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The evaporation coefficient of water: A review

Article  in  International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer · August 1997

DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(96)00339-0

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hit. J. IIeat Mav~ Tran,~/er. Vol. 40, No. 12. pp. 2963 2973, 1997

~ Pergamon 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights rcserved

Printed in Great Britain
0017 9310,'97 $17.00+0.00

P I I : S0017-9310(96)00339-0

The evaporation coefficient of water: a review

I. W. E A M E S , N. J. M A R R a n d H. S A B I R
Institute of Building Technology, Department of Architecture and Building Technology,
University of Nottingham, University Park~ Nottingham NG7 2RD, U.K.

(Received l 1 Januao' 1995 and in finaljorm 3 September 1995)

Abstract Publications, from the last 60 years, on the evaporation coefficient of water have been collated
and the experimental methods, results and conclusions from these investigations are discussed. Reported
values of evaporation coefficient of water range from 0.1 to 1 and despite many attempts to explain this
large variation the evaporation coefficient is still a subject of dispute. Three explanations which have often
been used to account for low evaporation coefficients are : molecular structure, molecular collision in the
vapour phase and heat transfer limitations in the liquid phase. Following an extensive discussion, it is
concluded that molecular collision and heat transfer limitations can have a considerable influence on
experimental evaporation rates and thus apparent evaporation coefficients. However, it now seems unlikely
that molecular structure has a major effect on this coefficient. We conclude from this investigation that for
pure water evaporating into a space containing only water vapour, the true evaporation coefficient is unity
under all conditions of pressure and temperature. '.~;~1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N ences in the published values of e v a p o r a t i o n

E v a p o r a t i o n of a liquid at low s a t u r a t i o n pressures This paper is concerned with water e v a p o r a t i o n at
is a process used in m a n y industrial operations, for low pressure a n d reviews the literature o n empirically
example, in refrigeration, desalination a n d O T E C determined e v a p o r a t i o n coefficients (c.f. Table. 1 in
(ocean t h e r m a l energy conversion) systems. The evap- Section 3). The wide range o f quoted values, from
oration coefficient, e,, is defined as the ratio o f a n 0.01 to 1, of the e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient for water are
experimental e v a p o r a t i o n rate to a theoretical an indication o f the complex n a t u r e o f this subject.
m a x i m u m rate and, d e p e n d i n g on its value, can influ- A review o f experimental m e t h o d s published in the
ence phase change processes. The e v a p o r a t i o n literature is given in Section 3 a n d possible expla-
coefficient is closely linked to, a l t h o u g h n o t inter- nations for wide variance in the values o f e v a p o r a t i o n
changeable with, the c o n d e n s a t i o n coefficient which coefficient are discussed.
is defined as the ratio of experimental c o n d e n s a t i o n The e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient of water has been the
rate to a theoretical m a x i m u m rate. The e v a p o r a t i o n subject o f m a n y theoretical a n d experimental papers
coefficient is inversely related to the interfacial heat a n d is still an area of dispute. Part o f the reason for
transfer resistance and, therefore, a low e v a p o r a t i o n this intense interest is the fact t h a t some liquids, water
coefficient could indicate a significant t h e r m a l resist- included, a p p e a r to e v a p o r a t e at a rate far less t h a n the
ance to heat transfer in evaporators. Publications on theoretical rate calculated using K n u d s e n ' s equation.
the e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient are scattered t h r o u g h o u t This theoretical m a x i m u m value is [6] :
all areas o f science a n d engineering a n d have been of
interest to such diverse fields as space technology [1] n--
a n d aerosol physics [2,3]. F o r example, the growth of (2~zmkB T,) 12
water droplets in clouds is affected by the con-
or, if the liquid is e v a p o r a t i o n into its own v a p o u r
densation coefficient only if its value is substantially,
a b o u t two orders o f magnitude, less t h a n unity. How-
ever, this coefficient is of more i m p o r t a n c e to processes n - (2~mkOt"2 x/'T~
in a t m o s p h e r i c aerosols [4]. The m o s t recent com-
prehensive review of e v a p o r a t i o n coefficients was by A conclusive e x p l a n a t i o n for the experimental
P o u n d m o r e t h a n 20 years ago. M o r e recent inves- d e p a r t u r e from the K n u d s e n rate does n o t exist,
tigations [4, 5] have briefly reviewed some of the pub- a l t h o u g h various hypotheses have been m a d e [7 14].
lished work on the e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient o f water. These theories offer n u m e r o u s explanations for the
However, it was t h o u g h t t h a t a comprehensive review c o n t r a s t i n g values o f e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient a n d
p a p e r was required which would provide a n o p p o r - include inaccurate t e m p e r a t u r e a n d pressure measure-
tunity to study the available results in this field a n d ment, disregard of molecular collisions a n d chemical
which offered full explanations a c c o u n t i n g for differ- impurity. A n i m p o r t a n t consideration is the possible

2964 1. W. EAMES el a/.


A area P, saturated v a p o u r pressure

A<. c o n d e n s a t i o n surface area c o r r e s p o n d i n g to T,
A,. e v a p o r a t i o n surface area R Universal gas c o n s t a n t 8.3145 kJ
o arithmetic mean of the velocities of the kmol I K
molecules l time
f efficiency factor inlet t e m p e r a t u r e
D~, interfacial heat transfer coefficient 7', vapour temperature
H distance between e v a p o r a t i o n and T, liquid surface t e m p e r a t u r e
c o n d e n s a t i o n surfaces T,,~ 1.2 ( T , + T,)
kB Boltzmann'sconstant 1.38x10 > I" volume
JK 1", specific volume of water wipour
/ m e a n free path W lnass flux away from the surface
M molecular mass [kg In e s el
m mass of each molecule W net lnass flux at the interface.
Bl mass flow rate
N n u m b e r of molecules per unit volume
[kmol m ~] Greek symbols
n n u m b e r of impacts per unit area per c true e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient
unit time [kmol in ~ s ~] ~:, K n u d s e n e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient
P~ saturated v a p o u r pressure I Schrage correction factor or mass flow
c o r r e s p o n d i n g to T, rate per unit width
P, actual wipour pressure ,; latent heat of vaporization.

effects o f polarity a n d molecular o r i e n t a t i o n on evap- liquid adjacent to the interface. An error in tem-
oration coefficients. The theories discussing these perature m e a s u r e m e n t will also lead to an incorrect
effects [10, 11, 13], which have been derived by chem- value for saturated v a p o u r pressure and will. conse-
ists, have agreed with empirical results of Alty [15, quently, affect the theoretical e v a p o r a t i o n rate. A cor-
16], Alty and M a c K a y [17] a n d Wyllie {14], yielding c rect t e m p e r a t u r e m e a s u r e m e n t would, thus, result in
values of 0.01 0.05. However, empirical results pub- a lower theoretical e v a p o r a t i o n rate and a higher wilue
lished more recently [18 20] indicate an e v a p o r a t i o n of 5:. The m a g n i t u d e of this problem was reduced
coefficient for water greater than 0.5, thus. con- in H i c k m a n ' s experiments since in the high velocity
tradicting the chemistry hypotheses. This led H i c k m a n t u r b u l e n t jet the surface cooling, resulting from heat
[9] to state that, "'correcting for b o n d i n g a n d loss during evaporation, was restricted due to
rotational effects has already been c o m p e n s a t e d for in increased convection and because the surface was
the v a p o u r pressure values and these same forces exposed to a v a c u u m for only 10 ' s. Thus, it is the
should not be invoked to explain low values of ~:". rate at which heat is transferred to the liquid surface,
Differences in the values of e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient not the a m o u n t o f heat available in the bulk liquid,
are associated with differences in experimental appar- that controls the surface t e m p e r a t u r e and e v a p o r a t i o n
atus. An example of this is a c o m p a r i s o n between the rates. Therefore, a l t h o u g h Alty's experiments were
work of Airy [15] and that of H i c k m a n [9, 21]. In intended to be isothermal the heat translEr limitations
Alty's experiments the e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient of would have induced steep t e m p e r a t u r e gradients m
water was m e a s u r e d using a small still, submerged in the liquid [22] resulting in erroneous t e m p e r a t u r e
a hot mercury bath. In H i c k m a n ' s experiments evap- readings. A n u m b e r of experiments have f o u n d heat
oration rates were measured from a high velocity transfer to be the main process limiting c o n d e n s a t i o n
water jet. The m a x i m u m values of r reported by Alty or e v a p o r a t i o n [1, 4, 9, 18].
and H i c k m a n were 0.01 and 0.5, respectively. The It appears likely that the contrast in values of c
main reason for this difference is believed to be surface result mainly from varying degrees of accuracy in
cooling of the liquid. In Alty's experiments the tem- the liquid surface t e m p e r a t u r e m e a s u r e m e n t s due to
perature reading was of the bulk liquid and not of the differences in experimental conditions a n d apparatus.
surface. This is an i m p o r t a n t detail that can greatly Chemical impurities [12] a n d molecular collisions [7,
affect the accuracy of the theoretical e v a p o r a t i o n rate 8] are also imLjor factors that could lead to the cal-
calculation. W h e n e v a p o r a t i o n rates tire relatively culation of an erroneous "apparent' e v a p o r a t i o n
high a n d the thermal conductivity low, as it is for coefficient. Most of the papers published recently on
water, a shortage of available heat at the interface is this subject have d e m o n s t r a t e d that the value of c for
t h o u g h t to lead to large t e m p e r a t u r e gradients m the water is not inherently low. as was assumed by m a n y
The evaporation coefficient of water 2965

early investigators [15 17]. With the evidence sug- (4) The molecules are not infinitely small. Thus
gesting that the evaporation coefficient of water is they collide with one another.
greater than 0.5 then the interracial heat transfer
resistance will be small, in most circumstances, com- 2.1. Rate ~?[evaporation
pared to the resistance in the liquid phase. The evap- Hertz [25] conducted evaporation experiments and
oration coefficient is most likely to affect processes was first to state an upper limit to the maximum rate
where liquid residence times in the evaporator are of evaporation :
small and, hence, the interfacial resistance significant. I -

A realistic value for the evaporation coefficient can n = ~Nc. (1)

also be employed as a reference point that might be
From Maxwell's law of velocity distribution of mol-
used to detect chemical impurities that hinder evap-
ecules [26]:
(SkBT,, y '2
C = \ ~m / (la)

The evaporation coefficient, e, is defined as the and from the ideal gas laws [26] :
experimental rate of evaporation divided by the theor-
etical maximum rate, for the same conditions, which P~
N - (lb)
is derived from kinetic theory of gases. This coefficient kBT~,"
has sometimes been called the condensation coefficient
Substituting in equation (1) for N and ~ :
[14, 20, 23] ; however, in this paper the condensation
coefficient is defined as the ratio between the exper- P,
imental rate of condensation and the maximum theor- n . (2)
(2nmks 7~) i
etical rate of condensation, f: has also been called the
efficiency ratio [7] and the sticking coefficient [4], but Where T~ is the temperature of the liquid surface, i.e.
it must not be confused with the " a c c o m m o d a t i o n the temperature of the highly transient surface layer
coefficient" which involves the evaporation or con- of molecules and P~ is the saturation corresponding
densation of different species [24]. Various symbols, to this temperature. Knudesen's work is especially
including E, ~ and./i have been assigned to the evap- significant in this area as he was the first to introduce
oration coefficient but in this paper *: is always used. et, the evaporation coefficient [6]. When Knudsen's
evaporation coefficient is added to equation (2) the
Experimental rate of evaporation mass exchange during evaporation is given by :
Theoretical rate of evaporation
m I 2
- evaporation coefficient - a. W~ =Pj;I<2~RT,). (3)
It is known that for every substance there exists a
maximum rate of evaporation that is dependent on Equations (2) and (3) are only satisfied if a sub-
the temperature of the surface and the specific proper- stance is evaporating into an unobstructed vacuum.
ties of the substance. This maximum evaporation rate With some liquids, like water, which have large yap-
is derived from the kinetic theory of gases, the vapour our pressures it is not possible to maintain a high
side behaviour being easier to predict than the liquid vacuum experimentally and so the pressure at the
side of the interface and, by inference, it is possible to phase change boundary is significant and must be
predict the rate of evaporation as it must be equal and measured. When a liquid is evaporating into a back
opposite to the rate of condensation under equi- pressure of its own vapour the H e r t z - K n u d s e n equa-
librium conditions. For net evaporation, therefore, tion (sometimes called the Eangmuir equation [27]) is
the rate of emission must exceed the rate of deposition used. This equation includes an additional pressure
of molecules at the interface. Consequently, the term, Pv, to account for the actual vapour pressure in
maximum rate of evaporation can never be greater the atmosphere surrounding the liquid.
than the number of vapour molecules striking the
surface of the condensate under equilibrium W=(Ps- P~)~:, (4)
conditions. The maximum rate of evaporation in a
vacuum is derived from four fundamental assump- 2.1.1. Sehra#e correction. During evaporation or
tions of gas kinetics. These are, as stated in the classic condensation the mean velocity of molecules in the
work by Knudsen [6]: vapour adjacent to a liquid surface is not zero, as
(1) Any gas consists of separate particles called can be assumed for equilibrium conditions. During
molecules. In a pure gas these are all alike. evaporation vapour molecules will have a mean vel-
(2) The molecules move about in all directions. ocity away from the interface and to account for this
(3) The pressure caused by the movement of mol- a correction factor must be added to the evaporation
ecules is the only one existing in a gas, when it is in rate equation. A theoretical analysis of the molecular
the ideal state. distribution problem, given by Schrage [28], resulted
2966 1. W. EAMES el al.

in the introduction o f F , The Schrage correction factor coefficients and calculating the evaporation
which accounts for the net velocity of vapour coefficient from these values [18, 19, 20, 31].
molecules, to equation (4). Also, the Knudsen evap-
oration coefficient, ~:~, has been replaced by what has 3.1. Unsteady slate e~;aporation into an et:acuated
been called the "'true" evaporation coefficient, ~: [20]. C]ICIIII])Cr
Unsteady state evaporation experiments have been
conducted by Delaney at a/. [23], Bonacci et al. [29]
(2 R) r (5)
and Heideger and Boudart [36]. In these experiments
a known volume is evacuated and, subsequently,
Another term which has been used [19, 29] instead sealed off and the evaporation of pure substance pro-
of the Scharge correction lector, for systems in which ceeds until equilibrium is reached. Delaney el a/. [23]
the state of the gas phase does not depart appreciably and Bonacci el (//. [29] calculated the evaporation
from its equilibrium condition, has been derived by coefficient by substituting experimental values into the
Nabavian and Bromley [20]. This term, given by equa- corrected Hertz Knudsen equation, given below:
tion (6), replaces the Knudsen evaporation coefficient
in equation (4) : dP, 2~¢ A ( R T ~ I :
dl - 2 - ~ : V \ 2 ~ M ] (P~ P') (7)
It should he noted that the Scharge correction lector,
~:, = (2e:/2 ~:/, has not been accounted for by Daleney
It is important that the assumed molecular dis-
el al. [23] or Heideger and Boudart [36]: however,
tribution function, which characterises the state of the
the value of the (Knudsen) evaporation coefficient, in
vapour phase, is accurate. The approximations used
both these cases, is so small that ~"-~ ~:~.
by Schrage [28] to derive a molecular distribution
A different method, involving an evaporation-
function have led to a formula describing an evap-
effusion technique, has been used by Heideger and
oration rate that does not satisfy energy or m o m e n t u m
Boudart [36]. This method compared the rate of free
conservation [5]. This shortcoming in Schrage's the-
ewlporation of glycerol with the rate of effusion
ory has been overcome by Barrett and Clement [5]
through a small orifice. From a comparison of the
who have derived their own formula for evaporation
evaporation and effusion rates, and by integrating
rates from an analysis in which energy and m o m e n t u m
equation (7), the evaporation coefficient was deter-
are conserved. The results of Barrett and Clement
mined without a knowledge of the wtpour pressure or
compare well with other results from more complex
temperature :
theories of molecular distribution given in their paper.

,: = / " - l) tsl
~It. \ll
THE EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES USED where A0 area of orifice, A~ surface area of the evap-
Table l(a) lists, in chronological order, previously orating liquid, to time for equilibrium to occur in
published values of evaporation coefficient for water effusion, q time for equilibrium to occur in evap-
and the experimental techniques used to calculate oration.
these values. Table l(b) records a selection of evap- From their experimental results, Heideger and Bou-
oration coefficients which have been determined for dart found that as pressure increased the evaporation
glycerol. The results for glycerol are given because coefficient decreased asymptotically to 0.05. This low
they are an example of low evaporation coefficients value of ~: was accepted as a true property of glycerol
that have been determined for a liquid other than and the higher values, calculated at lower pressures,
water. Glycerol and water are polar and so should. were considered erroneous and were believed to occur
according to some theories [11, 13, 14], have due to adsorption effects, although there is no con-
"inherently" low evaporation coefficients. clusive evidence of this presented in their paper, it was
So far, experimental methods used to measure the assumed that adsorption would not be instantaneous
ew~poration coefficient of water have generally fallen and that it would increase to more than t~, thus increas-
into one of four categories and these are : ing ¢:. It was then assumed that as the equilibrium
vapour pressure was reached, adsorption equilibrium
(a) Unsteady state evaporation into an evacuated was also obtained and the true of ~: was acquired.
chamber [23, 31, 36]. Experiments were also performed, by Heideger and
(b) Evaporation from a quiescent or quasi-quiesc- Boudart, with an agitator placed in the glycerol res-
ent liquid surface [12]. Mainly the early exper- ervoir which, it was presumed, prevented a stagnant
iments of Wyllie [14], Alty [15, 16] and Alty liquid surface forming. The results from these exper-
and M a c K a y [17]. iments were the same as the results from the exper-
(c) Jet stream Tensimeter [9, 18, 21, 30, 35, 38]. iments without agitation and, thus, it was reasoned
(d) Determining interracial heat transfer that ffimpurities were present in the glycerol they were
The evaporation coefficient of water 2967

Table 1(a). Values, from previous experiments, of evaporation coefficients for water

Author [Ref.] evap/cond
and date Experimental technique coefficients

T. Alty [15] (1931) Evaporation at low pressure from a test tube. Graphs of e, = 0.01
evaporation rate vs pressure are extrapolated to find evaporation
rate in a vacuum. T = 18, 40 and 60:C
T. Airy [16] (1933) Evaporation at low pressure from slow forming water e = 0.04
droplets. Surface temperatures were calculated from surface
tension values. T = 20 25:C
T. Alty and C. A. MacKay Same method as Alty [2]. e, = 0.036
[17] (1935)
K. C. D. Hickman [21] Falling stream tensimeter. A high velocity water jet is exposed r. ~> 0.25
(1954) to a vacuum for a short period of time. Condensate is
collected in a cold trap. T = 2 7°C
K. Nabavian and L.A. Rapid condensation of pure steam, at low pressure, at 10 and e = 1~).35
Bromley [20] (1963) 5 0 C in a system designed to minimise thermal resistances in
series with the interracial vapour liquid thermal resistance.
D. T. Jamieson [16] (1964) Condensation of tritium labelled steam onto a stream of r, >~ 0.3
falling water.
L. J. Delaney et al. [ 2 3 ] Unsteady state evaporation into a closed system, i.e. an e = 0.042~0.027
(1964) evacuated chamber, at 0"C and 43cC.
K. C. D. Hickman [9] Jet stream tensimeter. T = 0-20"C c/> 0.48
A. F. Mills and R . A . Condensation of steam on a vertical plate at low pressure, e, >~ 0.45
Seban [19] (1967) T = 45 50'F. e, is calculated from measurements of the
heat transfer coefficient.
J. R. Maa [18] (1967) Jet streamer tensimeter. T = 0-10 :C e= 1
A. Tamir and D. Hasson Exposing a fan spray sheet of water within a saturated steam e = 0.2
[31] (1971) atmosphere and measuring interferometrically the film
thickness. From the measurements interfacial heat transfer
coefficients and e are calculated.
U. Narusawa and G. S. Evaporation of water, at low pressure, from a stagnant pool e = 0.038 surface
Springer [12] (1975) and from a constantly replenished flowing surface. T = 18 2 7 C stagnant
and was measured using an infra red radiation technique. e = 0.17 surface
J. C. Bonacci et aL [29] Unsteady state evaporation into an evacuated chamber ~=0.7 1
(1976) T = 4-9'C
S. Fujikawa et al. [32] Condensation of water on the end wall of a shock tube. Film ~: = 0.04
(1983) thickness and temperature are measured by optical techniques.
T ~ 20)C
I. E. Smith [33] (1985) Evaporation at low pressure from a film of water falling e = 0.03
down the surface of a heated cylinder and the collection of
vapour in a cryopump. T = 0-20'C
V. V. Beloded et al. [34] Measurements of the growth of water droplets in an Argon 0.34
(1989) atmosphere. T = 250-260'K

Table 1(b). Values, from previous experiments, of evaporation coefficients for glycerol

G. Wyllie [14] (1949) Measurement of evaporation and effusion rates from a test ~: = 0.052
tube, at low pressure, at 18:C. Vapour is drawn offand
collected in a cryopump.
D. J. Trevoy [35] (1953) Jet stream tensimeter. T = 30~70 C e, = 1
W. J. Heideger and M. Unsteady state evaporation and effusion into an evacuated ~: = 0.05
Boudart [36] (1962) chamber. T ~ 1 8 C
H. K. Cammenga et al. [37] Calculating free evaporation and effusion rates by measuring r, = l
(1977) the weight loss from test cells. T ~ 18C

n o t a c c u m u l a t i n g at the liquid surface a n d inhibiting e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient o f a b o u t 0.05, were in e r r o r

e v a p o r a t i o n . B u r r o w s [8] e x a m i n e d the results o f because of inaccurate v a p o u r pressure measurements
H e i d g e r a n d B o u d a r t [36] a n d c o n c l u d e d t h a t inac- d u e to m i n u t e traces o f w a t e r in the glycerol.
c u r a t e p r e s s u r e m e a s u r e m e n t s , w h i c h affect the values A n i m p o r t a n t result f r o m the e x p e r i m e n t s o f Bon-
o f to a n d tL, h a d led to the c a l c u l a t i o n o f e r r o n e o u s acci e t al. [29] w a s t h a t the e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient w a s
values o f ~ (c.f. Section 4.1.). C a m m e n g a e t al. [37] time d e p e n d e n t . T h i s s a m e c o n c l u s i o n w a s r e a c h e d by
also c o n c l u d e d t h a t p r e v i o u s results for glycerol, f r o m a n u m b e r o f o t h e r r e s e a r c h e r s [18, 30, 39]. W h e n , in
Wyllie [14] a n d H e i d e g e r a n d B o u d a r t [36], giving an the e x p e r i m e n t s o f Bonacci e t al. [29], the e x p o s u r e
2968 1. W. EAMES et al.

time for the liquid surface was greater than a few impedance, caused by intermolecular collisions and
seconds the e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient was in good agree- molecular collisions with the walls of the apparatus,
m e n t with the results of Heideger a n d B o u d a r t [36] must not be ignored. In Burrow's [7] paper on v a p o u r
a n d Delaney et al. [23]. If, however, the time elapsed c o n d u c t a n c e at low pressure it was claimed that Wyl-
was less t h a n one second then the e v a p o r a t i o n lie's value of 0.052, for the e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient of
coefficient was time d e p e n d e n t a n d h a d a m a x i m u m glycerol, would be at least 0.5 if the effects of molec-
value for water of 0.55. Allowing for corrections due ular collisions were taken into account. An analysis
to errors in surface t e m p e r a t u r e readings, Bonacci et of v a p o u r c o n d u c t a n c e and its effect on the various
al. [29] re-calculated the e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient and empirical calculations o f c is given m Section 4.1.
stated t h a t it could increase to between 0.7 and 1. The The results from the experiments of Alty and
main reasons given for the low values of~:, i.e. less than M a c k a y [15 17] were discussed in a n u m b e r of later
0.1, were surface t e m p e r a t u r e errors due to insufficient publications [3, 4, 20, 22], all of which dismissed these
accuracy of the measuring device (a thermistor), large earlier calculations as highly erroneous due to surface
t e m p e r a t u r e gradients, and surface tension induced cooling a n d related difficulties m sur[ace temperature
lateral gradients. The same reasons could also explain measurement. These problems are accentuated for
the low values of c calculated by Delaney et al. [23], water due to its relatively high v a p o u r pressure, lead-
but they c a n n o t explain the low e v a p o r a t i o n ing to a high e v a p o r a t i o n rate, and low thermal con-
coefficients calculated by Heideger a n d Boudart [36]. ductivity. (Free convection also occurs in quasi-
This is because glycerol has a far lower v a p o u r pres- quiescent liquids but its c o n t r i b u t i o n to the overall
sure t h a n water (P~(gtycerol) >- 10 " P~ (water) at heat transfer rate will be small, if not negligible.) These
2 0 C ) , resulting in a lower e v a p o r a t i o n rate and a two factors c o m b i n e to cause a shortage of heat avail-
lower heat requirement, needed to replace the heat ability at the surface and so adversely affect ewlp-
lost d u r i n g evaporation, for the exposed liquid oration rates. Therefore. high e v a p o r a t i o n rates, t\~r
surface. Thus, large t e m p e r a t u r e gradients, and the water, will lead to surface cooling and large teln-
associated p r o b l e m of t e m p e r a t u r e measurement, near perature gradients perpendicular to the interface, thus
the liquid surface were unlikely to have occurred. m a k i n g it difficult, if not impossible, to measure the
surface t e m p e r a t u r e accurately using contact tech-
3.2. Evaporation ./i'om a quiescenl or quasi-quie.s'cenl niques, for example, thermocouples. T h e r m o c o u p l e
liquid s'utJ~lce m e a s u r e m e n t s will not only be inaccurate but it is
F r o m early experiments, by Airy [15, 16] a n d Alty possible, as mentioned by Littlewood and Rideal [22],
and M a c K a y [17], low values for the e v a p o r a t i o n that the j u n c t i o n itself acts as a heat source leading
coefficient of water were calculated (c.f. Table I(a)). to further errors. An example, by M o z u r k e w i c h [4],
These results were perceived as indicating that a large d e m o n s t r a t e d the degree of cooling possible if water
fraction of water molecules were unable to e v a p o r a t e is e v a p o r a t i n g with an e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient of unity
due to a surface resistance. Thus. it was reasonable to into a vacuum. If the heat required to replace the
think that every substance would have a characteristic latent heat of wtporisation is provided only by thermal
e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient for. or energy barrier to, con- c o n d u c t i o n then a t e m p e r a t u r e drop in the region of
densation and e v a p o r a t i o n and that this value was. in 104 K cm ' will be produced. Tiffs t e m p e r a t u r e gradi-
some way, d e p e n d e n t on its molecular structure. A ent is likely to occur in a surface thickness o1" the
subsequent theory was that polar molecules, like water order of(/. 1 into [18]. A further example, from M a a ' s
a n d glycerol, have low e v a p o r a t i o n coefficients, while theoretical results, involves the calculation of an
symmetrical molecules have coefficients near unity. " ' a p p a r e n t " ewtporation coefficient, where the - a p p a r -
This idea was supported by the experimental results e n t " e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient is calculated using a bulk
of Wyllie [14], w h o determined the e v a p o r a t i o n liquid t e m p e r a t u r e reading and not the t e m p e r a t u r e
coefficient of glycerol, using an effusion/diffusion tech- of the ewtporating liquid surface. Inlet water tem-
nique, to be 0.05. At the time of its publication this perature is taken to be 5 C and the e n v i r o n m e n t a l
result was significant because the low values of c, v a p o u r pressure is assigned a value of half the satu-
already published for water, were unreliable due to ration pressure at this temperature. The true ewtp-
likely inaccuracies in surface t e m p e r a t u r e measure- oration coefficient was assumed to be unity and after
m e n t s (c.f. Section 3.1). Wyllie's value of ~: seemed to 0.001 of a second the a p p a r e n t ewtporation coefficient
confirm previous results [15 17] and, also as large was 0.3. Heat transfer limitations are discussed in
surface cooling effects do not occur during tile evap- more detail in Section 4.3.
oration of glycerol (c.f. Section 3.1 ), these results were An additional difficulty, with these early exper-
given more credibility especially in chemistry. The iments, was that the surface of the water was station-
publication of Wyllie's results influenced a n u m b e r of ary and this can lead to an accumulation of impurities
theories involving the values of e v a p o r a t i o n [40] at the interface which could significantly reduce
coefficients for polar molecules [10, 11, 13]. (The e v a p o r a t i o n rates. This could be the reason for tile
effects of polarity and molecular o r i e n t a t i o n on evap- c o n t r a d i c t o r y results from the experiments of Naru-
oration coefficients are discussed in Section 4.2.) sawa and Springer [12], where the e v a p o r a t i o n
W h e n measuring e v a p o r a t i o n rates the effect of flow coefficient of water was calculated to be more than
The evaporation coefficient of water 2969

1.0 100.0000 / b
~" 10.0000
0.1 o o o
.- 0.5 0.0100
"~E 0.4 a O.OOlO
+~ 0.3
0.2 O.O00l
z 0.1 ,~ 0.0000 t = 3 s
0 0.0000 ~ ~ ~
IE-08 O.O0000l 0.000l 0.01 1 100 1E-08 o.000001 0,0001 0.01 1 100
Time [s] Exposure time [s]
Fig. 1. The effect of evaporation coefficient on the normalised Fig. 2. The effect of evaporation coefficient on the evap-
surlhce temperature, T,--T~/T 1 - T,.: (a)~, = 1; (b)e, = 0.9; oration rate for a falling water film: (a) e = 1 ; (b) c~- 0.5;
(c) e, = 0.5. (c) e = 0.1 (d) +: = 0.01.

four times greater for a constantly replenished surface +"= 1; however, the profile when e = 0.9 is the same as
than for a quiescent surface. Thus, unless absolute t h a t for e = 1. Figure 2 shows the effect of e v a p o r a t i o n
purity can be ensured, a stationary liquid surface, coefficient, with time, on the e v a p o r a t i o n rate for a
where impurities are allowed to accumulate, will pro- falling water film. The lines on the g r a p h suggest that,
duce a large interfacial resistance to heat transfer [40] for water, it is possible to prove that the e v a p o r a t i o n
and c will be reduced. coefficient is not low; however, it is considerably more
difficult to d e m o n s t r a t e t h a t e is unity. Figure 3 shows
3.3. Falling stream jet tensimeter (and related exper- a further example of the effect of e v a p o r a t i o n
iments) coefficient on the rate of e v a p o r a t i o n from a film of
In H i c k m a n a n d Trevoy's experiments [38], aimed water falling d o w n a vertical heated plate. This g r a p h
at calculating e v a p o r a t i o n rates a n d coefficients, a shows that to have a significant effect on the evap-
falling cylindrical stream of liquid evaporates into an o r a t i o n rate the e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient would have to
evacuated c h a m b e r . This m e t h o d has been called the be more t h a n one order of m a g n i t u d e less t h a n unity.
falling stream jet tensimeter technique a n d has been Alternatively, if results from a falling film e v a p o r a t i o n
used in m a n y subsequent experiments, all of which experiment were used to determine the e v a p o r a t i o n
yielded high e v a p o r a t i o n coefficients for a n u m b e r o f coefficient then Fig. 3 suggests that it would be difficult
fluids [9, 18, 21, 35]. Initially the main objective of to accurately predict a coefficient o f greater t h a n 0.1.
this technique was to prevent impurities congregating The e v a p o r a t i o n rate ( % ) = W~r/W. . . . where We,. is
at the surface o f the liquid, as sometimes h a p p e n s in the total, or cumulative, a m o u n t of water evaporated
liquid stills [12, 40], by producing a t u r b u l e n t liquid over a specified film length per second a n d Wm~xis the
flow with a surface that was being continuously m a x i m u m a m o u n t of water t h a t could be e v a p o r a t e d
renewed. A t u r b u l e n t liquid film also increases con- which is determined from the superheat of the water
vective heat transfer and, thus, reduced surface at the inlet. F o r Figs. 1 and 2 the following assumptions
cooling. The v a p o u r p r o d u c e d by the water stream have been m a d e : P~ = 0 . 7 5 P , T~ = 10C+ F = 0.11 kg
was usually d r a w n off a n d collected in a cold trap m s - t a n d 6 (film thickness) = 0.4 mm. W h e r e nor-
where the mass of c o n d e n s a t e could be measured [9, malised distance = z/i~ (where z is the vertical dis-
18,21]. tance) a n d normalised cumulative e v a p o r a t i o n
A n additional reason for using jet tensimetry was rate = Wcr/ti~. ( F o r the results given in Fig. 3 the inlet
to minimise surface cooling by exposing the jet o f water is assumed to be at s a t u r a t i o n point.)
water for a short period of time (about 10 3 s). Thus, M a a [15] measured e v a p o r a t i o n rates for water jets
the a m o u n t o f water evaporated, a n d the cor- with a n exposure time of a b o u t 0.001 s, the predictions
responding surface t e m p e r a t u r e drop, was small. In in this analysis indicate that for this exposure time the
H i c k m a n ' s [21] experiments surface cooling was neg-
lected a n d so the c value, calculated as 0.25, can be
taken as a lower b o u n d . F r o m experimental results
using a jet tensimeter a n d from an analysis of surface
O.Ol //
.~ 0.008 b
cooling d u r i n g e v a p o r a t i o n , M a a [18] concluded that
the e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient for water was near unity. 0.006 a
However, a closer e x a m i n a t i o n of M a a ' s results '~ 0.004
reveals t h a t there was good agreement between theor- ooo2 I
etical and experimental +'apparent" e v a p o r a t i o n
coefficients when the true e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient, a 0 500 1000 1500 2 0 0 0 2500 3000
Normalized distance
c o n s t a n t used in the theoretical equations, was unity.
Fig. 3. The effect of evaporation coefficient on the normalised
F r o m o u r own calculations, for flash e v a p o r a t i o n
cumulative evaporation rate for a falling water film on a
from a film of water, Fig. 1 shows that the normalised vertical plate with a 5 kW m -"heat flux applied at the solid
surface t e m p e r a t u r e is higher w h e n e = 0.5 t h a n when surface: (a) e = 1 : (b) +: = 0.1 ; (c) e = 0.01.
2970 1. W. EAMES et al.

cumulative evaporation rates when a - 1 and when change, in the liquid film. F r o m these measurements
~: = 0.5 differ by only 17% (when f: = 0.9 the difference local interracial heat transfer coefficients and evap-
is less than 1%). Therefore, although Maa's results oration coefficients were calculated.
confirm that ~: > 0.5 they do not conclusively predict 3.4.1. Other publications. Other papers on the evap-
an accurate value of~; for water [14]. If the evaporation oration coefficient include a number of reviews [1, 3,
coefficient is to be accurately measured then the inter- 4, 24, 27, 41, 42] of published work on evaporation
facial resistance must be significant and, therefore, and condensation coefficients. There are two pub-
liquid exposure time very small, if possible less than lications, Fujikawa et al. [32] and Beloded el al. [34], in
l x l 0 5s. which entirely different techniques, from those already
mentioned, have been used. Beloded el al. measured
3.4. Calculalion q/et'aporation and condensation e o e f the growth of water droplets condensing in an argon
ficienls.//om inte,j}wial heal tran,s/k,r eo~[iicients atmosphere and Fujikawa el al. used optical tech-
The advantage of this method is that it is less depen- niques to measure the temperature and tilm thickness
dent on the accuracy of the surface temperature of water condensing on the wall of a shock tube.
measurement (c.f. equation 9). It is, also a convenient The relevance and accuracy of the results from these
method for determining the effect that evaporation investigations, in the field of evaporation and con-
coefficients have on the overall thermal resistance to densation coefficients, is difficult to assess from the
heat transfer in evaporators. The interfacial heat limited amount of information and data provided in
transfer coefficient can be calculated from a knowl- the papers,
edge of the overall thermal resistance and the other
resistances in a heat exchanger. The interracial ther- 4. D I S C U S S I O N
mal resistance varies little during an evaporation pro-
cess; however, the resistance of the bulk liquid It appears, from the review of published data, that
increases with time, as the thermal boundary layer most substances have now established an evaporation
grows, to become the dominant resistance. Therefore, coefficient of unity [3, 42]. With the evidence for water
this experimental technique has the same problem, pointing increasingly towards a coefficient of greater
unless the exposure time of the evaporating liquid is than 0.5 it is reasonable to believe that a coefficient of
small, as other techniques in that if the evaporation unity is an actual value for all substances. This is
coefficient is high 0" > 0.5) then the interfacial heat against the belietg of previously published works [14.
transfer coefficient is small and it is probable that large 16, 17] where it was proposed that molecular structure
errors will be incurred during its calculation [19, 20]. was a primary factor and that an evaporation
Using the following expression l\~r interlacial heat coefficient was an inherent value, sometimes below
transfer coefficient : unity, belonging to a substance. Molecular structure
is one of three explanations, along with molecular
hi = W,4.!(7\- T,) diff'usion and heat transfer limitations, that have fre-
quently been used to account t\~r low evaporation
and from the H e r t z - K n u d s e n evaporation rate equa-
coefficients. Each of these three topics and their
tion and the integrated Clapeyron equation, Nabavian
relationships with evaporation coefficients are now
and Bromley [20] derived the following expression :
~: hl(2rcRT,,~,:M) 1 -"( T, I/, ,,',:t-'). (9)
4.1. Molecuhlr df[lZlsion theory
Maa [18], using a slightly different technique, The difference between the maximum and the net
applied a "'semi-analytical" method to calculate an evaporation rate is accounted for, in most inves-
" a p p a r e n t " evaporation coefficient from interracial tigations, by measuring the vapour pressure sur-
heat transfer coefficients. This method assumed a rounding the liquid and using the Hertz Knudsen
number of" initial values, including an evaporation evaporation rate equation (equation (4) in Section 2).
coefficient of unity. From these initial values the sur- However, Burrows, whose theories are established in
face temperature, "'apparent" evaporation coefficient a number of publications [7, 8, 43~45], considered this
and other properties were calculated at various time problem on a smaller scale and introduced a cor-
intervals. Results show the apparent evaporation rection factor, to the evaporation rate equation (equa-
coefficient to be time dependent over an initial period tion (3) in Section 2), which was derived l¥om molec-
of about 10 ~ s and constant thereafter (c.f. Section ular collision theory.
4.3). The results from this method agree with the The maximum rate of evaporation occurs when
results from a numerical technique, derived by Maa w~pour molecules can reach the condenser without
[18] and presented in the same paper, although com- colliding with molecules of gas or returning w~pour.
putation time for the semi-analytical method is much Vapour molecules, however, will continue to collide
shorter than that for the numerical method. unless the condenser is brough infinitely close to the
Tamir and Hasson [31] used a different method to evaporation surface. In experiments where the con-
calculate h~f. In their experiments interferrograms were denser and evaporator are far apart an efficiency
used to measure the thickness variations, due to phase tkictor,/~ has been introduced, by Burrows, to account
The evaporation coefficientof water 2971

for differences between the theoretical evaporation such rates and the rates at which molecules leave, or
rate and the experimental evaporation rate. This return to, the liquid surface".
efficiency factor is dependent on the shape of the evap- Apparatus design is a significant factor which must
orating surface, the geometry of any surrounding sur- be accounted for when measuring the pressure and
faces, which allow re-evaporation of molecules that calculating evaporation rates in experiments where
strike such surfaces, and the ability of the condenser to constant conditions cannot be assumed. If exper-
condense, without re-evaporating vapour molecules. imental evaporation rates are to be fully understood
Using a simplified molecular collision theory, then the movement of vapour molecules, at low pres-
involving various assumptions, Burrows [43, 45] sure, is an important subject that must be appreciated.
derived an equation from which the efficiency factor
(f) can be calculated : 4.2. The effects o[polarity and molecular orientation
on evaporation coefficients
f= F+(1-F)(2e-U-e 2,~) (10) In general, values of empirically derived evap-
oration coefficients for water have increased in mag-
where nitude over the past 60 years and in accordance
with this the interpretations of the results have been
Ac H continually modified. Consequently, explanations
and N = --
Ac+Ae kl given for results published 30 years ago have now been
acknowledged as erroneous. An example of this are
(k correlation factor determined by the geometry of the results of Wyllie [14] and the hypotheses put for-
the system). ward by other investigators [10, 11, 13] who used
Equation (10) was found, by Burrows [43], to fit Wyllie's results as a guide for their theoretical cal-
the data of Hickman and Trevoy [38] reasonably well. culations. In these theories it was proposed that bar-
However, Kaplon et al. [46] rejected this equation riers to evaporation and condensation, and the result-
stating that it was insufficiently accurate and, sub- ing (inherently) low values ore for some liquids, were
sequently, derived an alternative formula. due to rotational effects of polar molecules and
The presence of pressure gradients in the apparatus relationships with the free angle ratio. Eight years
of an evaporation rate experiment may be the source after Wyllie's paper was published Burrows [7], in a
of discrepancies in the values of evaporation paper which emphasised the importance of molecular
coefficients. Two such investigations, in which dis- collisions on experimental evaporation rates, stated
crepancies are thought to have occurred, are the works that Wyllie's results, indicating ~. = 0.05 for glycerol,
of Wyllie [14] and Hiedeger and Boudart [36]. In were erroneous due to the lack of an appropriate
Wyllie's experiments the condenser, or cold trap, was expression that would account for vapour con-
connected to the evaporation chamber by a pipe. This ductance in the experimental apparatus. Accounting
pipe connection creates a problem of vapour conduc- for vapour conductance would, according to Burrows,
tion, where the pressure at one end of the pipe is have resulted in a revised value for e of 0.5.
greater than at the other end [7]. The restriction of The work of Burrows [7, 8] and the result of Hick-
vapour flow is due to the cosine distribution with man [9, 21], Trevoy [35] and others, have eroded the
which molecules that collide with then re-evaporate theories [10, 11, 13] that suggested a possible con-
from the pipe wall. Burrows [7] suggested that Wyllie's nection between evaporation coefficients and the
[14] value of 0.052, for the evaporation coefficient of polarity and orientation of molecules. However,
glycerol, should be at least 0.5 if this effect was taken although the suggested links between molecular struc-
into account. ture and evaporation coefficient are not as strong as
The work of Heideger and Boudart [36] has already once thought a correlation should not be dismissed
been discussed in Section 3.1. Since glycerol has a low entirely. It is possible, as mentioned by Trevoy [35],
vapour pressure its mean free path in an evacuated that, for quiescent surfaces, polarity and surface con-
chamber will be large and intermolecular collisions tamination combine to produce a significant inter-
will occur infrequently leading to a slow development facial resistance to evaporation.
of randomness. Burrows [8] noted that the mean free
path of glycerol, in Heideger and Boudart's exper- 4.3. Heat tran.~/er limitations
iments, was comparable with the dimensions of the During evaporation heat is lost from a liquid sur-
evaporation chamber and that when this occurs, and face and to prevent a temperature drop, at the surface,
there is mass flow, the effective pressure is a function heat must be supplied to the interface at an equal rate.
of direction and has no unique value. Burrows went When heat supplied, to the evaporating surface, is less
on to state that, "the readings of pressure, on which than heat lost the temperature, and hence the rate of
Heideger and Boudart rely, bear no direct relationship evaporation, decreases until an equilibrium condition
to the kinetic equations which they use, the gauge is reached. Thus, interphase molecular transfer is
readings serving only as an indication of the relative linked to heat transfer which can be the controlling
rate at which molecules reach the sensitive element of factor for evaporation rates [1,4, 9, 18]. Heat transfer
the gauge, there being no obvious correlation between rates do not change significantly with temperature but
2972 1. W. EAMES et al.

e v a p o r a t i o n rates increase exponentially as tem- transfer a n d v a p o u r conductance, and are accepted as

perature and the c o r r e s p o n d i n g saturated v a p o u r the most reliable, give values of v greater t h a n 0.5 [4,
pressure increase. Therefore, the resistance to the sup- 28]. To prove t h a t c = 1 for water is difficult because
ply of heat to the liquid v a p o u r interface increases it requires the interracial resistance to be significant
with temperature. and for this to h a p p e n either the liquid exposure time
The low thermal conductivity a n d high saturated must be small, if possible less than 1 × 10 5 of a
v a p o u r pressure of water leads to high e v a p o r a t i o n second, or the rate of heat transfer to the interface
rates and relatively low heat transfer rates in the must be orders of m a g n i t u d e greater t h a n the rate at
liquid. Consequently, high t e m p e r a t u r e gradients which heat is conducted from the bulk liquid.
form in the liquid, during e v a p o r a t i o n , which lead to It is i m p o r t a n t that resistance to e v a p o r a t i o n in the
bulk liquid t e m p e r a t u r e readings often being mistaken liquid and v a p o u r phases and at the interface arc
for the t e m p e r a t u r e of the e v a p o r a t i o n liquid surti~ce. accounted for if a true value of c is to be calculated.
These e r r o n e o u s t e m p e r a t u r e readings result in the It is concluded that reliable investigations have shown
calculation of incorrect theoretical e v a p o r a t i o n rates that the true e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient of water is greater
and " a p p a r e n t " e v a p o r a t i o n coefficients. than a hall" and that a coefficient for water of unity,
E v a p o r a t i o n coefficients were found to be time and which is in accordance with other substances, is con-
t e m p e r a t u r e d e p e n d e n t in a n u m b e r of experiments ceivable a l t h o u g h no conclusive results are awlilable.
[9, 18, 23, 29, 31, 39, 47]. It is t h o u g h t that these In most e v a p o r a t i o n processes the e v a p o r a t i o n
dependencies are a consequence of the errors in tem- coefficient must be at least one order of m a g n i t u d e
perature m e a s u r e m e n t caused by high t e m p e r a t u r e less t h a n unity flit is to have a significant effect on the
gradients in the liquid adjacent to the v a p o u r liquid e v a p o r a t i o n rate, as shown by Figs. 2 and 3. F u t u r e
interlace. As the liquid t e m p e r a t u r e increases so does work on e v a p o r a t i o n processes can, therefore, focus
the e v a p o r a t i o n rate and, also, the t e m p e r a t u r e gradi- on reducing the limitations to rates of e v a p o r a t i o n
ent at the liquid surface. This leads to larger tem- caused by heat transfer resistances in the bulk liquid
perature m e a s u r e m e n t errors and a lower a p p a r e n t phase and c o n t a m i n a n t s b o t h in the v a p o u r and liquid
e v a p o r a t i o n coefficient. The reason for the time phases.
dependency is very similar, as e v a p o r a t i o n proceeds
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