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Many people have a tradition to go to the church on Christmas.

It does not
matter if someone goes there only on Christmas or every Sunday, people are
always welcomed there. Everyone can support church if they want to, but
should one pay to pray?
Today I have watched a video from ‘Good Morning Britain’ where two show
guests, Reverend Joanna Jepsen and Jemma Forte, discussed whether people
should pay to go to church on one of the biggest holidays of year. Jemma Forte
believes that a person should give something back to the church for the
services they perform. She thinks that the money someone is giving the church
is going back to the community or helping the church itself. However,
Reverend Joanna Jepson feels that everyone should be welcome at church
whether they pay or not. The Reverend believes that Christmas is not about
material things but rather about overcoming obstacles and finding faith.
To my way of thinking, no one should not pay to go to the church, but people
should give donations. If a person cares enough to come to the church, a
person should care about helping it financially too. After all, everyone knows
where their money is going and where it is going to be spent. Of course, not
everyone can donate. There are people who go to church looking for help. That
is why it would be unfair if everyone had to pay to go to there. In my town it is
free to go to the church and if someone is poor or lives alone and has no one
to spend Christmas with, a priest organizes a gathering in the Christmas Eve
with food and drinks. I am certain that this gathering is held from the money
people donated.
After watching this video, I felt the urge to go to church because of the way
Reverend Joanna was talking. She was so passionate about the topic and it
seemed like she really cared about what she was saying. She was speaking with
enough enthusiasm and calmness can be heard in her voice that could make a
person feel calm as well. Her eyes and smile radiated kindness.
All things considered, no one should pay to pray but people should give
donations if it is possible. The money is going to be used for good purposes and
maybe even bring happiness to people. To me, that is more than enough of a
reason to donate.

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