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The honorable all of the juries

The honorable all of the participant

And my beloved friend

As a matter of first importance I’d like to thank to Allah S.W.T the strong, the gift, and the
forgiving, so we can accumulate here to the piece of English Speech Contest.

Second, I might want to say thank you for everybody who have given personal time to
attempt to speeh before all of you. On this occasion, I might want to convey my speeh, the
title is “National eduation day”

Ladies & Gentleman

Education is an important thing for the progress of a nation, to become an advanced nation is
certainly the ideal of every country in the world. Education is a process of producing quality
future generations. Indonesia is one of the developing countries that has the capability to
become a developed country in the field of education.

why education is very important for us? Because it not only gives us knowledge but teaches
us manners and the right things. Education nurtures us to become adult individuals,
individuals who are able to plan for the future and make the right decisions in life.

and because of that we as the younger generation have become an obligation to always learn
so that in the future we can lead our country to become a developed country in the field of

I think that’s all my speech. I hope it is useful for you all. I am sorry for any words or behave
that unpleasing your heart. Thank you very much for the occasion and your kind attention.
Good morning.
Wasalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Muchamad cahya firdaus

2B/D3 Petro dan Oleo Kimia

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