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Name : Putu Eka Putri Anggraeni

Student Number : P07124220041

Middle Test English Language

A. Retell the story of the song “Before You Go” By Lewis Capaldi

“Before You Go,” is a song about all the things Lewis could have said and done to his
friend who is no longer with them now. In the first verse, Lewis admits that he is at fault for
not paying much attention to his friend. Maybe ‘adulthood’ happened to both of them and
they got busy with life. Lewis starts to think about all the fond memories he had with this
special friend. But now these memories are getting replaced with more gruesome thoughts
and guilt. Lewis also blames his friend’s actions on his mind. Taking your own life is a
seriously tough call to make and even tougher call to execute. So someone has to develop a
very strong mindset to commit suicide. Lewis Capaldi blames himself that he was not there
for his friend to help him build a strong mind towards recovery.


1. C. Finished

2. A. Screamed

3. B. Went

4. C. Will have finished 

5. C. Grew up

6. B. Arrive

7. D. Won’t improve

8. C. Has never flown

9. A. Have been living

10. D. Was watching

11. D. Have been waiting

12. C. Had attended

13. D. Had been away

14. A. Were already dancing

15. C. Had buckled


1. They have been in Chicago for 20 years. (be)

2. I saw a wonderful film in the cinema last night. (see)
3. The sun rose at 6:38 yesterday morning. (rise)
4. I promise that I will not tell this secret to anyone.  (not tell)
5. Nothing much happened when I got to the meeting. (happen)
6.  My parents will be in New York two weeks from today. (be)
7. I made two mistakes in the last quiz. (make)
8. Unfortunately, our team didn’t win any games last year. (not win)
9. I was tired yesterday because I hadn't slept well the night before. (not sleep)
10. Sh! Someone is listening to our conversation! (listen)
11. I think Bob will leave for London this very moment.(leave)
12. When I left the house this morning, it was already raining. (already rain) 
13. Our daughter has graduated from the university yet. (graduate)
14. She goes to a doctor once a year for an examination. (go)
15. This is being easy quiz so far. (be)

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