Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling by Plane: From 550 To 580 Miles Per Hour

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Advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane

Nowadays, there are many ways to travel around the world. For
example, traveling by train, ship, car or airplane. But if you want to
travel far the best way is to travel by air. But it has both advantages
and disadvantages.

First advantage of traveling by plane is that you get to your

destination pretty fast. We can travel to anywhere in few hours. If we
travel by car or ship, it could take few days. After all planes can fly
from 550 to 580 miles per hour. Secondly flight journey provides
comfort. You can sleep, listen to music, read books and magazine
while you fly.

On the other hand, traveling by air has it’s disadvantages too. For
instance, flying is very bad for the environment. Airplanes engines
emit heat, noise and gases which contribute to climate change. Also,
the flight can be delayed. If the weather is bad or there is a problem
with a plane, the flight can be delayed even for a few hours.

All in all, I think that the best option for traveling to other countries or
even continents is flying.

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