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Subject Line : Application for Marketing Staff Position

November 19, 2020

Human Resource Development

PT. Indonesia Jaya
Jalan Raya Kaligawe KM. 05
Semarang, 50117

Dear Mr/Ms. HRD,

As indicated in our telephone conversation yesterday, I would like to apply for marketing staff
position advertised in November 02 Suara Merdeka. I have recently completed my education at
SMK N 1 Kendal majoring in Online Business And Marketing, I would like to bring my
knowledge, skills and commitment to excellence to your company's innovative environment.
As an online business and marketing student, I have been equipped with the necessary
knowledge that accompanies the position including digital marketing, content marketing,
transaction administration, retail business management, and business communications.
My internship at PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, tbk. also gave me the essential skills to work in a
good team, as well as how to communicate with customers and bosses, especially in the retail
Being a marketing staff has developed in me a genuine enthusiasm and passion for the world of
business and marketing.
For additional details on my qualifications and skills, please review my attached resume.
I delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate with talented professionals at PT. Indonesia
Jaya. thank you for your time and for considering my candidacy for the position. I look forward
to setting up an interview in near future.

Hesti Anggreani
Jalan Sunan Ampel KM.01
Kendal, 51357

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