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Study Notes Dated : 2008-03-18

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
What is your favorite song of all time?
Answer :
Let a man then know his worth, and keep things under his feet. Let him not peep or
steal, or skulk up and down with the air of a charity-boy, a bastard, or an

Question 2:
What are your turn offs?
Answer :
A man always has two reasons for doing anything a good reason and the real reason.

Question 3:
What is your favorite holiday?
Answer :
By means of microscopic observation and astronomical projection the lotus flower
can become the foundation for an entire theory of the universe and an agent whereby
we may perceive Truth.

Question 4:
Time freezes for everyone but you for one day. What do you do?
Answer :
It is better to be unfaithful than to be faithful without wanting to be.

Question 5:
How often do you help others? Who do you help? How do you help?
Answer :
If you haven't got charity in your heart,?you have the worst kind of heart trouble.

Question 6:
Do you have any siblings?
Answer :
A good old age becomes mellow and ripe. There is less of irritability, more of
contentment. Children are a joy to a good old age. God is nearer.

Question 7:
Which do you prefer? Books or movies?
Answer :
Love is just a system for getting someone to call you darling after sex.

Question 8:
What was your favorite children's book?
Answer :
It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.

Question 9:
Was there ever an event in your life that defied explanation?
Answer :
Ever occur to you why some of us can be this much concerned with animals suffering?
Because government is not. Why not? Animals don't vote.

Question 10:
What holidays have been over-commercialized?
Answer :
A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his

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