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About cyberbullying it a trend for this era, I think because most of the people quarantine in
their own home it bad for me an make me anxiety I boring and I don’t know what can I
doing. The social media is alternative to see the wide world and most of people share the
hate comment to recovery their own self, and some people feel better if doing this.
2. Stop use the social media because much option to make your better, doing something you
like it, doing your hobby and talk to your friend and your family. I think it can be better if you
talk to your family and request to your family how to solved the problem.
3. I once before feel anxiety because this quarantine I always negative thinking and I worried
about anything. Sometime I worried about other people but I don’t worry about my self. I
break the back this problem with listen the music, I make my time fun, I meet with my friend
and I talk much with my friend. It make me be better.

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