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NO Nouns Sentences

1 Anger The anger full his soul.

2 Beauty He was fascinated with her beauty.
3 Craziness No craziness from either of you.
4 Danger The danger of Corona Virus is still haunt us all.
5 Ease Set your mind at ease.
6 Familiarity Familiarity is the enemy of desire.
7 Guilt After the accident, he feels his heart full of guilt.
8 Happiness Happiness can be found in every small things in life.
9 Intelligence We can get intelligence.
10 Juice Drinking juice is good for our health.
11 Kindness There is power in kindness.
12 Luck Before the tournament, my mum wish me for luck.
13 Misery The money brought him nothing but misery.
14 Nature It was in his nature.
15 Offence See take offence.
16 Pain I feel a pain here.
17 Question It wasn't a question, but a flat statement.
18 Romance She wasn't in a mood for romance.
19 Strength It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again.
20 Truth Tell the truth it will make you feel better.
21 Ugliness People don't have any right for someone else ugliness.
22 Violence Police records attest to his long history of violence.
23 warmth I could feel the warmth of the fireplace.
24 Youth There are many youth organizations throughout the city.
25 zeal They worked with great zeal to finish the project.

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