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If I were…..

Expressing unreal conditional

If I found $750,000
Julia: Look! Some guy found $750,000! He returned it
and the owner simply thanked him with a phone call.
Gilbert: You are kidding! If I found $750,000, I would
not return it so fast.
Julia: Why? What would you do?
Gilbert: Well, I would go straight to the mall and
spend it. I could buy a lot of nice things.
Julia: Then you could go to jail when someone find
out about it.
Gilbert: Hmmm… You’ve got a point there.
- You’re kidding = kamu bercanda
- You’ve got a point = kamu ada benarnya
- Jail = penjara
- Opposite = lawan kata
- Deny = membantah
- Find = menemukan
- Would = akan (dalam bentuk lampau)
- If = jika
Grammar focus
Expressing unreal conditional sentences
unreal conditional sentences adalah kalimat pengandaian yang
tidak bersifat nyata atau sebatas khayalan. Ini ditandai dengan
penggunaan if . Sebelumnya kita pernah membahas
pengandaian saat belajar tentang wish.
- Jika aku jadi menemukan $750,000, aku akan belanja
(If I found $750,000, I would buy many things)
Karena bersifat tidak nyata dan hanya khayalan, kalimat
pengandaian menggunakan beberapa kata kerja bentuk
lampau. Oleh karena itu kata “akan” tidak diterjemahkan
menjadi will, tapi would (bentuk Verb2 dari will). Begitu pula
kata menemukan, tidak diterjemahkan mnjadi find tapi found
(bentuk past tense dari find)
Common mistakes
If I am you, I will work there. [false]
If I were you, I would work there . [true]

If she is my sister, I will not let her cry . [false]

If she were my sister, I wouldn’t let her cry. [true]

I would watched it, if I have free time. [false]

I would watch it, If I had free time. [true]
Dalam kalimat pengandaian, kata bantu is/am/are diganti dengan were.
Begitu juga will, diganti dengan would. Kata kerja yang berada setelah
would kembali dalam bentuk pertama.

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