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Some people argue that travelling abroad is a valuable part of every young person’s

education. To what extent would you agree with this opinion?

Travelling is an indispensable part of the growth of every adolescent nowadays. It is essential for a
young mind to be able to explore and even more so beyond the borders of their own country. Travelling
abroad has become a way of grasping foreign cultures and enrichening one’s own general knowledge.

On one hand, travelling abroad might seem too expensive. Most of the time hotels come at a steep price
and you have to look out for an affordable means of transport. Furthermore, going abroad might mean
that you must exchange currency and the prices in other countries may seem higher than in your own.

On the other hand, an affordable offer isn’t too hard to come by these days. It might also prove to be
worth the money as it could provide unique experiences. If you enjoy your journey and learn something
it is going to be indefinitely more rewarding than staying at home and wasting money on materialistic

On one side, travelling abroad provides an opportunity of being independent, even if it’s for a short
while. It might benefit the young person’s growth greatly. Being able to look after yourself is a big part
of an adolescent’s life and education as a whole. Moreover, going abroad teaches young people about
the different cultures and languages. This can be extremely valuable in today’s world.

All in all, travelling abroad is a crucial part of every adolescent’s education. It reveals knowledge that
cannot be obtained in school alone.


Mariela Radeva 12 d

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