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Hi guys, I work in Marvel Studios and I'm a member of the VFX team for Avengers Endgame.

I have
watched some parts in the second and first act of the movie and I also know the entire plot. Spoilers

Act 1
 Emergency Broadcast saying “THIS IS NOT A TEST. THERE IS A STATE OF
Logo plays with Sta Lee Cameos and turns to purple colour. Scene cuts to Clint's farm, he
trains his daughter. Family vanishes infront of him. He rushes to the TV an emergency
broadcast plays.
 Cut to Wakanda where everyone mourns. They decide to regroup and set for Avengers
 Tony sees a dream where he has a son and everyone turns to dust.
 Tony wakes up. A song is playing. Cut to a scene of Tony and Nebula playing paper
Football. They are bored, hopeless and starving. Tony records his message to Pepper.
 Tony and Nebula talk about their past and the Guardians. Tony doesn't want to die in
space and they use parts of the Mark 50 armor and Nebula's hand to fix the Benatar.
 The next scene cuts to Avengers Facility.Pepper hears the message after wearing a silver
Iron Man armor [probably Mark 49] whose helmet was beeping. This is the photo which shows
Pepper wearing an armor, and everyone thought was Rescue] She is relieved that Tony is still
Avengers arrive and Pepper asks them about Tony, Avengers think he is dead. She gives them
Fury's pager[which was recovered by police] and watches the news as the Death toll rises.Captain
Marvel's arrival scene. She is looking for Fury and they tell her Fury is dead. Thor blames himself for
the snap.
 Scene cuts to Tony and Nebula, who repair the Benatar. They enter a jumpoint and as
they move towards Earth the Sunlight flashes towards Tony's eyes.
 Pepper recieves the message.
 Captain America shaves. [the scene from the trailer where he is wearing a vest.] Black
widow calls him to check what's happening outside. They watch the Benatar arrive.
 Tony and Nebula land. Pepper is happy to see Tony and hugs him, but Tony collapses to
the ground. On the other hand, Rocket asks about the other guardians, Nebula is speechless.
 Bruce takes care of Tony who is recovering in bed.He says Vision is dead but Bruce has
taken all the intel Shuri had on Vision, and he is trying to rebuild him in a way, where he can
survive without any specific power source.Steve goes to Tony's bedside. They both apologize
for Civil war. Tony says Steve can have his shield back. Black Widow interrupts them and tells
Steve 'You might wanna check this out'.
 Avengers locate an energy surge. Nebula tells them Thanos is in a place called 'The
Garden' but leaves the room and refuses to go with them. Then plays the scene Marvel
officially released. Cap says 'Let's go get this son of a bitch'.
 Avengers theme plays and the Avengers are shown suited up and ready to fight Thanos.
[The scene from the 1st trailer where The Avengers are walking]. Tony, Nebula and Hulk stay
behind. Tony and Bruce doesn't think their plan will work.
 Rocket asks everyone who hasn't been to space. cAP, WIDOW AND wAR mACHINE
 They go to the Garden and see a retired Thanos. His armor is hanging like a scarecrow.
Thanos doesn't want to fight or kill anyone. He says the Gauntlet had limited power so he
couldn't expand the universe or build resources. Killing half the population was the only way.
He says they can't undo the snap anymore. Avengers don't believe him. His gauntlet is
damaged. captain Marvel is very confident about killing Thanos. Thanos doesn't use the
gauntlet and gains the upper hand against the Avengers. Black Widow and Cap mostly do
planning and distract Thanos so that the stronger heroes can Damage him. Rocket and War
Machine use a weapon to stun Thanos. After that, Cap Marvel badly damage him and Thor
cuts off his arm. Thanos is beaten to pulp. Rocket goes mad at him for killing the guardians
and starts to torture him with an extremely powerful electric weapon.
 Captain Marvel tries to use the Gauntlet but a flash of red comes and the Gauntlet
vanishes. The Thanos scarecrow armor vanishes too with a flash of Red and a voice says
'You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me. The previous
Thanos was an illusion created by the reality stone. The real Thanos appears in full armor and
the Gauntlet repairs itself infront of the Avengers. He is able to paralyze every Avenger using
the stones except Captain Marvel who is strong enough to break the force and charge against
him. Thanos grabs her by the neck, absorbs her power using the Space Stone and Vaporizes
her slowly and painfully using the Power Stone. [Similar to what he was doing to Thor in the
first scene in Infinity War].
 Avengers watch as Cap Marvel dies. Thanos teleports to another planet using Space
 The Avengers Endgame Title card appears in purple. The theme is the same one that
plays when the 'Age Of Ultron' title card appears.
 Cut to 2 years later, Rhodey and Cap in a conference where Stan Lee gives an
inspirational speech.
 They help the military to repair to world.
 New York is being watched over by upgraded Iron Legion, who are assigned to protect
people by Tony Stark. In Avengers Facility, Grey-Haired Tony walks in a room full of new Iron
Man armors and is working on the Mark 85 and suddenly PTSD strikes him. Pepper listens to
Tony scream and comes to help. Friday interrupts them and says they have a visitor. A much
older Harley Keener arrives and asks for a job in Stark Industries. His family was dusted in the
snap and he desperately needs help. tony feels sorry and gives him a job. He reminds Tony of
the stealth mode idea, and Tony decides to work on it.
 Thor is in space in search of the surviving Asgardians. Rocket is with him. He finds them
and Valkyrie is taking care of a small Asgard in Nidavellir. Apparently, Korg and Eitri have died
in the snap. The Asgardians are sad and struggling to live.
 Banner experiments on himself to bring out the Hulk but fails.Nebula, Bruce, Tony, Nat,
Rhodey and Steve are living in Avengers facility. Natasha goes to Japan and finds Clint
fighting the Yakuza as Ronin. unlike the trailers, her hair is Red color in this scene.He
recovers pieces of Mjolnir, which the Yakuza wanted to use to make dangerous weapons. He
is working as a lone assassin but Nat convinces him to come home.
 Clint arrives at Avengers compound and tells them the loss of his family. Cap breaks down
in tears and says "We lost, all of us................" speech from the trailer.
 Ant-Man escapes from Quantum Realm with the help of his ants, and comes to Avengers
 He talks about time-vortex and unshrinks Hank Pym lab. Tony and Banner works on
Quantum Realm suits.They make a Gauntlet using pieces of Mjolnir recovered by Hawkeye.
They decide to copy the stones using B.A.R.F tech. They both talk about unleashing 'The
Machine" if anything goes wrong.
 Nebula contacts Rocket and Thor and they arrive to earth. Captain America makes one
last plan and divides the group into 2 teams to time travel and copy the Stones.
 The Quantum suits are developed.
 The teams are 1. Tony, Bruce, Scott, Steve and Nat travel to 2012. They travel to the
point before the Avengers are created and the Tesseract is in shield custody. Nat leads Scott
to Shield facility and Scott shrinks and copies the space stone right before Loki's arrival
scene. Cap,Bruce and Tony go to the New York battle but 2012 Cap sees the old Tony and
past Tony flying off in the sky, Tony explains he is from the future and asks "Do you trust me?'
Unlike the trailers, Cap says "No'. So Tony focuses on distracting past Cap while explaining
everything to him and Cap is confused as hell.The conversation is really funny. In the
meantime, future Cap and Bruce waits in Avengers Tower to the moment where Hulk
smashes Loki. After that, they find the Sceptre lying in the floor and they copy the mind stone.
when they turn back, The Hulk encounters them. Hulk is confused and Banner and Hulk
recognise each other. Hulk then focuses on the battle of New York.
 In the meantime Tony explains to the past cap that he cannot tell anything to the rest of
his team members, or else timeline will be messed up.Ant-man and Widow arrives and tell
their work is done. All of them regroup and go back to the Quantum Realm.
 The second team which has Rocket, Thor, Nebula, Clint and Rhodey revisit the collector
in Knowhere when he opens the Orb. Rocket has a skirmish with his past self and tells the
Collector about his future. Collector lets Rocket copy the Power Stone. Karina tries to hold it
but future Rocket stops her and says in the original timeline it kills her. Nebula reminds them
that at this point Ronan comes, and Nebula, War Machine and Clint fight ronan's army using
Battle ships. [as they can't breathe in space]. Clint has a lot of fun driving a ship, and Nebula
fights past Nebula.
 Future Rocket is with Thor. Thor knows that Collector has the Aether and tells him if they
don't copy the Reality tone, Thanos kills him in the future. Thor and Rocket copy the reality
stone and all these heroes set back to earth.They plan on retrieving the two other stones on
their way through the Quantum realm.
 Scene cuts to Titan, The stones which the Avengers have copied become unusable as
two same stones can't coexist together in one reality. thanos is enraged and screams

Act 2
 Avengers return to HQ. thanos [in full armor with 2 bladed sword] attacks their HQ and
destroys it. He demands an explanation. Hawkeye, Ant-man and Black Widow protect Stark
gauntlet from Ouriders. Nebula, War Machine and Rocket protect Quantum Tunnel. Bruce
quickly uses some tools to power the New Vision. New Vision arises, he has a cooler and
darker design. There is no stone in his forehead. he is more purplish and the Green parts are
replaced with Bluish grey and has a collar-like cape.
 Thor, cap and Iron Man fight Thanos. Cap does little damage and is knocked out. Iron-
Man Mark 85 is 10 times stronger than Mark 50 and does heavy damage but is still knocked
out. Thor and Thanos have an epic fight but Thanos impales Thor, which kills him. Cap rages
out. Banner and Vision come to help. Banner rages out after seeing dead Thor.He becomes
Professor Hulk due to experiments he did to his body. Stark flies off with cap who is badly
damaged while New Vision and Professor Hulk fight Thanos. Hawkeye almost dies protecting
the Gauntlet and Black widow barely makes it out alive with the Gauntlet.War Machine,
Rocket and Nebula join the fight with Thanos while Stark orders Cap, Clint and Widow to look
after the Gauntlet and Quantum tunnel. Cap is furious as hell and wants to kill Thanos and Nat
tries to cool him down.
 Iron Man and war Machine's suits combine to form a proton cannon strong enough to
paralyze Thanos. Hulk, Vision and Iron Man and War Machine and Rocket damage Thanos
badly but he retreats.
 Avengers have no time to mourn Thor and Stark orders Vision to look after the Earth while
they are away.
 They seek help from wong who tells them that the Ancient One saw countless futures and
kept the time stone safe in the Sanctum.
 the remaining 9 Avengers make a plan. Stark, Nebula, Ant-Man. Hulk and Rocket
Raccoon revisit Titan battle when Mantis puts Thanos to sleep,They hide behind a cliff and no
one can see them. Tony tells Rocket what quill does. When they see Quill flying towards
Thanos Rocket stuns him from behind. The past Guardians are confused and past Iron Man
thinks that something is wrong with Quill's suit. They stunned Quill so that Thanos could be
asleep for a longer time. Antman crawls up the Gauntlet while Thanos is asleep and copies
the soul stone.[no sacrifice required] Doctor Strange sees him but nods and does nothing as
he saw the future already. Spider-Man starts pulling the Gauntlet. Future Stark tells that
Thanos has to do the snap or else the timeline will be altered too much. Right when Spider-
man is about to take the Gauntlet, future Iron Man fly off with him and drop him nearby and
Prof hulk hits Thanos to wake him up. The Avengers ditch the past heroes and enter the
Quantum Realm.
 Meanwhile Cap, Nat, Clint and Rhodes travel to the Sanctum and visit the Ancient One.
They tell her about the Snap and Ancient one seems to know about it. The Ancient One warns
them that altering the timeline could make things even worse, but agrees to let them copy the
time stone anyway.
Act 3
 Cut to a scene of Thor waking up in a wierd place. He has glowing yellow eyes. He sees
his forefathers in a dining hall. They have white glowing eyes and look at Thor with
disappointment. A mysterious figure welcomes him. The person appears to be Hela and she
explains to him that the Gods who die are destined to live forever in Hel.
 She tells Thor that Odin gathered the Infinity Stones to conquer the nine realms and he
sacrificed Hela by imprisoning her forever to get the Soul Stone. He then used all his power to
shatter the stones across the Earth.
 Thor then turns and sees Loki who is paralyzed and suffering endlessly for his actions, so
is Odin.
 Thor tells Hela if there is anyway he can be reborn again. Hela tells her to escape Hel and
go back to reality, he needs to kill the current ruler of Hel, which none of the Gods could
complete. Thor makes a deal with her that he will kill the ruler of Hel so that Hela can become
the new ruler in exchange for her army. Thor turns back and sees a gate open in an Arena
[the scene from the big Game Spot which sees Thor turned around and entering a place with
 A huge Green Serpent rises from the ground, and he also breathes Fire.
 Scene cuts to Thanos who reappears in titan, he finds none of the stones are usable and
throws away the Gauntlet in anger. He enters a secret location in his ship, and talks to a
mysterious female figure and tells her he needs her help.He also calls her his child. The face
reveals to be Supergiant, and she is played by Katherine Langford.Thanos prepares to attack
the Earth with a huge army of Outriders.
 In the meantime Avengers regroup in Wakanda.. They know only Hulk and Thor can wield
the Gauntlet without dying, but Thor is already Dead. The gauntlet still needs to be developed.
They know Thanos will attack and they go to Wakanda to ask help from the army. Rocket and
Nebula use the Benatar to go to Xandar. Nova prime is dead and they convince Rhomann
Dey to avenge Xandar by providing them army to fight Thanos. Rhomann Dey, who is the new
Nova prime mentions the names of some decimated comrades, which includes the names
Ryder and Alexander. The Nova Corps agree to help.
 Thanos attacks Wakanda again, this time Supergiant leads the Outriders. Wakanda has a
reduced army and the Avengers are losing the battle. M'Baku and okoye lead the Wakandan
army. Supergiant is overpowered as hell. Tony works on completing the Gauntlet in Shuri's
lab while the Avengers hold off Thanos and Supergiant. Cap is protecting Tony in the lab,
similar to how Shuri was protecting Vision. The other Iron Man armors also fight the battle,
along with a new black Hulkbuster controlled by rhodey.
 Scene cuts to Thor who fights the Midgard Serpent. He is damaged badly, but at the last
moment Lightning starts to flow out of his veins and he becomes overpowered. He manages
to defeat the Midgard Serpent and is rewarded with a belt which will help him to become
stronger after taking damage and Hela's undead army. Hela becomes the new ruler of Hel.
Thor turns to Loki and says he will come back for him.
 The Avengers are losing the fight but Rocket and Nova Corps join them. The Gauntlet is
completed and Prof Hulk wields it while the rest of the Avengers hold back Thanos. Prof Hulk
loses his arms and Cap wields the Gauntlet to bring everyone back but dies. Tony tried to stop
him though. The dead heroes reappear exactly where they dusted. Strange creates a portal
and the dead Titan heroes enter wakanda through the portal. All the Avengers team up
together against Thanos and his army and Iron Man leads them. iron Man even says
"Avengers Assemble' and they all charge against Thanos to avenge Cap. Thanos is enraged
and fights with the intent to kill. A ghost-like undead Thor appears with Hela's undead army,
along with the Giant Wolf. Thor is overpowered [even stronger than Captain Marvel] and fights
Thanos one on one. Strange fights Supergiant and kills her. Thor kills Thanos. War Machine,
Okoye, M'Baku, Star-Lord and Black Panther die in the battle.
 Right after the battle a beam of light reaches the sky from the Quantum Tunnel and
creates a huge Blackhole. This wasone result of altering the timeline. The Black Hole causes
a lot of destruction and different realities start to collide. To save everyone, Iron-Man enters
the Quantum Tunnel and destroys Quantum Realm's core using the Gauntlet's power killing
himself and destroying the stones and the Quantum Realm in the process. Before that, he
sees multiple futures where he leads a happy life with Pepper and children, and Peter parker
is forced to close the Quantum tunnel with Stark inside it. The Black Hole then closes.
 Thor then travels to new Asgard [which was built in Nidavellir] and tells Valkyrie his time is
past and she has to take care of ASgard. He takes Loki's place in Hel, bringing Loki back to
life in his place, and Loki becomes King of Asgard and honors Thor by building a statue of him
infront of Asgard.
 Hawkeye retires to family life
 Guardians mourn Quill and Rocket becomes their new leader. Quill's death was very
emotional.Shuri becomes the new Black-Panther. T'challa is mourned by the Wakandans.
 Hulk gets a new Vibranium arm and stays with the new Avengers.
 Avengers mourn Stark and Rogers and Black Widow gives speech at their funeral.
 Stark leaves a new suit and tech at Harley Keener's home and he will probably become
IronHeart in future movies.
 Spider-Man and Strange quits Avengers.
 Winter Soldier and Falcon join Shield on a secret mission. Apparently, timeline alterations
have restored Crossbones and Fury recruits them to fight him on a mission.
 The movie ends with New Avengers led by Black Widow. Hulk, Scarlet Witch, New Vision,
Captain Marvel, Wasp are in the team.
Post Credits: Adam warlock is born.
End Credits: Celestials are introduced as a threat.
Hiroyuki Sanada is not Kang the Conqueror. He plays a Yakuza gangster.

Only 2 OG Avengers will play an important role as an Avenger in the next movies. Hulk and Black
Widow. Prof Hulk won't revert to Banner. Ruffalo will only provide Hulk's voice.

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