!!!)
01[21:57] * Hyuuga_Rairaku imitates jun's annoyed manner
[21:58] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu looks at Jun, "You know, it's
more likely we'll be able to go after we catch this thief,
especially if we finish this quickly."
[21:58] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> and we go
01[21:58] <~SS> (( why does yori need to go the beach? He
practically carries one on his back << ))
[21:59] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> ((but he dosnt have water))
[21:59] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> ((and bitches))
01[21:59] <~SS> Kishimoto: "Sure thing! It also happens to
be the closest, please follow me!"
01[21:59] <~SS> The Chief leads you out of the plaza and
through one of the buildings and out onto the street. There
is a throng of people moving through the streets in either
direction, but somehow, the chief manages to lead you
through it and into a police van.
01[21:59] <~SS> As the group is driven through the city, he
points out the sights and oddities of the city, but the
drive is rather short.
01[21:59] <~SS> Exiting the vehicle, you stand on the steps
of a large, low building. The walls are decorated in shades
of red and pink with decorated crenellations along the
eaves of the roof.
01[21:59] <~SS> The large double doors leading into the
building are cut horizontally by yellow tape.
01[21:59] <~SS> Kishimoto: "This is it! The Grand
Hitodejima Museum of Art!"
01[22:00] * Hyuuga_Rairaku walks up to the tape and stands
infront of it not advancing past it
01[22:00] <~SS> The Chief bows and lifts the tape up high
enough for Rai to pass under if she so chooses, he nods his
heads to the others, as if indicating they should move
01[22:01] * Tanshin_Yori steps inside.
01[22:01] * Hyuuga_Rairaku continues to stare at the tape
01[22:01] <~SS> Kishimoto: "You can go under it... it's
just police tape..."
[22:01] <Hideki_Jun> Hands in his pockets, he shuffles
forward "Come on Rai. We will have a length discussion on
the nature of tape later"
[22:01] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Says no go."
01[22:02] <~SS> (( actually, it just says "restricted crime
scene" ))
[22:02] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Will i get in trouble?"
[22:02] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> ((witch to her translates to do
not go))
01[22:02] <~SS> The Chief looks confused, "Uh... no."
01[22:03] <~SS> Within, the musuem has an antechamber with
flyers and pamphlets and a hexegonal desk in the center.
From there, it opens up into a large room with a plethora
of display stands holding odd sculptures, stoneworks,
metalcrafts, and ornaments.
[22:03] <Hideki_Jun> ((Hahahaha!))
[22:03] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> (?)
[22:04] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> I turn on byakuga looking for
chakra signatures
[22:04] <Nawa_Yasunaka> I try to sense chakra for anything
01[22:05] <~SS> In the cieling of this room is a large
window with multicolored glass which you assume was once a
stained glass mural, but now it is in pieces, scattered
across the museum floor.
[22:05] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> do i sense/see any chakra
01[22:06] <~SS> The two don't notice anything that seems
truly out of places. The police swarming the area emit
small chakra signatures.
[22:06] <Hideki_Jun> I ask the chief about the art that was
01[22:06] * Tanshin_Yori seems particularly interested in
the Chief's answer.
01[22:06] <~SS> Of interst, some of the pieces of art emit
a very faint amount of chakra.
01[22:08] <~SS> Kishimoto: "It was a set of five pieces.
Two rings, two bangles, and one amulet. All of it was
supposedly carved from a single piece of rosequartz, and
the amulet was set with a star sapphire at its center."
[22:08] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> Look up at the broken ceiling
[22:08] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu will go off to examine the
pieces of art emitting chakra, he trusts that his teammates
will ask the right questions.
[22:09] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka glances as the various
artworks, having something of apreciation for the subject.
01[22:09] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "It had just been set on
display after being held in storage for quite some time,
the museum was going to have a special viewing of it...
Sorry, art's not really my thing so I don't know much about
it. I could get a curator if you wanted..."
[22:09] <Tanshin_Yori> "Hrm, that could be helpful. Were
there any guards on duty the night of the theft?"
01[22:10] <~SS> The chakra signatures are the faintest Yasu
has every felt, but they are there. None of them have the
same signature, and if he looks, it would appear they were
all crafted by different people.
01[22:11] <~SS> Kishimoto: "Yes, but oddly enough, neither
of them heard anything, which is odd considering the
breaking mosaic must have made quite a lot of noise."
[22:12] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Shrugging, Yasu resolves to ask
about those particular pieces later and he returns to the
01[22:12] * Tanshin_Yori rubs his chin thoughtfully. "So
nobody actually witnessed him in the act? Is there any
security footage we can look at?"
[22:13] <Hideki_Jun> Looks around for debris from the
shattered ceiling.
01[22:13] * Hyuuga_Rairaku starts searching the walls and
celing for a chakra signature
01[22:14] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "Yes, but there's nothing
on it. It shows the glass breaking, and the objects just
dissappear one at a time."
[22:14] <Tanshin_Yori> "... they just vanish into thin air?"
01[22:14] <~SS> The only signatures Rai sees comes from a
few paintings, but there isn't anything odd.
[22:14] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu pipes in, "Do your security
cameras have a high speed function?"
01[22:14] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "According to the video
feed, yes."
01[22:15] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "Other museums do, however,
this one does not."
[22:15] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "Have you examined the video's at
high speed?"
[22:16] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Maybe he just came and took them?"
[22:17] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "No resistance"
01[22:18] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "Yes, we have, there is no
movement captures, they just blink out of existance."
01[22:18] <~SS> *captured
01[22:18] <~SS> (( So you know, the high speed cameras
effectively have high speed sight III ))
[22:21] <Hideki_Jun> ((good to know))
01[22:21] * Tanshin_Yori seems deep in thought.
[22:21] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Is there a possobility that
the tapes may have been edited?".
01[22:22] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "No, we have footage of the
glass display cases being cut by some force."
[22:22] <Hideki_Jun> "Maybe the glass breaking is a decoy.
Maybe he has a different method of moving the art"
[22:23] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Fuuton jutsu maybe?".
01[22:23] <~SS> Kishimoto shrugs, "That's what we called
you in to find out."
[22:23] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Need information, OTher thefts?"
[22:24] <Tanshin_Yori> "Hmm. At any rate, we ought to take
a look at the security footage. Other than the glass
mosaic and the pieces in question, was anything else in the
museum disturbed?"
01[22:24] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "What do you need? No,
nothing else was disturbed as far as we can tell. Museum
curators have been going over everything under supervision."
[22:25] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "How other peices stolen, Similar?"
01[22:26] * Tanshin_Yori nods thoughtfully. "According to
our mission brief, the Gambler only selects targets with
high security. Other than these five pieces of jewelry,
what have been the Gambler's other recent targets?"
01[22:26] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "Well... not really. This
is the only one where a set of jewelry was stolen, the only
thing that seems similar is the worth."
[22:27] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Breaking in similar in pattern?"
01[22:29] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "Yes, the gambler has
always entered through some type of roof access."
01[22:29] * Hyuuga_Rairaku hmms lightly
[22:29] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Should not waste here
[22:29] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Deed is done, should go to next
[22:30] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Trail dead, no?"
[22:31] <Tanshin_Yori> "We need to learn more about how
this guy operates if we want to catch him. I'm interested
in seeing that security footage, and there could be some
clues on the roof."
[22:31] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Are there anyplaces without a
roof entrace?".
[22:32] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "If this person only goes after
targets with high security, perhaps we should bait him with
an even higher level of security, namely, us. And in the
meantime we can try to figure out as much about this thief
as possible. Who here is good at dealing with the criminal
[22:32] <Hideki_Jun> "Maybe it's an illusion?"
01[22:32] * Tanshin_Yori raises an eyebrow at Jun's
statement/question. "Elaborate."
01[22:33] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "So far the Gambler has
stolen the Armor of Tetsumo Jiko from the Tetsumo Memorial
Museum, the Standard of Hitodejima from the Hitodejima
Museum of Natural History, "The Long Night" from the
Amamoto Museum of Art, and the Scrolls of Hitodejima from
the Hitodejima Historical Society Museum."
[22:33] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Has this been the first time
you've had to call in shinobi assitance?,if not then he
won't expect us".
01[22:33] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "You're the first we've
[22:34] <Tanshin_Yori> "Considering he seems to do this for
thrills more than anything else, it might be to our
advantage if he knows we're here--he won't be able to
resist. That said, we ought to keep a low profile until we
figure out what his next probably target is."
[22:35] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "I have idea..."
[22:35] <Tanshin_Yori> *next target probably is.
[22:35] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Listen?"
01[22:35] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at everyone else
01[22:35] * Tanshin_Yori nods. "Go ahead."
[22:35] <Hideki_Jun> Waves his hands as he begins
elaborating "Genjutsu is performed by alternating the
chakra flow in someones body to make a desired effect
happen right? What if this guy can do that but with
electricity and machine interface?"
[22:35] <Hideki_Jun> Looks at Rai "Sup?"
01[22:35] * Hyuuga_Rairaku waits for everyone to be quiet
01[22:36] <~SS> brb
[22:36] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu seems interested in that,
"That'd be a raiton. It'd be very interesting if he could."
[22:36] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Get semi-important item. Make it
seem REALLy important, make annoucement that ninja have
been sent to guard it."
01[22:36] * Hyuuga_Rairaku clears her throad
[22:37] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Make annoucement say "Not even
the infamous gambler can get to this."
[22:37] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "It challenges him."
01[22:37] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods "Make sense?"
[22:38] <Hideki_Jun> Jun smirks widely "Sounds like someone
has converted to the Hideki Jun school of strategic
thought! Like it"
01[22:39] <~SS> The Chief nods, "Yes, that sounds like a
good idea... but we'd have to get the cooperation of
wherever we're going to do this... not many museums would
want to volunteer for this."
[22:39] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "We lie."
[22:39] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "It does, he might not fall for it.
I doubt the challenge is the only reason he does this, but
I could be wrong. I just think it'd doubtful. But it might
be worth a try, and while we prepare we can try other, more
traditional means of investigation."
[22:39] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Tell them they next target"
01[22:40] * Tanshin_Yori nods thoughtfully. "Hrm. I had a
similar plan in mind. I'm still working out the finer
points, though."
01[22:40] <~SS> The Chief looks at Rai oddly, it doesn't
seem he's to keen on that idea.
[22:41] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "It not exactly lying,:
01[22:41] * Tanshin_Yori faces Chief Kishimoto. "How much
time usually elapses between the Gambler's heists?"
[22:41] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "They -will- be next target once
we done."
[22:42] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "So not lie."
01[22:42] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "The Gambler hasn't stuck
to any type of timeline, it's varied between each heist."
01[22:43] <~SS> The Chief is -really- not into the idea of
painting a museum into a target and taking advantage of
[22:43] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "Hmm, unpredictable, but that could
mean any number of things about our target."
[22:43] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Take not important thing, Make
seem REally important."
[22:43] <Tanshin_Yori> "I see. What's the average value of
the targeted objects?"
01[22:44] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "It's ranged from
20,000,000 to 100,000,000 Ryo. This last one was the most
valued, due it being a complete set."
01[22:45] <~SS> *due to it
[22:45] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "You have better idea police?"
[22:45] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Or mine seem good?"
01[22:45] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "We could ask a museum that
has already lost something to volunteer. They would have a
vested interest in the ruse succeeding, though they might
not want to lose something else as well."
01[22:46] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods
[22:46] <Hideki_Jun> "Idea! Let's falsify a valuable
object. Rais clan is enormously famous, right? Let's have
her wear some jewelry and say it's some family heirloom and
we are here as her escort!"
01[22:46] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at jun with her ususal
blank stare
[22:47] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Like?"
[22:47] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "We could offer up what is
apparently a shinobi family heirloom that belongs to us, we
could embellish when it comes to it's actual value."
01[22:47] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at herself
01[22:48] * Tanshin_Yori nods. "Possible, although if the
Gambler does his homework he'll know what's up. Chief,
could we get a list of all art objects valued above
20,000,000 ryo currently in Hitodejima?"
[22:48] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu pulls out the kusari-gama and
looks at it appraisingly.
[22:48] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "....That work."
01[22:48] <~SS> The Chief looks wide-eyed at you, "Uh...
that would be quite difficult... but I suppose it
[i]could[/i] be done..."
01[22:49] <~SS> The Kusari-gama, while an exceptional
specimen of its kind, does not look like it is worth
20,000,000 ryo.
[22:49] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Why else would Hyu- *Stops* Why
else would i be here?"
[22:49] <Hideki_Jun> Looks at Rai with a smirk "We'll just
slap something shiny on you and you just sit there and look
pretty. No sweat"
[22:50] <Hideki_Jun> Mouths "noo...." when he sees Yasu
considering the ksg.
01[22:50] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods to jun
[22:51] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "We just make seem really
important and say in annoucement "Not even the most skilled
of gamblers be able to steal it."
[22:51] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu shrugs once again and puts the
kusari-gama away.
[22:51] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "or make it seem like challenge
without it looking like"
[22:51] <Tanshin_Yori> "I realize that the list might be
difficult to compile, but it will give us an idea of what
the Gambler's next likely target is. If you tell the
owners of the pieces that their cooperation may help lead
to his capture, that ought to help secure their assistance."
[22:53] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Think Loud made my idea
01[22:53] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "It's just... there are so
[22:53] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Pick one it not matter, we make
seem better than it is."
01[22:54] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods to kishi
01[22:54] * Tanshin_Yori doesn't receive that news
enthusiastically. "I see. In that case, fabricating our own
target to lur ehim in may be our best shot at meeting this
Gambler fellow."
01[22:55] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods with a bit of self
01[22:55] * ~SS : -> Sasori: "It does seem like the best
plan considering how little we know about the Gambler and
how many possible targets there are."
[22:55] <Hideki_Jun> Nods in approval "Rai, you're becoming
better than me at luring em in. I'm impressed"
[22:56] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu mutters something about how
that isn't exactly difficult.
01[22:56] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at jun with her blank
stare, with a slight amount of confusion
01[22:56] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "Well, I'll see what I can
do. Is there anything you guys need? We got you a hotel
room to stay in if you'd like to relax or plan..."
[22:56] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Beach...."
01[22:57] <~SS> Sasori gives you a look.
[22:57] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Sleep there."
01[22:57] * Tanshin_Yori nods... (appreciatively, perhaps?)
"A place to strategize in private would be agreeable. I
suggest we take a look at the security footage and the roof
to see if we can learn anything valuable from them."
[22:58] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu eyes Rairaku balefully, "I
hate getting sand in my hair, it sucked after that
01[22:58] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "Sure thing! I can make
sure you guys have the footage and a VCR."
[22:59] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "That would be excellent, you said
some of those videos were at a high speed?"
[22:59] <Hideki_Jun> Volunteers to accompany Rai on the
beach this evening.
[22:59] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Plan done then?"
01[23:00] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "Yes, a few of them are, I
can have slowed copies sent as well, but there's not much
to see."
[23:00] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Can go now?"
[23:00] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "I'm hoping to notice even the
tiniest hint of how the Gambler is accomplishing these
[23:01] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Your going.. to be alone..with
[23:01] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Jun coming?
[23:01] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Was going to go to see and sleep
01[23:01] * ~SS : -> Sasori: "I'll be at the hotel as well.
Just contact me if you need anything."
01[23:02] * ~SS : -> Sasori: "Well... anything within
reason. Just make sure you get this done quickly and try to
keep it professional."
[23:02] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "we go?"
[23:02] <Hideki_Jun> Eagerly accompanies "I do love the
[23:02] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu seems torn between desire to
see the ocean and his duty to see the mission through.
01[23:03] * Tanshin_Yori is extremely nonplussed by his
teammates lack of focus.
01[23:04] * Hyuuga_Rairaku turns around and starts walking
out, her wedge shoes making slight clop sounds
[23:04] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka while "slightly" upset
about not being able to spend time with his team mate.
would like to focus on the mission as well
[23:04] <Tanshin_Yori> "Fine. Yasu, Tanaka, let's go have
a look at that roof and see what we can see."
01[23:04] <~SS> There is a police car waiting for you
outside, Sasori gets in the front.
[23:05] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Beach where?" she looks at
01[23:05] <~SS> Are you getting the car?
01[23:06] <~SS> *in the car?
[23:06] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Before they leave, Yasu takes the
time to make a suggestion to Jun, "Since you seem to be
most comfortable amongst the back alleys sorts, coudl you
try to find out about this Gambler from the types that
might know the most?"
[23:06] <Hideki_Jun> Is trying to convince Rai he would be
an ideal tagalong for trying on/buying swimsuits. "It's
cool, we will find the beach"
[23:06] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> No standing near it looking at
01[23:06] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at jun "Swimsuit?"
01[23:06] <~SS> Sasori looks at Kishimoto, "Where is the
[23:07] <Hideki_Jun> "I'm offended, saying I'm some sort of
ruffian. But yeah, I will totally do that"
01[23:07] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "It's in the Fifth Ray on
Palm Beach."
01[23:07] * Tanshin_Yori sticks around long enough to
overhear directions to the hotel..
[23:07] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "I'm not saying you are a ruffian,
I'm just askign you to play to your strengths."
01[23:07] * ~SS : -> Sasori: "Hear that? It's by the beach,
let's go."
01[23:08] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at jun quizzicly
01[23:08] * Tanshin_Yori gives up any hopes of uncovering
the Secrets of the Mysterious Silent Glass Roof as "beach"
is mentioned.
[23:09] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "You go?"
01[23:09] <~SS> Sasori just wants her to stop asking him
about the damn beach.
[23:10] <Hideki_Jun> "yeah! Let's hit the beach"
[23:10] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> Well sasori better stop having
sand is his butcrack and stop being so grumpy
01[23:10] * ~SS : -> Sasori: "Maybe. Can we just get to the
hotel first?"
01[23:10] <~SS> He gives Jun a glare, "Aren't you going to
watch the videos?"
[23:10] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "No"
01[23:10] * Hyuuga_Rairaku answers for jun
[23:11] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "I will".
[23:11] <Hideki_Jun> "researching the beach, I know it
sucks but someone has to do it. Rai if you'd be so kind"
motions for Rai to walk with him
01[23:12] * Hyuuga_Rairaku loks at jun and follows his
01[23:12] * ~SS : -> Sasori: "Mrr... it's your mission." He
shrugs it off.
[23:12] <Tanshin_Yori> "We'll catch up. C'mon, let's have
a look at those tapes."
[23:13] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "I'm for letting Yori direct the
investigation, he seems to have the right ideas. I'll pipe
in when necessary."
01[23:13] * ~SS : -> Kishimoto: "Sure thing! We can go back
to the station if you'd like."
01[23:13] * Hyuuga_Rairaku follows jun
[23:14] <Tanshin_Yori> "Ah. If we're headed to the
station, let's have a look at the roof before we leave. We
might find some clues about how he managed to silence the
whole thing breaking."
[23:15] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Will see tomorrow?"
01[23:15] <~SS> Going up the roof access?
[23:15] <Tanshin_Yori> Yes.
01[23:15] <~SS> Or going to just climb up the outside like
[23:15] <Tanshin_Yori> Either or.
[23:15] <Tanshin_Yori> Ninja-style then.
[23:15] <Hideki_Jun> To the beach, for swimsuit shopping
[23:16] <Tanshin_Yori> Checking the walls on the way up for
anything odd.
01[23:16] <~SS> Give me a search check.
[23:16] <Tanshin_Yori> (who else is staying behind to look
for clues?)
[23:17] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> (im following jun)
[23:17] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> (I'll stay behind)
[23:17] <Tanshin_Yori> (er... wait. Search is separate
from Awareness, right?)
01[23:17] <~SS> yes. yes it is.
[23:18] <Tanshin_Yori> (Tanaka, Yasu, you've got this one.
You Search-ranks-havers.)
[23:19] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+3 Aid Another on Yasu
[23:19] <Tanshin_Yori> ...
[23:19] <Tanshin_Yori> where's Orac?
01[23:19] <~SS> damnit orac.
[23:19] <Hideki_Jun> I'm assuming wacky, fanservicey antics
with Jun and Rai. Maybe involving a "first hand" experience
with her boobs. Studio audience Lols.
01[23:22] <~SS> So you make to the roof. It is rather
surprisingly flat with a few air conditioning units
situated in key locatioins. You can easily see the large
hole where the stained glass was destroyed.
[23:23] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu will sense for chakra residue
near the window.
01[23:23] <~SS> Yasu senses nothing.
[23:24] <Nawa_Yasunaka> He will also search the roof for
any evidence of the thief.
01[23:24] <~SS> roll it.
[23:24] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+3 Aid Another on Yasu
[23:24] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+3 Aid Another on
Yasu and gets <20 + 3> = 23
[23:24] <Tanshin_Yori> O_O
01[23:24] <~SS> Orac is such a jerk, lol
01[23:25] <~SS> you succeed on aiding Yasu. He just needs
to roll the check.
[23:25] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Can I take 20? Spendign however
much time it takes?
01[23:25] <~SS> Sure, it would take 30 minutes to search
the entire roof. What's the total?
[23:25] <Nawa_Yasunaka> 27
[23:26] <Nawa_Yasunaka> plus whatever bonus from Yori's
01[23:26] <~SS> so 29.
01[23:28] <~SS> About twenty minutes into your search you
come across a playing card, the five of diamonds to be
specific. The back has an intricate pattern in gold with a
stylized pair of dice at the center.
[23:29] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu shows his findings to whatever
is left of his team at the scene.
[23:31] <Tanshin_Yori> "Hrm. A calling card? No...
there's no point in leaving it in a place like this..."
[23:32] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "Some kind of tool or focus for a
[23:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Yasu check and see if there
are any residues of this guy's chakra left on it".
[23:33] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu does so, trying extremely hard
to concentrate on it.
01[23:33] <~SS> give me a chakra control check.
[23:33] <Nawa_Yasunaka> 1d20+8 chakra control
[23:33] <Orac> Nawa_Yasunaka rolls 1d20+8 chakra control
and gets <2 + 8> = 10
01[23:34] <~SS> Yasu doesn't feel anything coming off of
the card, but he gets the sense he's not on his game at the
[23:35] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "I think I can get more from this
if I try harder, once we get to that hotel room I'll
meditate to increase my focus and see what I get."
[23:36] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Maybe the card is made of a
special meterial?"
[23:36] <Tanshin_Yori> "Mmmm. Perhaps. Should we make
another sweep, or head over to the station and check out
those tapes?"
[23:37] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "The officer said he would bring
the tapes to the hotel room, that would be ideal. That way
yo utwo can check the tapes and I can do my best to sense
something from this card."
[23:38] <Tanshin_Yori> "Works for me. Let's head on back
01[23:38] <~SS> And so, as your teammates go on their dream
beach get away, you get in the police van to get to some
real work!
01[23:38] <~SS> Your journey and your life ends in children
card game-induced death as we...
01[23:38] <~SS> FADE...
01[23:38] <~SS> .TO....
01[23:38] <~SS> ..BLACK

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