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Love yourself first and everything
else falls into line
You are doing a great job already
You are caring
You are honest
You are dedicated
You are capable
You are passionate
You are incredibly valuable
You don't need to hide
who you are
You can find joy
You are not alone in this
You are enough
I believed I could,
so I did
Nevertheless, I persist
Do not blame yourself for mistakes, but
analyze them
I won’t let a mistake define my day
– or my life
Making mistakes is a
part of learning
The mistakes we make can help us become
a better version of ourselves
Take every bump as a learning experience
rather than a dark cloud
Don’t compare yourself to others
Connect with YOUR strengths and passions
Your best is all you can do
My best is more than enough
My "best" looks different than someone
else's "best" and that's OK
It's okay to not be okay
It's okay to be sad, depressed,
or anxious
I am not wrong for feeling
I am not exaggerating when I
feel overwhelmed
Educators are allowed to feel
negative feelings
All of my feelings are important
and valid
I can acknowledge my feelings, accept
them, and sit with them
You are not "too much"
You are not the only one feeling this way
You can only do what you can do
Keep going
Take it day by day
Don’t stress too much about
Perhaps there is still time for
beautiful things to come to life
I will let go of what I cannot
"Universe, please grant me the serenity to accept the
things I cannot change, the courage to change the things
I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"
It’s okay to say no
You don’t need an excuse to say no
You cannot pour from an empty cup
You can let go of GUILT when
prioritizing yourself
I can take time for my needs
It's ok for ME time to be MY time
Doing things "just for you" is a
great reason to do things
I have a life beyond my career
Remember that you are planning your own
life as well as your students’ success
Make yourself a priority
Work hard, but don't live to work
It is okay to take a break
I am allowed to be sick or injured
I am allowed to get better
I can take time for sleep
You can use your sick days
It’s okay to take time off
It’s okay to rest
Leave some energy for yourself
Be kind to yourself
Be good to yourself, too
No one knows you better than you who are
or what you need
You are the expert on yourself
Self-care should be
Show yourself kindness by taking
care of YOU
The greatest gift you can give yourself
is self-care

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