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Nurse : good morning miss Angel

Px : good morning nurse Elinda

Nurse : oh hii , you look great . how do you feel today ?
Px : I feel better than yesterday nurse
Nurse : great ! Ms. Angell, it is time for me to check your vital signs. I want to start with
your blood pressure. Just to make sure that everything’s OK.
Px       : Sure.
Nurse : So, I’m going to put this cuff aroun your upper arm, then I’ll pump some air into
it, so I can read your blood pressure. How does that feel? OK?
Px. : of course nurse
Nurse     : (Checking the blood pressure) your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg.
Px : What is my blood pressure, nurse?
Nurse : it is still in the normal range. Now well just take your temperature and it will
take 3-5 minutes . are you agree ?
Px : of course nurse
Nurse : okay . sorry can you put the thermometer in your armpit ? or you want me to
help you put the thermometer for you ?
Px : no , it’s okay nurse . I can do this
Nurse : okay .. (waiting for 3-5minutes).. okay it’s finish .. the result is 36.0C.
Everything’s pafectly
Px : oh okay nurse
Nurse : okay , so I will go first if you need my help you can call me anytime in nurse
station or you can press the button side of your bed miss.
Px : alright nurse , thank you very much .
Nurse : you’re welcome . see you again
Px : okay see you agaun nurse

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