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Day 1

English Day 2

Why did you take the photo you selected?:

I was like anyone searching for a nice picture, something that i like and
then i saw this car with the 2 boys. First i thought it was a normal car but
then I saw the ​“Spirit of Ecstasy” the figure on the grill.
That means the car in the picture is an old Rolls Royce.

What does the photo depict?:

The photo shows a Rolls Royce with 2 boys standing near to it.
In the background we see a House and far away a city.
The picture was taken in the early 1980s. I can't say exactly where at
Location is only London written.
You can see that the car is relatively new and the boys are a little
Why does it have a special relation to English/British culture for

To be honest I didn't read the questions before I picked the photo but I
may have an answer. Rolls Royce is founded in England and stands for
Luxury elegant cars. That's what i think about the british the “elegant”
typical Gentleman from Britain. The culture of the Britain is full of
unwritten rules that any Gentleman needs to know.

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