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chat here :D

now to prepare everything before podman pull
create a dirs, copy the journal files (as user paradise)
first, create /var/log/journal with root
you see, there is no journal dir
now is created, but empty. We must restart journald to make files there
this created dir inside journal`s dir is your machineID
they are the same
we must copy (as user paradise) all the files from that dir
create a dir for systemd in user home dir

now we pull the image with podman

we must run podman with a name logserver, and variable to store the journal log
from /home/paradise/container-logserver to /var/log

we can check inside a podman if the file exists in /var/log

there it is
now we can generate it in the users dir
we must change in last line with, not multiuser target
now we check the user linger and enable this service
Linger must be enabled for this user, in order to been able to run this container

run daemon-reload and then enable the service

after the reboot, the service should start with persistent files for logging
thats it:)

is that answared for question that i have send to you ?

i will show again the question

yes, this is the answer, I`ve just named differently the dir in home (container-
logserver instead container_logserver). Just that. You can check this with your
mentor and let me know, because, I`m not 100% sure.
99%, because I did not worked with this with my mentor, he instructed me only for
mysql, http

ok i next week i will update to you , and maybe my mentor will give me another
question :D xd

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