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Instruction:Translate these sentences into english.the verbs in brackets will help you.

1. Air ketuban anda sepertinya berlebihan.

2. Dukungan anda kepada istri anda memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman.
3. Kami selalu meneyediakan pelayanan 24 jam.
4. Terlalu banyak orang lalu lalang di ruang persalinan meningkatkan stress bagi si ibu.
5. Air ketuban dalam kondisi normal tetap jernih.


1. Your amniotic fluid seems excessive.

2. Your support for your wife provides a sense of security and comfort.
3. We always provide 24 hour service.
4. To many people walking around the delivery room increases stress for the mother.
5. The amniotic fluid under normal conditions remains clear.

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