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Nama : Putri Iska Aldina

Nim : 12117145
Resume Minggu 5

Petroleum Geology and Geophysics

a. Seismic Method
 Basic exploration
 Identify oporto capture prime areas acquire seismic data process seismic data
 Interpret assess prospect ekonomi analysis drill wildcats
b. Raw Seismic Data
c. Seismic Acquisitron
1. 3D Survey
 Imaging objectives: image area, target depth, dips, velocity, size / ticness of bodies to
be ineiged, etc
 Survey parameter: survey area, fold, offsets, sampling, shooting direction, etc
 Bakinse antara kualitas data dan uang
2. Land Operations: vibrators generate a disturbance geophone detected motion
3. Marine Operations: air guns detected pressure generate disturbance hydrophone

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