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Gender equality

What is ACTSA (Action for Southern Africa)?

- Created by the UK Anti-apartheid movement

- Campaign for rights, equality, sustainable development across southern africa
- Raising awareness through campaigning + advocacy work, education, projects
+ delegations.

All this and more can be found in the ACTSA website:
Countries in southern africa
Issues in Southern Africa

Economic disadvantages -carmen

- Unemployment 31%
- More than 40% of the population of 12 countries do not have access basic
sanitation services
- Many of the countries are in some form of dept

Legal descrimination -mika

The background of Gender equality in Southern Africa

● Exclusion from economic and public life - key barriers to equality

● Limited rights and independence over financial and legal decisions
● Lack bodily autonomy and the right to live safely

In Swaziland for example, women are second hand class and are not very
protected in terms of gender based violence.
Gender inequality
Legal discrimination
Quiz here
How to support?
Action for Southern Africa is a fundraising website that helps bring awareness to
issues present in Southern African countries.



● Search up ACTSA

If you want to look at what they campaign for, press on campaign

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campaigns To look at
their projects donate!
This is the campaign we
are focusing on!
Just follow the
easy steps!
Amount raised so far: ideas activities for fundraising

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