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County Focused Strategies

 Plan and do an annual report to the Commissioners

 Develop profiles of each County Commissioner and other elected officials
 Advisory members select and elected official or key county leader to build a
relationship with and educate about Extension.
 Invite elected officials to present awards, bring greetings and attend events.
 Host field day events highlighting exemplary and innovative Extension programs.
 Write congratulatory letters to newly elected officials.
 Write thank you letters to outgoing elected officials.
 Following an election, collect information on newly-elected policymakers.
 During pre-election, share general information about Extension with candidates.
 Host an annual festive, get-together (ie. “pig-pickin”) for all county, state and
federal elected officials in the county.
 Develop a special report on county initiatives and major programs after
conducting the environmental scan and annual plan of work.
 Plan an advisory council meeting to enhance member and faculty understanding
of the political environment and county government process.
 Investigate and report back on roles and responsibilities of county board
 Attend political functions and network with elected officials and their staff.

State level strategies

 Plan and conduct a Day of Legislature

 Do a profile on each local legislator
 Have a Relationship Marketing Committee
 Contact appropriation members via e-mail
 Local advisory leaders make key contacts with legislators in their home county.
 Plan training opportunities for local advisory leaders on state legislative process.
 Develop a statewide network of advisory leaders who can and will make key
contacts at appropriate times.
 Become a trusted resource.
 Involve elected officials in prominent roles at state Extension functions.

Federal level strategies

 Host “back home” visits with Congressmen to thank them and discuss issues of
mutual concern
 Send a small delegation to Washington to visit Congressmen in their offices.
 Host Legislative Assistants and other staffers to a special dinner to build
 Get acquainted with home offices of congressional representatives and senators.

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