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D. M. COOK. Galvanio Battery. eC lieclllillecelellle SS ££, ]IiW K SSS SSS Lrwverlir Nu, Bete. Lorne AL crane, Hi FegGZ Patented Deo. 20, 1870. PPLHESIOS. fa Gee No. 110,206. Gnited States Patent Office. DANIEL McFARLAND COOK, OF MANSFIELD, OHIO. Letters Patent No, 110,206, dated Docomber 20, 1870, IMPROVEMENT IN GALVANIC BATTERIES. ‘The Schedule rforrd to in these Letters Patent and making part of the same. To ail whom it may concern: Be it known that J, Davten Mcl'arvaxp Coo, of Mansfield, in the county of Richland and State’ of Ohio, rave invented a now ant improved Galvanic Battery; and I do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact leseription thereof, reference Deing hind to the acoumpanying drawing making part of this specification, in which— Figure 1 is a diametrical section throngh my proved battery. Figure 2 is a top view of the battery. ‘Figure 3 is an external view of ono of the porons cups. w letters of reference indicate corresponding + Parts in the several figures. In the construction of gaivanie batteries, whon it is desited to obtain electric quantity, it is éommon to enlarge the batteries and also to inereaso the decom | position of the metals and electrolytes. It is also common to use open porous cups or eels of different materials, which allow a free admixture of the liquids. ‘The object of my invention is— ‘Wirst, to prevent the mixture of the Tiquids almost entirely, and, at the same time, obtain an olectric quantity even superior to that obtained by an equal- sized opon cup. Second, to obtain an increase of cloctric quantity with less decomposition and of long aud stend action ‘Third, to economize in material and in the time an Inbor of attention required to keep the battery in good working order. ‘The nature of my inveution consists— Vist, in the division of the electric current in the exciting liquid by means of a glazed enp or cell, or & up or ell made of any suitable porous. substance, such as bonnet-board or wood, coverol with any im perviows material having flue lines eut into it gos to eave exposed porous surfiees botween te impervious surfaces, which will enuse an attraction (according to an electtio law) betwveon the diffexent parts of the ac- tion, thereby producing a large increaso in the several quantities of the divisious on each others that is to say, if there are two or anore division lines or spaces con the surface of the cup or eell, and the quantity of ‘one line is measured by the maguctometer, the seeoud ine will indicate an inereaso wuntl the ultimate quan tity vill be equal to the capacity of the liquids and the tension to cary that quantity. Second, in reduzing tho aren or quantity of these Hines to the smallest limit, and making one or more rings on the extetior of on¢ or moro eups of eslls, and uniting their quantities so as to causo their separate quantities to double on each other. ‘To enable others skilled iu the’ art to understand my tuyen eration. Tn carrying out my invention I do not confine my- self to any particular forin or size of enp, eal, or plate, nor to any patticalar size or number of lines, rings, of ‘open spaces on the surface thercof, observing only steht relation between the spaces and liquids as wil pro- Auee the desired result. ‘The divisions may be effeetod by means of separate cups, either in the same liquid or in separate liqaids, Dilute sulpharie acid will not aet properly with one liquid, as this acid requires separate liquids and ele ‘ments in onler that the several clements shall double ‘on each other, Iu practice shalt generally use Lydvogen absorb- {ng liquid, such as the sulphate of copper or nityieand _nitro-sulphintie acids, and a glnzod earthen eup ot cell, ‘or & cup or ecll made of bounet-board or of woot coated with a varnish made of beeswax and resin, I cut through the glazing or varnish on the cup A so to leave anuutar or spiral lines b, fig. 3, thas allow ing a divided action of the current through the oup. Instead of the cut tines and glazed cup a wire may be wound spirally around an unglazed enp, aud thas produce a division of the current. I profer, however, 448.9 matter of economy, to use the glazod ‘cup o its equivalent, cut as described, Tho atea of the lines B is made larger or smaller, according to the amount of electric quantity required, IF this quantity be too ssinall, as in telegraphing aud other like purposes, the lines or rings Bshould be as sinallas possible—in fact, there need be but a few punctures through the glaze ing. And when twoor more such eupsare connected as one element, the quantity of the several elements will double ou each other the same as the several rings or lines in one cup will do, TF the lines, rings, or punctures are small enough in the cups, a telegraph batte it foree may be run for several months, or even a Year, or more, with= fou any attention. Ti fact, any eoinmon glazed eatth= ceuware is sullicicntly porous, without sings, Iines, oF punetures made through theit glazing, to yield ste Gient current for most purposes, especially for main telegraph batteries; or even a ghss eup may be stb- stituted for the glazed cup, in'whieh easo the action passes over te mioist top of the eup aud through the pores of the glass. Buf, in any kind or form of cup ‘6r cell, it is more economical to uso one or more cups either’ placed in one enp with the negative solation around them, or by wniting them as separate batteries, 80 that their soveral quautities wil double or tend t0 oublo on each other. Instead of glazing the cups, it is quite as well to form the tines or divisions & by means of varnish oF ion, I will describe its construction and op- beossax, or the ends of tlie caps may be dipped into beeswax, thus more oF less closing them, a0 as to pre~ vent the’msisture of te liquids and allow a steny and Jong-continued action, sacl as is adapted to telegtaph- ing or any of the eominon uses of eleetrie currents. “Phe closing of the cups or els in thie manner is very importait— First, because the liquids are left sepa, and oon quently te positives are prevented from wastefal de- composition ‘Second, whore the action is divided iteansosa doub- Jing of tite equal quantities on each other without increasing the decomposition. ‘Thind, i is important for the reason that when sep- arato elements are conibined as one, and when the Jines or divisions, us deseribed, aro proportionate to te required enrent, encl-elensent adel as quantity not ouly doubles its own quantity aul the quantity of the other elements eoubined with i but teaso {shies the decomposition, so that by asufiiont number of separate eleinents Inge-qnantity currents may bo supported for along time by thelatent quantity in the battery being retained by the Insulation of the eupss that 1S to say, if six eloinents, properly balaueed, ran vith a given quantity for, sayy one day, ten the sey nth clement added wil case the eombined elem to yield that quantity for two days, and. the eiuith cleinent will inerease the time to four days. . Hach ‘ulditional clement will thus double the time or en Guraneo of the battery, provided. the quantity of the Fs are correspondingly diminished by closing their surfaces, also provided the negative sur- faces and fqutds are of suléiont capacity. ‘Tn all-diluto acids itis necessary to use plenty of carboa surfieos platinam will not answer well except suo06 instrong acids, as the bydrogen nares to its surface, and therefore fovers the tension and the quantity of the current. ‘The useof earbon will obviate this difi- culty, and ft may be used eithor ia the form of a plato, ‘eslinder, or a cup, the laiter being preferable for convenience. ‘When two or more elements are connected to tortn ‘a doubling base, they should to bolled in. beeswax until they Will be impervious to'the liquids and not in- torfero with the eouduetion thereof. ‘The action of this battery is the same-as the com ‘mon galvanio battery, except by itsdivided condition ; tho quaitity of enrrent is greatly snperior to the quane tity of the decomposition of the positive metal used. Tn tho diawing the eups A are represented in ves- sols B, whielr are arvanged around central exp, ©, for support, ‘Tho positive metal strips TD are contained ia the cups B. ‘All the caps are applied in a large vessel, G ‘he carbon bars « are in the cups A, aud sultably eomected to the stiys D by wires, 3-48 to produce tho eller of tension. ‘Having deseribed my invention, ‘What i lain as new, and desive to scoure by Letters Patent, ‘L.A cup or ell fora galvanie battery, constructed substantially as described, and for te purposes set ” forth 2. xo oF more sinilar elements, combined in the matiner and for the parpose specified, DANIEL AMclhARLAND COOK. Witnesses: i. D. Korew, Tout Mixers,

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