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Nursing management


 Monitor respiratory status  If lymph nodes-neck/chest

involved, patient may
experience SOB, dyspnea,
airway obstruction
 Note changes to skin color  Note pallor or cyanosis.
WBC’s multiply rapidly can
reduce carrying capacity of
RBC that may result in
 Observe for neck vein  Vena cava syndrome -
distension, headache, dizziness, superior vena cava is obstructed
facial edema, dyspnes, stridor from enlarge lymph nodes. Life
threatening emergency, notify
the physician.
 Assess and manage pain  Patients may experience
pain from radiation and chemo.
Pain management/reduction of
stress promotes
healing/conserves energy
 Nutrition education - instruct  Increasing caloric intake
the patient to increase caloric promotes healing, provides
intake like banana, avocado, energy, prevents gastric
salmon, eggs, etc.. distention.
- monitor daily weight, caloric

 Provide supportive comfort  Patients experience fatigue,

measures following nausea and vomiting.
- assist ADLs
-offer ice chips, antiemetics
as ordered
 Assist with positioning/monitor  Fatigue and impaired nutrition
skin breakdown can cause muscle weakness.
Nursing diagnosis:

1. Ineffective breathing pattern

2. Imbalanced nutrition
3. Pain
4. Sexual dysfunction
5. Deficient knowledge
6. Risk for infection

Sexual dysfunction

Related to altered body structure or function (drugs, surgery, disease

process, radiation [loss of sexual desire, disruption of sexual response


Let the patient describe problem in Provides more accurate picture of

own words. patient experience with which to
develop plan of care.

Know the importance of sex to Because lymphomas often affect

individual, partner and patient’s the relatively young who are in
motivation for change. their productive years, these people
may be affected more by these
problems and may be less
knowledgeable about the
possibilities of change.

Weigh knowledge of patient and Helps analyze areas of concern,

SO regarding sexual function and misconception, and actual problems
effects of current situation and related to therapy side effects.

Identify preexisting and current Patient may be concerned about

stress factors that may be affecting other issues, such as job, financial,
the relationship. and illness-related problems.

Deficient knowledge
May be related to

 Lack of exposure/recall
 Information misinterpretation
 Unfamiliarity with information resources
 Cognitive limitations


Discuss potential complications Possible side effects and long-term

relative to specific therapeutic physical complications of radiation
regimen. (direct or indirect) and
some chemotherapy agents include
pneumonitis, hypothyroidism,
pericarditis, cardiomyopathy.

Following treatment, there is

Emphasize need for ongoing increased risk of secondary
medical follow-up. malignancies (thyroid,
myeloid leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma) in addition to other
complications listed. Note:
Yearly Pap smears are
recommended for female patients
because Hodgkin’s cells may be
found on the cervix.

Ineffective breathing pattern

Risk factors may include

Tracheobronchial obstruction: enlarged mediastinal nodes and/or airway
edema (Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s); superior vena cava syndrome


Assess and monitor respiratory rate, Changes (such as tachypnea,
depth, rhythm. Note reports of dyspnea, use of accessory muscles)
dyspnea and use of accessory may indicate progression of
muscles, nasal flaring, altered chest respiratory involvement and
excursion. compromise requiring prompt

Place patient in position of comfort, Maximizes lung expansion,

usually with head of bed elevated decreases work of breathing, and
or sitting upright leaning forward reduces risk of aspiration.
(weight supported on arms), feet
Promotes aeration of all lung
Reposition and assist with turning segments and mobilizes secretions.
Helps promote gas diffusion and
Instruct and assist with expansion of small airways.
deep-breathing techniques, Provides patient with some control
pursed-lip or abdominal over respiration, helping to
diaphragmatic breathing if reduce anxiety.
Proliferation of WBCs can reduce
oxygen-carrying capacity of the
Monitor and evaluate skin color, blood, leading to hypoxemia.
noting pallor, development of
cyanosis (particularly in nailbeds,
ear lobes, and lips). Decreased cellular oxygenation
reduces activity tolerance. Rest
Assess respiratory response to reduces oxygen demands and
activity. Note reports of dyspnea minimizes fatigue and dyspnea.
or ”air hunger,” increased fatigue.
Schedule rest periods between Aids in reducing fatigue and
activities. dyspnea, and conserves energy for
cellular regeneration and
Identify and encourage respiratory function.
energy-saving techniques (rest
periods before and after meals, use
of shower chair, sitting for care). Worsening respiratory involvement
and hypoxia may necessitate
Promote bedrest and provide care cessation of activity to prevent
as indicated during acute and more serious respiratory
prolonged exacerbation. compromise.
Anxiety increases oxygen demand,
Encourage expression of feelings. and hypoxemia potentiates
Acknowledge reality of situation respiratory distress and cardiac
and normality of feelings. symptoms, which in turn escalates

Provide calm, quiet environment. Promotes relaxation, conserving

energy and reducing oxygen


Related to treatment (radiation, chemotherapy)


 Assess the level of pain by  To have a baseline and to be

using pain scale of 1 to 10 able to identify what kind of
intervention necessary
 Provide divertional technique  This technique may reduce
like watch TV, reading books or the patient’s pain by diverting
short conversation. the attention
 Instruct and demonstrate deep  Deep breathing helps relax
breathing technique. you. Learning deep breathing
reduces muscle tension thereby
lessening pain.
 Place the patient in a  To help alleviate pain
comfortable position

Imbalance nutrition

Related to loss of appetite due to disease process or treatment


 Assess for malnutrition like  To establish baseline

weight loss, appearance, etc.. parameter
- weigh the patient daily
 Discuss eating habits including
foodpreferences, intolerance  Appeals to client tasks, and
and aversion enhances intake

 Encourage client to choose food  Stimulates the appetite of

or have family member to bring the client
food that seems appealing
 Promote pleasant relieving  This promotes comfort to
environment including thepatient and encourages a
socialization goodeating habit
 Evaluate total daily food intake  Reveals possible cause
of malnutrition changes that
be made in client’s intake.

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