StudyNotes 86345

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Study Notes Dated : 2007-07-23

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
What are you going to do this weekend?
Answer :
What an exciting super-tomorrow it will be! Americans are today making the greatest
scientific developments in our history. That is a promise of new levels of
employment, industrial activity and human happiness.

Question 2:
What is the best restaurant in your area?
Answer :
See the conquering hero comes! Sound the trumpet, beat the drums!

Question 3:
Do you think people read more or fewer books now than 50 years ago?
Answer :
Democracy the domination of unreflective and timorous men, moved in vast herds by
mob conditions.

Question 4:
Which TV show do you want your life to be like?
Answer :
The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another
human being with whom one's relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as
the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is
a most marvelous thing, it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately
wishing for it. It is a sort of Divine accident.

Question 5:
Who is someone popular now that you really like? Why do you like them so much?
Answer :
Every fault but a debt will be forgiven to a martyr.

Question 6:
Do you know what your your name means?
Answer :
But our wiser years still run back to the despised recollections of childhood, and
always we are fishing up some wonderful article out of that pond; until, by and by,
we begin to suspect that the biography of the one foolish person we know is, in
reality, nothing less than the miniature paraphrase of the hundred volumes of the
Universal History.

Question 7:
Do you wish there were more or fewer holidays? Why?
Answer :
At last some curious traveller from Lima will visit England, and give a description
of the ruins of St. Paul's, like the editions of Baalbec and Palmyra.

Question 8:
What is the biggest holiday for your family?
Answer :
Recreation is not a secondary concern for a democracy. It is a primary concern, for
the kind of recreation a people make for themselves determines the kind of people
they become and the kind of society they build.

Question 9:
Where is the most beautiful place you have been?
Answer :
I was under twenty when I deliberately put it to myself one night after good
conversation that there are moments when we actually touch in talk what the best
writing can only come near. The curse of our book language is not so much that it
keeps forever to the same set phrases ... but that it sounds forever with the same
reading tones. We must go out into the vernacular for tones that haven't been
brought to book.

Question 10:
If you were a king\/queen, what would your throne look like?
Answer :
Maybe it's other people's reactions to us that makes us who we are.

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